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They hadn't argued in years, ever once, never twice, Byeol grew into a beautiful boy, Taking after both his gorgeous parents, he was five now. Tall as Haechans waist, not as gorgeous as his mother but he did have the looks you could die for. Even though his parents came home to each others arms every day one day they started fighting so much he ran to his room with good old Hachi and hid himself there until it was over.

"Why did you say yes even after I cancelled it?!" Mark groaned at his wife who had his foot stubbornly rooted to his decision.

"Because what you said was stupid! That contract offers billions of won and you have the audacity to cancel it?" Donghyuck glared back at his husband.

"That contract offers billions but we have spend millions to put it on sale!! Are you crazy?! We'll go bankrupt if that fails!!!" Mark shouted at the younger boy, "Do you want to be a street family?! I can't afford to loose everything I fucking built all these years because of a stupid contract you thought would save us all. The company is at stake Haechan. Get it!" The olders words were harsh, dominant but it didn't affect the brunette.

"You built?! I did while you stayed back at home being a Dad!! You weren't able to handle the company and now you scream at the one who actually helped you?!" The younger lashed out which made Mark even more angrier.

"Oh really?! So just because you fucking helped with the company you start acting up like you fucking own it? Look here I'm the CEO and it stays that way, you were a fucking Secretary and you'll always just be one. Don't come teaching me how to run a company, and keep your opinions to yourself, only my decisions will commence. Not yours. Know your place." Mark snapped, now that hurt the younger. It broke his heart, so was he just a secretary to Mark all these years?

"Then why did you marry me?! Why did you fuck me and why did you father a child when all you ever thought of me was that I was a secretary!!! Or were you building all this hatred up to snap at me all at once? Your stupid company is literally falling to pieces, if you don't take over this contract then it would fucking close down!!! Don't you have common sense?!" Haechan stepped away from Mark, he had the look or bewilderment in his gorgeous face.

"Teddy I'm sorry I didnt mean to. Please don't cry." Mark reached out but was pushed away.

"No!!! Don't call me that anymore!! Don't touch me!! If you could still consider me a fucking Secretary then we shouldn't even be together anymore. What's the point?! Why do I have to continue sleeping with you know that you pretended to even love me?! Why did you even have sex with me if all you ever thought of was that I could never more than just a secretary?!" The younger collapsed on the carpet, he looked so betrayed, so upset.

"Teddy no!!! No no no......I said something out of pure anger and I meant nothing baby. You mean everything to me, literally my whole world!!!" Mark sat next to his wife, as guilt started eating him up.

"If you can remind me that I'm still an outsider everytime we fight then let's get this over with. Keep your fucking company to yourself Mr Fucking Lee!!" That was that was said as he stood up, walked to Byeols room, carried him, and left the house. Hachi followed Haechan, after for her he was her universe.

Haechan sat at Sungchans final game, the boy was in the University team, and he played attractively well. Taeyong was six months pregnant, after finally finished all he had to study, the older brother knew the boy next to loved his husband to bits yet it had been almost four months since he went home, he lived in their old house alone with Byeol and Hachi. Sungchan was at the university dorms since it was more easy access to classes.

"Haechannie you are pregnant. You can't keep living like this." Taeyong squeezed his brothers cold arms, the brunette had blacked out the second he stepped into Taeyongs house. Which only meant he had already been pregnant when he left the house.

"His words hurt, it cut through like a knife hyung.........After all these years he should have chosen the correct words for an argument." Whispered the younger, his stubby arm feeling the baby bump that had already begun to show.

"He didn't mean any of those, He's really upset about whatever he's done. How many times is he supposed to apologize?" The older sighed at his stubborn brother. It was then the brunette got a phone call from an unknown number. He cut it, for he thought it was Mark trying to lie and win him over again. He wasn't going to let that shit get to him again. Byeol sat on his lap with a pout.

"Mommy maybe ith important." Byeol hugged his neck so with a sigh he answered the phone call when it rang again.

"Hello this is Neo Culture Hospital, Can I speak to Mark Lee's family?" The voice said making Haechans heart stop beating.

"Yes, I-Im his wife?" He strained his ears to hear through all the noise.

"Oh thank god, we've been trying to reach out for days. Well, madam your husband met with an accident a week ago. He hasn't gained consciousness yet but we are hoping he would. His eyes-" The brunette didn't let them finish he started breathing hard as he gasped.

"What about his eyes!!! Is he alright?!"  Haechan stood up, as he guided Byeol and Hachi outside, Taeyong looked at how dangerously his brother was shaking right now.

"His eyes are pretty damaged, We would like to meet you before future surgeries. Please meet Doctor Irene once you reach the hospital. Immediately would be better Mrs Lee." The voice said as the call went dead after.

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