Dauntice stormed away from the village. He wished he could have drowned it, but the pesky child Iyora had prevented him. Farren was waiting for him by the shore. He didn't know how she knew he needed her.
"You wouldn't have drowned the village," she said lightly, "they remind you of me." She was sitting with her feet dangling in the water and in her hand was the fishing rod. He smiled slightly at it. But his frown returned quickly.
"I wish to find a village to have a shrine in." He said.
"Why not my home village?" Farren asked.
"Claimed by Serse," Dauntice said.
"She was kind to my people," Farren replied.
"I found another village only to have Alora and Iyora take it from me." Dauntice said, "they tricked me into a competition of gifts." He conjured his horse again, the beautiful creature bowed its head at Farren.
"This is a lovely gift," Farren said.
Dauntice sat down beside his wife, letting the water wash over his feet too. "What shall we do my love?" He asked her.
"Perhaps a different way." Farren suggested lightly. "Instead of finding a village we could build one together. Follow me."
Farren dove into the river and swam away, Dauntice swam after her. Together they went down and down the river until they reached a savanah biome. There on the shore of the river was a skeleton of a village. Half the buildings were wrecked, the other houses were damaged. Farren and Dauntice rose from the river.
"I happened upon it during my journey," Farren explained. "There is one family left, a young mother and her two sons and daughter."
Dauntice nodded. "The village touches the river edge."
The pair soon attracted the attention of the remaining family. The eldest boy came out to greet Farren and Dauntice.
"Welcome god and goddess of water," he said, "are you in need of shelter? I am afraid we have little to offer, but my mother would happily let you stay."
"I thank you for your offer," Farren said, "but we have come to aid you and your family in fixing the village."
"In trade we'd like to be your patrons." Dauntice added firmly.
"I would be pleased to accept the offer but first talk to my mother, she is the eldest here and therefore is maker of decisions." The boy said.
"Show us to her." Dauntice said, he sounded a bit icy, but Farren kept a friendly smile and in the end the boy lead them to her willingly.
Farren and Dauntice explained there intentions for the village and happily the woman agreed. She even had her daughter cook a meal for the pair of them. Farren and Dauntice summoned there eldest two children Sonnis and Ianin to help build.
The poor human girl nearly dropped the meal when she saw Ianin's pet silver fish.
After a meal they set to work. The boys helped Ianin build a village wall for protection. Sonnis used her magic to create streams that let water into the areas for crops. Naturally Dauntice offered his horse to the family and they accepted happily. Soon enough many of the houses were repaired and the walls were up. They named it Sea Town.
The family built a shrine to all four members of the family. When it was lit Dauntice felt strength flow through him. He could tell Farren felt the same. Sonnis had a smile on her face and Ianin's silverfish wiggled on his shoulders.
In fact the silver fish leapt off Ianin's shoulders and began to sliver away from him. Ianin without saying anything sprinted after it.
That was when Syrona came from the depths. "Father, I have a message from your sister." She hissed.
Mythology Minecraft
FanficDo you love reading mythology? Is your favourite video game Minecraft? Well you've come to the right place! Mythology Minecraft is a series of short related stories telling the tales of the Minecraft goddess's and god's. These stories draw off of r...