Trial of Amos

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Onicent was at first aggressive towards Airabella, but as he saw her resolve had crumbled he became much kinder. But nothing seemed to reach her, she was as distant as the day Onicent had met her. Onicent was not as disturbed by Rissa as Airabella was, happily he took her into his arms. Rissa fought through, she disliked being held. Finally Onicent mostly let her be.

The trouble started the next day when Dauntice arrived with his wife. He rejected Airabella's greetings and hardly showed affection for his little nieces and nephew. The only thing that broke his stoniness was when he saw Rissa for the first time. Dauntice's face flashed to surprise. Soon enough he was guarded again.

Alora and Iyora came later on, and last but not least Serse and Neonee. Neonee was covered now in ugly scars, even Dauntice flinched when he saw him. Feia hovered when Neonee arrived and greeted him happily. For her he was softer and gentler. All members of the council settled into their thrones. The atmosphere was stormy, not even Serse smiled.

Onicent at first tried for friendliness, but soon realized it was futile. Everyone was awaiting the start of the trial. Amos was not allowed to be seated on his throne, instead he stood in the middle of the room, a grin on his face. Ilo sat tensely in her throne, she was the only one to bring a young child. Onicent had allowed Vown to sit on her lap during the trial, he had not allowed Amos to hold his son.

Onicent started out by stating the accused crime of Amos, then announced for votes to be cast.

"There was a witness though?" Alora said before anyone else spoke.

Feia who was sitting near by Airabella shifted uncomfortably.

"The child Feia witnessed the attack," Dauntice said angrily, "let her give her testimony before we vote."

Alora, Iyora and even Serse nodded.

Onicent had planned for this, and knew that Airabella would need to play her part well. Upon Dauntice's words Airabella gave a wail, grabbing her daughter and holding her to her own body.

"My poor child is half blind by a sword." She wept. She went on to demand that her child not suffer this too.

Onicent nodded as if he was acknowledging his wife sudden hysteria with surprise but acceptance.

"The child must speak." Dauntice demanded. But the others had softened upon seeing their sisters grief.

Feia looked distant and limp in her mothers grip, a tear trickled down her cheek.

"May we begin our vote?" Ilo asked. She had her eyes locked on Amos.

"You may," Onicent said.

"I vote innocent," Ilo said, she hugged her son to her chest.

"Clearly he is guilty, Amos has no injury, even if it was a duel Amos clearly mauled Neonee." Alora said flatly. "I see no other option. Amos beyond doubt attacked Neonee and caused extensive harm. My vote is guilty."

Dauntice looked more and more angry. "Amos deserves to be punished for his crimes. He has shown violent habits before with my daughter Sonnis, clearly this is another case of such. He is guilty."

Both Alora and Dauntice looked at Serse. Onicent wasn't entirely sure what to expect. Serse closed her eyes, her mouth shrunk to a line as if she was having difficulty with something.

"I wish that I could take the pain away from my son this has caused. I see no other choice." Serse said, she looked truly upset. "Amos I vote you guilty, though I regret having to go through with this at all."

Alora leaned toward her trying to sooth her. Tears dripped from Serse's eyes, she seemed to shrink into herself.

Neonee spoke, his voice full with emotion, "I was attacked for no reason by my cousin. Amos was ruthless and had no mercy to me. By the end I was on the floor, I vote him guilty, may he be punished." Neonee nodded to himself once and ceased to speak.

"We have four votes, Amos being the accused has no voice here. He is guilty." Dauntice's eyes gleamed with excitement.

"The council must have eight," Onicent said, "my son Epis will speak as the eighth on council."

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