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Epis had been deeply asleep when he fell into a vision.

Epis was in the forest again with his daughters. He looked to where the Ender had been but instead he saw a pale Maiella. She looked at him sadly and reached a hand out to him. He stumbled toward her but then was awakened suddenly.

"Maiella.." he whimpered. He turned over in his bed and gazed out the window. Something was rising within him, something powerful. He knew where to go now. He thought of running down the hall but feared being caught, so instead he went out the open window.  

He made his way as if in a dream to the End portal. He arrived in the desolate land of the End and saw hundreds of the black creatures.

"Maiella! Maiella!" He cried again and again. Maiguh heard him and came to his side.

"I am looking for the mortal Maiella." He told Maiguh shortly.

Maiguh nodded and quietly guided him through the masses of creatures till they reached the one that none would approach.

"Maiella...?" Epis said, he went forward but stopped short as he gazed at the Ender.

Maiguh stepped between them and using his magic allowed her to appear. Epis gasped upon seeing her.

"Is it really you my love." He said not daring to even blink less she disappear again.

"It is I."

"Who did this?" He asked.

"A god." She answered. "I know not which one." 

"We were tricked then," Epis said. 

"Most brutally." Maiella said ruefully, "but didn't you warn me about your family."

"I should have taken you home the moment I met you." Epis said, he clenched his fists, "I should have taken you home and married you."

Maiella reached forward, though she could not touch his face. "Do not despair my love, take care of my children, and if you can find my son. I know he's alive somewhere."

"I will kill him."

Maiella drew back again. "Do not." She warned, "if you loved me, do not seek revenge. It is not what I want, and it won't bring me back to you. I am dead."

Epis gazed at her. "Too soon and too young. You should have lived."

"Many died young Epis." 

"Curse the brutally of this world. I'd give my own life to have yours back. Take my life Maiguh and give her hers back."

Maiella shook her head and drew very close to him, "take that back Epis, there is no use in settling on what could have been."

"I wanted you, and I still want you." 

"Then find my Norin. Find him and keep him safe. Can you promise me that?"

"I will do my best."

Her image flickered.

"Don't leave me," Epis begged.

"I am so tired now." She said, she flickered again and disappeared.

Maiguh drew back. Epis turned to him and starred with increasing rage. "DO SOMETHING." He yelled, "bring her back to me!"

Maiguh looked sad, "I cannot restore her."

"Then let me die!" Epis screamed, "die and join her."

"You are immortal, you cannot die nor will you ever know true death." Maiguh said gently, "come back to the castle with me and rest."

"No I will not, I will stay here forever then."

Maiguh could see he was in pain. "There is one thing I can do for her. I can send her back to the mortal realm reborn. She will not remember you or anyone else."

Epis listened to this. "Then I can marry her again?" He asked.

Maiguh tilted his head. "You saw what became of her the first time, would you put her through that again? The Enders avoid her because she is so miserable. Consider." Maiguh was not unkind in saying this but firm enough.

Epis thought and faltered, "I would not pain her so much again. If that is what would be best for her then I resolve to it."

Maiguh nodded, "a wise choice." 

He called Maiella's ender back. She stood before him and looked once more at Epis. He could not hear her but he knew she wanted him to find Norin and take care of Hermyra and Lyris. Epis watched as she dissolved under Maiguh's touch.

"I have your word you won't go and find her?" Maiguh said.

Epis nodded limply.

"Walk with me then, and we shall let you get some rest."

Epis followed him numbly, wishing in his heart he could find the young Maiella and make her his again.

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