Secura the Date

52 1 3

Mentions of Alcohol

Kit looked around the room. He found his nicest robe, and put it on. The Jedi Code was slowly being loosened, maybe Yoda and Yaddle have been caught. Aayla and Kit were at the temple and had a free day together. At least, Kit was going to go along with Aayla. He walked out, and saw Aayla with none other than her commander, Bly.

"Oh, hello, Kit. It is nice to see you today."

"Hello, Aayla. And hello, Commander."

"Hello, General."

"Commander, shouldn't you be with your men? Monnk is training his," Kit said. He is trying his hardest to get Aayla alone.

"Sir, the men are having a free day too. They don't want to train every day. I gave them a break."

"Don't worry, Kit, he will be good. Plus, the more the merrier!"

"Yeah... I guess."

They walked to a nearby cantina, Bly and Aayla talking about the war while Kit kept to himself.

"You okay, Kit? You are awfully quiet."

"Yeah? I am fine, Aayla. This cantina better be good."

Aayla led them to the cantina, and she got them in. Bly groaned, realizing that she picked 79's as the cantina. The men would think that they are together.

"Three drinks, please," Aayla said.

The bartender came back with the drinks, and they started drinking. Aayla slowly sipped hers, Bly didn't touch his, and Kit downed a few in the course of several minutes.

"Commander, can I have your drink?" Kit asked.

"It might be spiked, sir. The clones absolutely love seeing their Commanders drunk."

Kit took the drink and started drinking. The effects came fast.

"Aayla, you look... HAWT today!"

"Kit, you are drunk, no more!" Aayla said.

"Yes ma'am," Kit slurred.

Aayla made sure that Kit was stable, and looked over at Bly, who was making sure his men didn't drink too much. His drunk brothers were confused that he was fine, as they had indeed spiked his drink. Which means that Kit is even more drunk.

"Heeyyyyyy Hottie," Kit said.

"Kit, I don't like you like that."

Kit got up, and walked over to Bly.

"General Fisto? What's wrong?"

Kit punched Bly in the stomach, making the clone fall back.


Bly looked up at Kit in fear, and ran out of the cantina.

"KIT WHAT ARE YOU DOING!" Aayla yelled.

"I just scared your Commander away so we could have alone time."

"What!? Where is Bly?"

"I don't know. Hopefully gone."

"KIT! I will report this to the council!"

"You don't like me?" Kit cried.

Aayla dragged Kit out of the bar, and the clones watched intensely. Once the Jedi were gone, they continued drinking.

Aayla entered the temple, and went to the council.

"Aayla, what is wrong?" Kenobi asked.

"He is drunk. Just keep an eye on him, he yelled at my Commander," Aayla said.

"If you need help with your commander, ask Plo or Shaak. They are the clone parents."

"Thanks, Master Kenobi."

Aayla ran to her clone barracks, and saw that Bly's door was locked.

"Bly, please let me in."

Bly opened the door, tears streaming down his face.

"Oh, Bly..."

"No, sir. I was told my worth by a Jedi. I have been mislead since I left the Kaminoans."

"No, Bly. Kit was drunk, and he didn't mean anything."

"Drunkenness makes the truth become clear. I know from experience."

"Yeah, but he was obsessed with me. He knows the attachment Code..."

"Apparently not. They want to relieve part of the Code."

"Who's leading this movement?"

"Most of the Jedi with attachments. Generals Yoda, Skywalker, Koon, Kenobi, and many more."

"Kenobi has attachments? Never knew."

"He liked that Duchess very well, and loves his Commander," Bly snickered.

"Maybe I should join the movement."

"Only of you have a love interest, sir."

"I do."

Aayla kissed Bly.

"Can I 'Secura' a date with you, Commander."

"Whatever you say, General."

Emoji of the Day: 🪐

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