Sonnis Revealed Part 2

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Onicent faced her. 

"Perhaps if you tell me I will go more lightly on you, there is no reason to hide, or purpose to it. In the end I will know everything." He said, his eyes glittered.

Sonnis said nothing.

"Someone helped you, one of my little daughters, Rissa I think. Why?" He said again, "what are you hiding from me. Who did you bring here?" He was running out of patience.

Sonnis still remained silent. She stood up to get out of the water.

"No, no I won't have you leave and run to your father." Onicent said. The blocks rose around her trapping her in.

"I'll shout for him," Sonnis said quietly, "or I'll take you myself."

"I would love to see you try, but the moment you move I will strike you with lightning." Onicent said, "water and electricity interact brilliantly."

Sonnis knew this too but couldn't leave the pond.

"Now let me bring forward my darling little traitor. Rissa." He said quietly.

Rissa materialized at his side looking bewildered. 

"Explain this to me." Onicent said beckoning to Sonnis in the pond.

"How strange, Sonnis I thought you had left days ago!" Rissa said, "but now you have returned!"

Sonnis shook her head slightly at Rissa.

"No, no our little Sonnis has been here the whole time, under the guise of a nymph." 

Rissa looked between them and saw that she was trapped. "Fine you caught us father, in the midst of a brilliant prank." Rissa said with a smile. "We found this girl out in the forest and thought that it would be funny to bring her to the palace, but then I wanted to see how well the disguises worked! But really as you can see it was all a joke, so now you can let Sonnis go on her way and I'll come back to the castle with you daddy!" Rissa said this all in an unusually sweet voice that Sonnis had never heard her use.

"Who, Rissa, was the girl?"

"I don't know," Rissa said a bit to late. Onicent snarled.

"Traitors," he said, "traitors to your family. Both of you."

"Traitors...?" Rissa said, some of her cuteness seemed to fade off of her.

"You know well what I mean, you brought one of Maiguh's lot here and had her healed. Do not lie to me."

Sonnis bowed her head slightly. She saw no use in lying anymore, they had brought one of Maiguh's to the castle.

Onicent seemed even more fiery now. Electricity seemed to fill the air around them. 

Just then Feia walked out of the castle and came upon the scene. "What is going on father?" She asked, her eyes darted between all of them nervously

Onicent turned around and looked at his older daughter,  he said his words with a growl. "Return to the castle Feia."

Feia turned and sprinted away.

"I suppose I have a minute before your father comes to save you," Onicent said. "You are both banished forever more. You." Onicent flicked a hand at Sonnis, "I expected it from, ever since your actions with my son Amos. I will be more then happy to see you gone." He turned to Rissa, "but you," he said more softly. "Why would you betray us?"

There was shouting coming from inside. 

"I suppose it doesn't matter now." Onicent said casually, but the mad glean seemed more pronounced. 

Rissa edged toward Sonnis, with a flick of his hand Onicent sent a bolt of lightning to their feet, they flew backwards to hit a solid wall of blocks and then falling down and down were caught by a portal to the nether. 


Onicent turned, "too little, too late brother." 

"Bring my daughter back now!" Dauntice screamed. That only made Onicent laugh more.

Dauntice tried to summon Sonnis to himself, but it did not work.

With a snap of his fingers Onicent deactivated the portal.

Farren ran up so she was behind Dauntice.

"Farren, leave." Dauntice told her without taking his eyes off Onicent.

"Oh no I think she should stay." Onicent replied, "otherwise she'd miss all the fun."

"ONICENT!" Airabella came out of the castle too. "What have you done! Where is our daughter!"

"Gone where she belongs," he said. 

Dauntice glared at Onicent with hatred.

"Stay back all of you!"

"I can see why mother never wanted you to be leader!" Dauntice said, he watched Onicent's reaction. Farren gripped onto his arm.




Onicent took his blocks and built around Farren. He spoke more softly. "I will melt her immortality off, could you live with her death? Knowing it was your  fault?"

"Your insane!" Dauntice said. But he backed down a bit. "Your insane." He spat.

"I am your leader and you will bow to me."

Dauntice got a focused look on his face, then he and Farren were gone.

Onicent stared for a moment. Then he turned around, in the water behind him stood a boy.

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