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Ianin stood before from looking into their faces. They varied from happy to see him, to confused and indifferent.

He gave a small awkward wave to all of them and then started to speak.

"On my travels I uncovered a secret." He started, he considered whether to tell them the truth of Araia and decided to leave it out. If he could protect her he would. Instead he explained how their had been a goddess named Minea and a god named Craftus. 

Then he explained the next part which was more difficult for him. He explained that Craftus had punished their youngest daughter cruelly and this action had greatly angered Minea.

Minea was not quite as strong as Craftus, for she only stayed in a human like body and Craftus was a dragon. However, she plotted carefully and setting up a small romantic dinner and inviting him. She coaxed him into transforming into the same form as her. Eventually he gave in, suspecting nothing, she made pleasant conversation with him, and when the meal was over she came over and cozied in next to him. Full of food and feeling content he closed his eyes.

Then she drew out a blade and struck him as hard as she could.

Ianin watched as his audience looked completely horrified. 

"She took him by surprise, but that didn't kill him, he was instead greatly weakened. They fought and she seemed to overcome him. However in the process she nearly destroyed herself along with him." Ianin finished off the story, "but now he is rising again."

"And what became of Minea?" Dauntice asked him.

"She is the Mother Goddess, she became trapped in the void because she had so little left after the fight."

There was a shifting around in the room.

"How did you come know all this?" A voice asked, Ianin looked and saw that Iyora was speaking.

He smiled slightly but shook his head, "it is difficult to explain. Craftus is rising and we need to act now if we are to stop him. He is the Ender Dragon and he took Balyn I am certain."

There was another uncomfortable shift.

"The spider I saw with the glowing eyes," Enisia spoke up, "I am sure he was behind it, I stand with you Ianin."

"I think it is time to make contact with this Ender Dragon, we wouldn't want conflict, where there could be peace." Serse said politely, "consider, could we have misunderstood, the Ender Dragon has shown no true intentions."

Ianin felt a blaze of anger, "I have seen his cruelty, he has no intention of negotiating, he is a conquerer."

Dauntice nodded, he could feel that Ianin carried pain, even if he would not disclose the cause.

"I stand with you my son," Dauntice said, "we shall prepare for a possible attack."

"I agree," Iyora said.

"As do I," Neonee added, not looking at his mother.

Ianin nodded then added, "where is Alora, I must tell her something important."

Dauntice shook his head slightly, "she has set off on her own, after the disappearance of her child. She kept this child secret as a way to protect her, but if this is all true we will need all of us."

"I will set off to find her then," Ianin said. 

"Then we will prepare here."

Enisia stood up, "we will need more then just us. I will go out too."

Airabella gave a little shriek.

Enisia looked at her and said, "mother I will do what I can to protect our family." It was then something occurred to her, "where is Epis?"

"In his room still." Airabella said, "no one should disturb him in his state."

"Has anyone seen Epis," Ianin asked, something vaguely occurring to him.

No one had.

When they went to his room they found it empty.

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