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Chittaphon wrote down every single word that was said in the interrogation room. He was looking at them through a camera that projected a clear view of the room to his computer screen.

'Please stop...'

'Why? We're just talking. You still have to tell me a few things.'

Chittaphon saw the vampire begging Yangyang to stop the interrogation. He had to admit the younger was good with words, though he found a few things he should improve. He managed to trick Johnny into thinking they actually had his friend Mark, Yangyang made him spill some important information without the vampire noticing.

After a few minutes Yangyang decided to end the interrogation, the vampire was sent back to his cage and he went to Chittaphon's office.

'So, how was it?'

'Not bad. You still have to improve some things though. You can't rely on 'actors' to make your story credible, Yangyang. That was quite bold and risky. If the vampire had demanded you to see his friend your story would have been ruined and you would have lost his trust.'

'I will take that into account next time.'

'Fine. Now go to sleep, it's late and Kun will scold you.'

'Something is wrong, I can sense it.' Mark said out of nowhere. They were in the middle of watching a movie.

'Will you calm down?' Jisung said, bothered.

'How do you expect me to calm down?! Johnny fucking disappeared and all you can think of is a damn movie night?!'

'We were just trying to cheer you up, since Johnny's disappearance you and Jungwoo have been really stressed!'

'What made you think a movie night would fix everything? Did I organise a fucking party when Chanyeol-'

Mark didn't have time to finish the sentence as Jisung was already on him, fist colliding against his jaw.

'Don't fucking mention him.'

Mark barely moved, as he was a pure blooded vampire unlike Jisung. Instead, he threw a punch back, making Jisung stumble.

'Then don't fucking act like you don't care about Johnny.' Mark grabbed Jisung by the collar, but before his fist could collide with the younger's cheek Taeyong separated the two harshly, sending them flying in opposite directions.

'Okay, stop. First of all this wasn't Jisung's idea. It was mine. Second of all, we're doing this since your anxious ass is stressing over something you can't change. What will you do? Bring Johnny back when you don't even know where he is?'

'I'm not like you, Taeyong. I don't just go and replace people I've lost with new ones.' Mark spat back. Jaehyun immediately jumped.

'Fucking say that again, I dare you.'

'Guys, please. Calm down. Fighting won't solve-' Jungwoo got cut off by Donghyuck before he could finish what he wanted to say.

'Yeah, that's easy for you to say, isn't it?'

All of a sudden all of them started talking at the same time, interrupting each other and shouting.

'Shut the fuck up. Jungwoo was just trying to help.'

'Help my ass. We all have used violence to get what we want, at least admit it.'

'Can we go back to talking about Johnny?'

'No need to. There's nothing we can do.'

'And the solution is to stay here doing nothing? Wake the fuck up, you bunch of idiots!'

'Hey, no need to insult us!'

'Y'all don't yell!'

'Well shit, tell that to Mark. He's the one yelling!'

'Taeyong you're yelling too!'

'You're so fucking annoying I swear!'

'So are you!'

'Did I ask?!'

'I'm so done with you, guys. I'm leaving.'

'I'm coming with you.'

Mark opened the window and jumped out, followed by Jungwoo. Taeyong sighed in frustration.

'Guys... We're leaving too. We don't want to end up fighting, do we?'

Jeno took Jaemin's hand and they left the house quietly.

'Guys... I'm sorry... I shouldn't have snapped like that...' Jisung apologized.

'No, don't say that. It's understandable you felt that way.' Doyoung tried to make the younger feel better, as he felt he didn't have to apologise.

'It's Mark's fault for bringing Chanyeol up.' Taeyong's words made Jisung's fists clench.

Johnny managed to get out of that cage. He'd observed Dejun lock and unlock it and he'd found a way to unlock himself and exit the cage as soon as Dejun was outside the lab. He waited until he heard the human was already gone and proceeded to search into the lab.

I must find Mark...

He looked at the other cages, they were all empty and smelt of desinfectant. He was in the darkness, so he couldn't read the words written in the various tags that were supposed to indicate what was in each cage or shelf.

Near the cages he found what looked like a giant freezer. He hoped Mark wasn't there, as being inside a damn freezer when you're alive isn't very comfortable. He opened it slowly, only to be met with a corpse.

Jisung's... brother?

Chanyeol's corpse was literally frozen inside that freezer. The freezer's light allowed Johnny to read the tag: 'Park Chanyeol, vampire.'

Johnny closed the freezer again and continued to search for Mark.

'You won't find him here.'

A voice startled him. He turned around, only to find out the door was open and there was silhouette in front of it.

'Mark isn't here.'

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