forty-seven (end of p.1)

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The blue eyed setter walked past the doors of the training camp gym, sweating very little despite how much movement he'd gone through that day. Not to mention the heat! Guess you just never caught Akaashi Keiji slipping. Well, that wasn't entirely true.

"Bokuto-san do I have to?" He spoke in his deep yet cool voice, no full emotion being conveyed, and that was just fine to him and others around him. Why would they question such a sure and careful setter? 

"Come onnnn Akaashiiiii!!!" His senior whined, tugging on his friend's arms like a child wanting to go to a toy store. 

"There's no point," Akaashi sighed. "She's already taken and I'm not going to ruin that for them." 

Yeah, Keiji here had a crush. On a real person. That was taken. And had no interest in him.

"But if you at least have her number maybe she'll realize how much better you are! No matter how good looking Tsukki is you're better."

He'd never seen Bokuto so insistent on anything other than volleyball. If Bokuto didn't back down then, for some reason Akaashi had a feeling he wouldn't retreat now.


The plan was simple, Akaashi'd just go talk to the girl during the end of camp barbecue  and then ask her number. She was younger than him so why'd he feel like he was confessing to someone he had no leverage over? She went to a different school so why'd he feel like he'd known her forever?

Her name? 

Yachi Hitoka .

Just kidding. 

Ennoshita Y/N because homegirl has a full on harem.

The time arrived faster than expected, when Fukurodani beat Karasuno though just barely. Y/N was visibly disappointed her team lost, though still smiled and gave a thumbs up to Akaashi and Bokuto for playing well. Anyways, the barbecue commenced after the coaches exchanged a few words, and the teams ate and talked with one another like family.

It was now or never for him. He looked over to see Y/N...

Well it wasn't clear what she was doing.

"Tobio if you wanna dance put some hips into it, or like use your good old back flexibility." She dragged over Tsukishima. "Here, Kei'll be the judge of this."

First, she copied the move Kageyama was doing before the game where she moved her body in a circle as her arms were by her side. "We have exhibit A, or we have," she then threw it back and did some sort of body roll as she dropped halfway down, then rolled up, high kicked into a drop split. "Exhibit B."

Y/N stood up, dusting herself off. "Which was better."

Kei rolled his eyes as he covered the bottom half of his face with his hand, and said, "If you ever dance as unholy as that again we're going to have to hose you down in holy water."

She then teased him further like, "Ohhhh really? Asahi-san bring the holy water then!" to which a voice from a tall senior came back,

"I'm not Jesus! Y/N get it right, goodness sake."

Akaashi walked over to Y/N while Kageyama was still trying her first move while Tsukishima and Hinata laughed at his attempts. "Ah, Y/N-chan!"

She turned and smiled at him. Not now heart stop that doki-doki-ing.

"Keiji-san! What's up?" He was about to ask her and put all his pride aside when she suddenly said, "Oh wait, I don't have your number do I? Here put it in."

Y/N handed him her phone and his heart pained slightly seeing her contact titled, "Adorable Dino Nerd" followed by a bunch of hearts but he filled in his name, and looked as it sadly stood underneath. Why is it the one girl I like is taken? Stupid Keiji stupid stupid stupid-

He felt his phone handed back to him and he gave back Y/N's, smiled slightly, then excused himself. Akaashi walked back to Bokuto who was laughing along with Kuroo about something, and he nodded when the ace gave him a look of question, almost to say: Did you do it?

Meanwhile, Tsukishima looked back at Y/N who was putting her phone away when he said, "Come on, Y/N. Do you have to get every guy's number?"

She stared at him. "Why? You jealous?"

"Yes." He glared at her harder now. "Because these guys keep coming. How do I know you aren't cheating or something? You never act loyal with other people around why do you think they keep coming?"

"What?" Y/N smiled at him, her eyes darkening. "I'm the cheater now? Because I have friends other than you and Yamaguchi? You're so unreasonable, Kei. And where did you go the other day huh? How do I know you didn't meet up with anyone."

"I was with Bokuto-san, Akaashi-san, and Kuroo-san by the way. And let me guess, you made YET ANOTHER BOYFRIEND when you went out!" His voice was raising, so she dragged him over to the corner of the building where nobody was. 

When Y/N didn't respond at once, he sighed. "I knew it. This was stupid we shouldn't have gotten together in the first place. Go pick a rebound I'm sure you have options. At least one of us will feel all the pain."

Y/N watched as he stormed off, almost as if unaware the true impact of what would happen. Her legs felt like jello so she fell to her knees, heartbroken. What happened? She thought. It was too fast to be real... She wiped her eyes, which had been full of tears. Been a while since Y/N had seen those.

"Finally no more Kur- Y/N?" The girl tilted her head to look up at Kenma. "Hey you okay?"

 She couldn't bring herself to smile. "Um.. No actually, uh... Kei and I broke up."

Kenma slid down next to her and patted her shoulder awkwardly, not exactly sure what to say. "Oh... if it's not too much to ask, why?"

"I-" Y/N took a shaky breath in. "I exchanged numbers with Keij- I mean Akaashi-san- because we're friends right and we should keep in contact if we're far apart, right?"Kenma nodded and she continued. "Then Kei got really mad and said that I was probably cheating because I happen to have a lot of guy friends but girls don't like me it's not my fault that-"

Kenma looked at her as she continued defending herself. Then Y/N turned to stare back at him. "I don't need a relationship to be happy you know? And it was gonna end anyways. Not like I didn't know that."

Kenma offered her the switch he'd been carrying. "Wanna play until you feel better?"

She took the other remote and they played Mario Kart in silence, up until Kenma spoke again.

"You've wanted to travel to the US for a while, right?" 

"Yeah, though we don't have enough money to. Why?"

Kenma set down his controller. "Our school has a thing where each year for a month or so a bunch of students in advanced English classes go to the US to study for a while. I remembered you're fluent so I thought you'd like to know."

Y/N also put back hers. "You know, it's been a while since we've been like this. It feels better than at Karasuno, though almost everyone on the team is so nice. Should I transfer to Nekoma and start living here again?"

"I don't know. It's your choice I guess. Though it'd make sense, we have better programs and stuff."



End of part 1! I will make a second part after a while but for now, the first section is done. I will not mark this book completed but just know it won't be back as fast.

Thank you all for reading, save this for later, vote, comment, do what you want but we've gone so far and I'm so proud we did. 

Bye for now,

Saishimi 💜

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