Return of Ianin

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Ianin scurried with across the ground with his small group of silverfish. They were leading him toward the surface world. When they reached the sunlight all the other silverfish except Ianin's friend backed away hissing.

Ianin transformed back into his body and turned around to address them. "Thank you to you all." He bowed his head slightly to them, they all let out a collective hiss and went away in groups. Ianin's single silverfish wiggled happily, Ianin picked it up and put it on his shoulder.

They were headed off to the castle. Ianin knew to jump into a pond and call the twins. Before he jumped in Ianin slipped the silverfish into his pocket and closed it. Silverfish could go into a sleeping state, so Ianin knew his friend would be okay.

Then he jumped in. He wanted to turn into a dolphin like he would when he had been young, but knew not to. Instead he called out, "Syrona, Sourlont!" 

There was a sudden burst of bubbles and Ianin's two siblings arrived at his side.

"Ianin!" They both cried in glee. They circled him happily, causing a huge swarm of bubbles.

"We missed you!" Syrona said.

"Where have you been?" Sourlont added.

"You have to tell us all about it!" They said together. Both broke off in delighted giggles.

"Not know," he said sternly, "I need to see the others, can you take me there?"

They seemed slightly confused, seeing Ianin was one of the sea too, but agreed. They swam him much more carefully than they had Epis.

When they reached the castle they took him to the door. 

"Make sure you come back out and see us," Syrona pouted.

"Don't forget," Sourlont added. 

"Or else we'll find you anyway." 

Then they were gone into the sea. Ianin turned around, looked down the hall which was thankfully empty. He took a deep breath and remembered he was home.

Then he walked down the hall toward his family. He knew he had a little brother who he had never met. His mother and father would be delighted to see him. He also knew he would have to break the jubilation and deliver his terrible news.

He knew where to go but he walked slowly, unfortunately on the way he bumped into someone.

"Is that you Ianin?" Feia asked.

 Ianin of course knew all about his cousins success and had trouble remembering that she knew nothing about him.

"Indeed," he said with a small smile.

"You have grown," she said, she drew herself up a bit, "where have you been all this time."

It was unfortunately then that the silverfish stirred and popped out of his pocket.

Feia gave a small shout of fear as the little creature climbed onto Ianin's shoulder.

"Sorry," Ianin said, "they don't have much in the way of manners. Feia this is my silverfish." He said.

Feia settled down a bit and looked at it. Reluctantly, she reached a hand out and petted its spiny body. It wiggled slightly in delight.

She nodded slightly at it and then looked back at Ianin, "I think you better go see your father." She told him, "lot's has happened in recent times."

Of course Ianin knew all of it but agreed because he did indeed need to speak to his father.

Feia showed him to the new throne room. When he walked in he knew he would have lots of company.

"Ianin!" he heard his mothers voice. He didn't even have time to turn before he was caught in her arms. "Where have you been all this time! We have all worried about you!" She scolded him. "Your father has been looking for you." She drew away and looked into his face, "he'll be happy to see you."

Ianin wasn't quite sure if he was nervous to see his father. He didn't have much time to worry for Dauntice came only a moment or two later.

"Ianin," he said more softly. He approached his son and reached out to put a hand on his shoulder. 

"Father, I have important information for you and the court. I need to tell you all immediately." Ianin told him.

If Dauntice was surprised he hid it well, "very well, I shall call them to you. There is much to tell you as well."

"I already know of the happenings," Ianin explained.

Now Dauntice seemed surprised but he nodded to himself, "something has changed for you?" He asked quietly.

"Yes, and the information I carry is vital."

Ianin was impatient as the other god's and goddess's  filed in, when at last they were all present he took a deep breath.

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