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Donghyuck was called Haechan with love by his mother, which eventually everyone began calling him Fullsun because of his bright and vibrant personality. Though he put the brightest smile for people he had broken pieces within himself. When he was 12 their parents met with an accident, his older brother lost his eye sight and they lost their parents forever, Taeyong was 16, Sungchan just five. At that time of crisis they moved into grandma's house but she wasn't getting any younger. When Haechan turned 15 she died and the whole burden of the house fell on his tiny shoulders, using the little money his grandmother left he finished his studies whilst working at a café near school. And so he still worked his ass off, to collect the money so his older brother could get a transplant perhaps. But everyone pushed poor Taeyong to be the last in line who waited for a donor.

"Hyuckie you don't have to try so hard. I'll be fine this way." Taeyong often mumbled but it was Haechans duty to make his brother see the world as he had once seen.

Donghyuck worked as Mrs Lee's personal secretary, he managed everything that concerned the woman's life. Including her financial ledgers, he sighed, working all day and night sure stressed him out so much it made him so tired.

"Bitches! Madam Lee has reckoned your presence!" Ten, A sweet Thai beauty announced at the workers as everyone lined up to go meet her at the office.

"I'm hungry......." Donghyuck whined, Ten deadpanned at the gorgeous boy.

"Who asked you to stay up until five. Suffer." Ten rolled his eyes.

"Have you seen my mother? She hadn't eaten her food yet." Mark came by with a worried look on his face.

"She called us all for a meeting sir." Donghyuck bowed at Mark.

Neither one of them recognized each other properly but they did vaguely, Mark was the CEOs son and Donghyuck was Mom's personal secretary. That's all. Nothing more, nothing less. The younger beamed at the thought of food. Ahh how he wished he wasn't late then he'd have had his precious breakfast.

"Well then I'm heading home. Do inform her." Said Mark as he took off his trails.

The relationship between Mrs Lee and Donghyuck was never professional unless someone was watching them. That night the CEO invited the boy over for dinner which he happily accepted. Even though Mark looked quite taken back by his mother's secretary sitting with them at dinner.

"I told you she was a bitch. I remember her having a boyfriend every week. You should search Futher if you want woman for a man like young master." Stated Donghyuck with a proud smile. Though he said he was so hungry he didn't lay a finger on his dinner.

"Are you sure darling? She topped all the lists on a finishing school." Mrs Lee chuckled.

"Madam this isn't late London. Nor the gorgeous traditional royal era. My mother always said, being yourself is what gives you trouble but also the lessons you need. Hmm. Maybe you should try meeting Irene Noona or Koeun for am instance. They are the ideal princesses you need if you want a lady out of a English finishing school." The brunette sipped his coffee slowly.

"I don't like girls. Stop acting like you know me." Put in Mark sternly making Donghyuck smile.

"Boys!! Well there's Renjun, A rich bitch, he's everything you would want. So graceful. Then umm there's........hmmm." The adorable secretary tapped his chin thinking hard.

"Your brother. He seems to be a beautiful boy. How old is he?" Mrs Lee munched her food.

"25. He's beautiful of course. The gorgeous lad of the family." Donghyuck faintly smiled, thinking back to his once vibrantly light family.

"Why do we have to look any further when you have a brother that would do great as my son in law?" She smiled, but it stiffened the gorgeous male. He bit his lips.

"I-Im afraid that he wouldn't like it madam. He's into girls. You know haha." Nervously chuckled the younger boy.

"Mom enough with the proposal's. Let me be for sometime." Mark exaggerated as he stood up and left the dinning room.

"Fine. But drive Donghyuck home. It's not nice to let him wander out in the dark." She insisted.

"Doesn't he have a car?!" Shot Mark.

"Not everyone is as abled as you are young master." Snapped the secretary.

Mark did drive the boy home, the place he lived in very homely, as if he were driving home. There was a tall boy shivering in the cold waiting for the beauty, Sungchan waved with the most cutest smile ever. The older assumed him to be Donghyucks boyfriend. Perhaps.

"Hyung!!! Why were you late? We are having baby corn soup and he's worried sick!!" The cutie squealed as he dragged the brunette inside. Mark drove back home, with a smile. His mother's secretary sure seemed jolly to be with.

"Young master!! Sir!!! Stop the car!!!" Donghyucks voice made Mark abruptly stop the car. The idiot came by panting.

"I left my phone inside. Sorry." Giggled the stubby human.

"Serves your sassy ass right. Get it tomorrow at my office." Deadpanned Mark.

"I'll haunt your dreams. My phone is my life!!" Donghyuck dramatically screamed.

"Well I'll like to meet your boyfriend first." Mark smirked at the boy who burst out laughing.

"He's my younger brother stupid. He's 16. Well........I don't know." The beauty shrugged, hanging on the window.

"Will.......Will you be my friend? I've not had many or any to start with but I would really need one now." Mark looked unsure, The dark deep orbs lit up, Donghyuck loved making new friends.

"Of course!! That is if you can tolerate my loud, talktive, cringy, clingy peaches. Let's go home......Please don't be mean to my older brother. He.......He's blind." Donghyuck carefully informed the young master who nodded with a frown. So that's why the boy got so stiff at the mention of his brother.

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