Downfall I

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The cloaked figure walked down the hallway. At the end of the hallway was a hologram. The hologram's figure turned around, and sighed. The first figure bowed and removed his hood. Count Dooku.

"Master, it is good to see you."

"Dooku... the Kaminoans have removed the inhibitor chips we have provided," Sidious slurred.

"I know, I am working on it. Just give me some more time."

"We have no time! The Republic is to fall!"

"I know, Master. I understand."

"Or else... you will be replaced."

"Master, give me some time. It cannot interfere with the clones. Maybe we enhance the droids? Make a better droid?"

"We have the best models. They are compliant, cheap, and dangerous."

"Maybe a new fleet?"

"Takes too long."

"I don't know, Master."

"Oh! I have an idea!"

"Yes, Master?"

"I get a new apprentice! One younger, smarter, and more agile."

"I can beat most Jedi in a duel."

"Indeed. But will you beat... her?"

A door opened from behind Dooku. The Sith turned around and gasped. In front of him stood someone he thought was a Jedi. He knew he could beat her. She launched at him, a blue lightsaber trailing behind her. He deflected her swing, and laughed.

"This? Your new apprentice?"

"Yes. Now kill him!"

The girl took a small bow, and looked up at Dooku. Her eyes golden red. She kicked him when he was distracted, and his lightsaber clattered to the ground. He used the force to pick it back up, and she caught it instead. So powerful for her age.

"I taught her for these past few months. She proved useful to me. More useful than you."

The girl looked up at the hologram, and made Dooku kneel to her. She put both of her sabers in an X. She sliced off his head. The girl looked down in disgust, his body falling to the floor. She did it.

"Young one, you shall now be known as... Darth Traya."

The girl looked up, and nodded. She felt the screams of her former master. She deserved to scream. Darth Traya only heard one thing:

"Barriss, come home."

A/N: I know, I know, Darth Traya is a real person in legends. I just needed a Sith name for Barriss. I can't make names up on the top of my head really well. 😅
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