Ships w/ Fives

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A/N: To make my life easier, I will put the person who is talking's name before they speak. I have seen many variations of Fives and ships, but I hope this version of it is different than most others.

Fives ran into the mess, and saw some clones and Jedi from the 501st and 212th.

Fives: "Attention, subjects!"

Echo: "Seriously, Fives?"

Obi-Wan: "Hello There."

Fives: "General Kenobi."

Cody: "Why are we here?"

Fives: "I have ships that I want and THEY WILL sail."

The people there look at each other, scared.

Fives: "They don't include all of you. You all just have to help me."

Ahsoka: "That is a relief."

Kix: "As long as nobody gets hurt."

Fives: "Firstly, our first ship is requested by Wrecker, who is currently on a mission. I call the ship Wreckidala."

Rex: "And who is in this ship?"

Fives: "Wrecker and Senator Amidala."

Echo: "I ship it."


Fives: "Yes! My plan succeeded. Anidala is official."

Anakin: "YOU RAT!"

Fives: "Okay, so next is recommended by General Shipwalker himself."

Anakin: "Ok, Rat. Continue."

Fives: "It is Rexsoka."

Rex and Ahsoka: "EWWW WE ARE FRIENDS!"

Fives: "Platonic, then. Next is a battle. Codywan vs. Obitine. WHICH ONE, BOYS?"

Obi-Wan: "Satine's dead, so—"

Cody: "Obitine."

Obi-Wan: "CODY?!!??!?!"

Cody: "What?"

Obi-Wan walks over to Cody and starts passionately kissing him. The clones watched in shock, and Cody tried to get out of it, but Obi-Wan just kept kissing him.

Fives: "Okay then. Let's continue."

Cody: "Help me."

Rex: "You are kissing the hottest General in the GAR, and you are asking for help?"

Anakin: "Hey!"

Cody: "Yes."

Obi-Wan: "He will ask for more later, trust me."

Fives: "You two can keep going, but we must continue. This one is requested by me. COME HERE, ECHO!"

Echo screamed, and tried running, but Fives toppled over him and started hugging and kissing the clone.

Echo: "Help?"

Cody: "I need help first."

Rex: "I'm leaving y'all to have fun. I don't want to be here when it gets intense."

Cody: "Rex, help me and Echo. That is an order."

Rex: "General Kenobi outranks you, so he would order me to do the opposite."

Obi-Wan: "Yes, leave us alone."

Echo and Cody tried to fight but their partners never let go. They groaned and waited for their companion to let go. And that wasn't going to happen for a while.

Emoji of the Day: 💄

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