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'What's wrong Sungie?'

'It's nothing, Baek. Don't worry.'

Jisung was trying to hide it from Baekhyun. However, the older knew him too well and could feel something was off.

'Sungie~ Don't lie to your hyung!'

'Ugh fine... Johnny disappeared and no one knows where he is...'


'Yeah, he lives with Mark and Jungwoo. But apparently he hasn't come back for a day or so...'

'I see... Well, we can't do anything about it for now, so let's not worry about him, yeah?' Baekhyun patted Jisung's head and left his room.

'Hey, I'm sorry about your eye, but I really do need it.' Said Dejun as he was looking at Johnny's eye through the microscope. Johnny was once again caged like an animal, unable to get out. At least Dejun had had the decency of giving him an eye patch.

The differences between human and vampire eyes were quite noticeable, the vampire ones admitted more light to the retina, making them more sensitive to light.

Johnny saw Dejun turn around after examining his eye for a few minutes. 'Oh, poor you. You must have hurt a lot because of our ignorance.'

Johnny's face was a poem. Dejun had literally tortured him a while ago and now he looked at him like he pitied him?

However, it wasn't what Johnny thought. Dejun lowered the intensity of the lights in the lab slightly. 'Why didn't you tell me lights hurt your eyes? I mean, eye.'

'Dejun geee' A human approached Dejun from behind, backhugging him. Dejun chuckled as he turned around to face the younger.

'What do you want, Yangyang?'

'Can I have him, please?'

'Not yet, I'm not done.'

Yangyang gave Dejun puppy eyes, however the older still didn't give in.

'Pwease ge'

'No, Yangyang. Wait for a little bit and I'll let you have it.'

'NoOoO but I want him now!' Yangyang whined like a child. Dejun shook his head, so Yangyang had to use another persuasion method. 'Kun said I could have him!'

Dejun sighed.

'Only for a few minutes, Ge. I promise I'll give him back once I'm done.'

Dejun finally gave in as Yangyang excitedly rushed towards the caged vampire.

'So, what's your name?' Johnny thought he was cute. He hoped this human would make this torture stop.

'Johnny.' He mumbled.

'Yukhei! Come get Johnny!' The tall guy he supposed was Yukhei appeared from behind Yangyang and opened the cage. With a quick, smooth movement he inserted a syringe needle on Johnny's arm, injecting the transparent liquid that was in it.

Johnny started to feel his limbs were heavy again. However, this time it was different as his mouth could move normally.

'What is all this for?'

'They're just safety measures, just in case. We still don't know each other.' Yangyang answered him.

Yukhei opened the cage and took him out. He was dragged outside the lab and carried until they reached another room. It had no windows and there was a glass splitting the room in two. There was a chair on each of the room sections. He was placed on a chair and then Yukhei proceeded to leave the room, not before locking the door, of course.

Damn, this Yukhei is strong...

Yangyang walked through the door and got inside the other side of the room, the glass separating them. He sat on the chair that was right in front of him. The human's aura changed slightly, from cute and innocent to cute but not so innocent. Johnny gulped as he didn't know what was waiting for him.

Chenle's head was filled with a certain tall male with who he'd spent some afternoons studying. He didn't know why, there was something about him that caught his attention, it was almost like he'd known him before. He felt his heart bea-

'Zhong Chenle!'

'Uh... huh?' Chenle stopped zoning out and finally payed attention to his practically brother who had just got into his room.

'You're so distracted these days.' Yukhei said as he sat on the bed, next to Chenle.

'Am I?'

'Yeah. What drugs are you on?'

Chenle rolled his eyes at Yukhei's comment. He wanted to say 'Shut up, you're the one taking drugs here', But that would have been way too insensitive so he punched his arm slightly.

Yukhei was feeling playful, so he attacked Chenle back by tackling and making him fall on the mattress. The younger defended himself by bending his knee and stopping Yukhei from hovering over him, pushing him off instead. He then jumped on Yukhei and pinned his arms above his head, straddling his lap.

The door opened showing a very surprised Renjun, who had just caught them in an easily misunderstandable position. 'Y-you guys are...'

Chenle's jaw dropped at Renjun's assumption, so Yukhei used this opportunity to thrust his hips up and push Chenle off him. The younger landed on the floor startling Renjun.

'Nah, I would never date this... squeaky toy.' Yukhei said. Chenle got up and smacked him on the head as a response.

'Don't worry, I wouldn't date a tree either.' Chenle sassed back.

'Me? A tree? Well, you're a mushroom then. Shortie!'

'I'm not a mushroom! You're the only vegetable in here!'

'A tree is not a vegetable you dumbass!'

'Well, at least I do have an ass you flat bitch.'

'I'm not flat! I got more cake than you, hoe.'

'You call that an ass?' Chenle snorted. 'Renjun, who has the fattest ass?'

Renjun stood awkwardly in front of them, wondering if they really were the most skilled 'vampire-hunters' in the city.

The awkward silence was soon broken by Chenle's phone, which emitted a soft 'ding' as a notification popped on its screen.

Jisung 💕

Hey, are we going to study tomorrow?

Chenle got his phone and unlocked his screen, wanting to answer. As soon as he did so Yukhei snatched his phone from him.

Chenle let out a high pitched scream as he tried to get his phone back. Yukhei managed to keep the phone long enough to text that Jisung guy a quick text and delete it right after.

'Yukhei, you bitch!'

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