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A/N: Some references to my ship Grievong. (Krell X Grievous) This also ties tightly to the Offee chapters which were a few chapters ago.

'Hit me harder, Second Brother! Even Grievous can beat you.'

'Maybe I should have picked another Jedi...'



'Sideous will be disappointed in you.'

'I still can't believe a group of clones beat you... again.'

Krell woke up. He had a nightmare of Ventress' yelling. She was very strict as a Grand Inquisitor. He grabbed his saber and put it on his armored back suit. The attire for the Inquisitors was just basically a black armor. Ventress preferred night killing. Krell always assumed that is why Sideous called her a 'Nightsister.' Well, she was part of that cult, at least until it fell.

Krell put on his black helmet. Ventress gave it to him because 'she did not want to see his disgusting face.' Yet Grievous was ranting to Krell about how Ventress though he was pretty. Like, who prefers a cyborg with asthma over him? Well, he is the one who likes the cyborg. He opened his door, and saw Grievous waiting for him.

"Hello there," Grievous coughed.

"General Ken- erm, Grievous."

"You are a bold one. Do I really look like Kenobi? Or does he like better?"

"No, sorry, it's habit."

"Good. Ventress can't decide whether he or I am hotter."

"Why are you in my door?"

"We are dating, right? So I payed a visit," he said, showing a bouquet of.. droid parts. "It's not much, but I tried, Pong."

"Next time, bring me a dead flesh droid head, honey. Those taste delicious."

"Nah, the fetuses taste better. Ask the youngling slayer," Grievous chuckled.

"We can't ask him. He is a Jedi."

"A Jedi who we shall never underestimate and who somehow has a padawan."

"I still don't know how the Youngling Slayer has a youngling with him," Krell smirked.

"Don't ask me," Grievous coughed.

"I have to go to training. If I am late Ventress says she will eat me slowly."

Krell ran to the training room, where she saw Ventress killing flesh droid dummies with a strange saber. It was not like her normal ones, this one was a double-bladed spinning one. She spun the saber, and started flying. Krell looked at it, and wondered how that was even logical.

Ventress killed the dummy, and noticed Krell's presence despite the blindfold she was wearing.

"You are early. I'm surprised, Second Brother."

"I didn't want to be cooked like the flesh droids, ma'am."

"You know what, you get to pick the legion the flesh droid meat is from today. 327th or 501st?"

"501st meat. I need my revenge."

"Ok then. Those clones are probably dead by now, don't worry."

"I sense them. I smell their flesh. What is that new saber?"

"The new inquisitor saber? It's something I designed myself. Like it? It can fly. Just spin it and use the force for help and you can go anywhere."

"That's really cool, ma'am."

"Indeed. Try one," she said while tossing him the red inquisitor saber. Krell looked over it, and ignited it. The red blade shone, and he missed his own sabers immediately. He could swing more blades, but this is the sacrifice for choosing to join the inquisitors. Ventress got out her twin sabers, and ignited the blades.

"I bet you will beat me. Spinning it can knock the saber out of anyone's hands," Ventress said.

Krell spun the saber, and Ventress slashed on each side. Her sabers flew away, and she used the force to get them back.

"See? New saber technology for a new age."

Krell started swinging the saber. He could hardly use technique because the saber spun itself. It was basically a training wheels saber. A saber for force sensitive people who have no ability to wield a saber.

"You want new recruits. Ones with no training, don't you?" Krell gasped.

"Yes. They would be disposable, and with this saber, it will be easy to train them. We won't make them powerful, and I will let you use your normal sabers because we don't want to waste good technique."

"Okay then. Our lives will be easier, then."

"We will take younglings, temple guards, and random untrained folk. Those are the easiest targets."

Krell smiled, and Ventress returned it. They were going to have a much easier time winning this war.

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