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"You are Daddy's star!!" Mark spun little Byeol around, he was supposed to look after the bundle of giggles until Mommy showered. Byeol just turn six months, he was fat little baby, with Donghyucks eyes, long eyelashes, plump lips, button nose, seagull eyebrows, and hair like midnight. Had freckles scattered on his face and chest, there weren't many, a few sprinkles but it looked so much like moles.

"Don't cry he'll be here to feed you soon." Mark cradled the adorable baby in a lion onesie as he showered him with kisses.

"Give him to me. I'll take care of Byeol while you work." Mrs Lee offered. So Mark went back to work.

The more the company grew the more worked piled up, of course he often came home yet duties caught him too much. Though Donghyuck was on a maternity leave for long as he wishes he still missed his Simba. He pouted to find his husband gone once he stepped out of the shower, it was just Byeol, Mom and Hachi at the living room.

"Here honey. He's been hungry for minutes now." Mrs Lee gave the fresh mother the baby.

Donghyuck locked himself inside his room, unbuttoning his black t-shirt so his baby could suckle on his nipples, whilst feeding he rang his husbands phone, one thing he loved was that Mark would always answer his calls no matter what.

"Hello there gorgeous." Mark fixed his phone in-between his shoulder and ears as he were preparing for the next meeting.

"Why'd you leave without saying goodbye?" Donghyuck pouted, he patted Byeols small fluffy butt.

"I was in a rush Teddy Bear. I'll make it up to you once I come home." Said Mark with a soft hum. "By the way where did you Keep the files from the Vancouver contract?" The older shuffled through papers.

"On your fifth shelf. The blue file binder." Giggled the younger.

"Thank you Baby Boy. I'll see you around five. I fucking love you so much." Mark smiled as he kissed the phone and hung up.

The younger giggled cutely, he loved every second of his life with Mark, even though sometimes they barely say hi or even kiss he knew they loved each other just the same as day one. It had been six months, Mark hadn't been free after the first week of Byeols  birth but he still squeezed in time. Sungchan had his finals and Taeyong was studying so he could be an educated mom if they have a kid.

"Hyuckie dear? Hachi and I are leaving for Sungchans match!! Take care. I'm just a call away or call Mark. We love you!!!" Mrs Lee knocked on the youngers door as she left. She retired which meant more work for Mark.

"Bye Guys!!" Donghyuck screamed after as he slowly tucked sleeping Byeol in his cute blue cot right next to Marks side.

Soon after he fell asleep, being sleep deprived you couldn't blame him right, he was a mother now who stayed up most of the night. It was 5:20 when he woke up, coming down with messy hair, only on button done on his t shirt, his jeans button and zip opened since he was too lazy to do it. He looked beaten but sexily ravishing.

"You said you'll be home by 5." Donghyuck whispered into the phone.

"Sorry baby Bear. The traffic wasn't budging, I'm on my way now. Where is my little star?" Mark chuckled on the other line.

"He fell asleep after drinking his milk. Such a good baby. But Hachi has lost her Teddy, did you see it anywhere?" The younger munched on the cheese piece he found on a left over pizza they had ordered that afternoon.

"She left it in Sungchans bed, or probably under our bed. I'm here, open the door..........Cuti- Wha-Hottie?" Mark gasped when he saw his wife, that was just too sexy for a new feeding mommy.

"Hey." Donghyuck whispered as Mark cut the call, got off the car and came closer to wrap his arms around the boys bare waist.

"Coming home to this after a tired day at work is priceless." Mark lifted the brunette up, making him straddle him. Donghyuck bit his lips shyly. That's when Jaemin and Jisung along with Shotaro had come for a visit, and he had to see this. Mark attacked the youngers neck making the brunette squeal in glee as the front door slammed shut. Chuckling the strawberry blonde decided Sungchans match was a better option so he left.

The fact that Haechan had been on Marks mind all day that he didn't spare a mind and carried him to bed made the younger feel loved, it was so long since they actually did it, especially when the older wanted to do it, just felt so hot and sexy. When Donghyucks jeans were pulled off the younger removed his husband's shirt.

"Byeol is a deep sleeper." Mark encouraged the bear. Donghyuck scoffed as he was discarded of his clothes, and pushed back on the sheets.

"I missed this." The golden beauty bit his lips seductively.

"I missed you." Mark smirked.

The sun started setting, as the beauty was loved with such intensity, the older just loved his wife like crazy, so did the brunette, he screamed when Mark sucked on his sore nipples. The olders throat swollen all the sweetness of the milk, the younger moaned so loud the glasses shook. It always felt like the first time, everytime they did it, countless times, until the night would bleed into day. After saving water for another few hours, or more like making love under the shower, Donghyuck and Mark finally fell asleep next to one another.

"Hyung!!! Byeol is crying!!! Is everything okay?!" Sungchans worried voice woke the exhausted couple. Their baby had been crying for hours, the older reached for the baby and placed him next to his mommy's nipples after lifting the boys shirt. After the he went to open the door. Mrs Lee gasped at the child who still continued to cry even after sucking on the nipples. She knew frown in confusion and Sungchan face palmed knowing what would have probably happened.

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