Chap 1 : New Beginnings

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Trigger warning :
They're will be many disturbing scenes if you are uncomfortable reading it, please skip those parts.

I gasped panting for air, trying to tame the rapid beatings of my heart and once again my day started with a nightmare.

It's been a week since I moved to New York and I for once hoped that they'd stop but of course they won't.

I shouldn't have hoped for anything I thought bitterly.

Life hasn't been the same since a long time.

I guess I should introduce myself since you will be reading my story.

Heads up it isn't all rainbows and glitter.

My names Harley, and I'm 17 years old, I love to fight in the underground but I keep my identity hidden. I was home schooled for two years. Why I was home schooled? Honestly don't ask me that question.
I prefer to not answer it yet.

For what I learned from my life is that you can narrate your life but you can't control it. Never.

The nightmare, no the memory was still fresh in my mind.

With shaky legs I stood and entered my bathroom.

With a “click” I locked the door.

I know I shouldn't do this but I could care less its been the same since my life came spiraling down.

Since I was wearing shorts it made it easier.

The sharp metal digged into my skin making blood seep out.

I dragged it upwards, the pain gave me a sense of comfort.

Taking the razor out I stood up hissing at the burning sensation. I should be used to the pain now.

With a humorless laugh, I looked my self in the mirror.

All I saw was dead eyes staring at me.

I guess the pain was a sign that indeed I was still a human.

Well I could feel that emotion.

Lifting my shirt up I saw all those scars.

I winced as if I could still feel the pain from it.

I saw a body used like a rag as if it was a canvas to carve but the difference was this canvas wasn't beautiful.

It was simply hideous.

I guess I'm happy about one thing.

I get to meet my two best friends now.

With a tired sigh I cleaned myself and  started stripping my pajamas off and sliding myself in black leggings and a sports bra I tie my hair into a pony tail.

Stepping out of the bathroom I  grab my airpods and some random running shoes and walk down the stairs, into the kitchen and right  on time my stomach grumbled.

Time to feed my baby”

Just kidding I'm not pregnant but I eat like one. I poured my self some cold water and took out oatmeals with strawberrys,Delicious right.

After finishing my breakfast, I wash the dishes and started my morning stretch, grabbing my keys I walked out of the house not before grabbing a chocolate bar.

Don't come at me one thing everyone should know that I love chocolate and of course cheese.

Taking a deep breath I started jogging on the same path I've been going on for the past week.

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