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Plo walked to the mess hall, where he saw a lot of men. His sons, actually. The Wolfpack was eating some mystery meat at the moment. The tables were all pushed together, and the boys saved Plo a spot. They were all talking, and some were biting each other. They finished eating their meat, leaving all their canned veggies behind.

"DAD! Look what I made!" Warthog yelled to Plo, showing him a picture of Plo killing a bunch of droids.

"That is beautiful, Warthog. We should put that on display in the gym."

Warthog jumped in excitement and ran to tell his brothers of his accomplishment. Plo chuckled, knowing that the clone never was rewarded for his victories. He wanted Warthog, and all of his other sons to be happy and prosperous.

"DAD! DAD! DAD!" Sinker yelled. Plo looked over, and saw that Sinker had won a game of Battleship. "I never win! And I beat Boost!"

"Wow, Sinker, maybe we should call you Floater now."

Sinker laughed. "Thanks, Dad."

Plo went around to all of his sons and they showed each other their accomplishments. Paintings, battle scars, stories, and much more. Plo decided to head over to Wolffe.

"Hello, Wolffe."

"Oh, hi, General."

"You can just call me Dad."

"Ok, s— erm, Dad."

Since Wolffe is the oldest, it is hardest for him to adapt to calling Plo dad. And Shaak mom. But the shinies love it, and are glad Plo is their General.

"What do you need, Dad?"

"Are you alright? You have been limping recently."

"I'm fine, just another bullet wound."

"And did you see a medic?"

"Um, no, but I wrapped the wound myself. It isn't that hard."

"Let me see."

"It's fine, sir."

Plo lifted up Wolffe's leg, and noticed that it was decently wrapped, for a medically untrained clone.

"Ok, then. Good day, Wolffe."

Plo gave himself an hour of his own time before he did a holocall with Shaak. The boys loved to see her, and she felt the same. He sighed, and made sure all of his days with his men will make their lives in the future more joyful.

Emoji of the Day: 👨‍👦

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