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He was married to his boss, literally in an intimate relationship, not that he bothered about it but still he just couldn't function properly when Mark kissed him or touched him. Donghyuck would malfunction for hours after that. So this was one of those days where he wore tiny shorts and a cropped t shirt and Marks arm was around his bare flexing waistline.

"Y-You......Uhhh t-touching me." Donghyuck whispered as he looked up at Mark.

"Ohh sorry." Mark withdrew his arm immediately making the younger pout with a sigh. Now he wanted the olders arm around his bare waist again.

"Sir? W-What....." The brunette pouted, Mark had been on his lap top for hours now. He wanted attention, don't blame him he was a new bride after all even though he was so scard to have sex.

"I'm your husband silly call me by my name." Mark sighed as he typed away on the lap. The mischievous younger rang Mrs Lee up with a cute frown.

"Mrs Lee!!  He's on the lap top since last night!!! Me lonely." Donghyuck whined into the phone making Mark gasp and reach out for the phone.

"Mark!!! You idiot. Don't do the same mistake twice!!" Mark heard his mother yell on the other line. He cut the call as he pinned the brunette on the bed.

"You brat!!! That's an important email I need to send." Groaned the older.

"M-Me......Uhhh.....H-Haechannie more i-important." Donghyuck stammered blushing like a red rose.

"Why won't you speak to me properly? Aren't you comfortable with me?" Mark sat up with a hurt expression on his handsome face.

"N-No.......I umm you.....we......Y-Young m-master........" Donghyuck gulped, what was wrong with him? Why was he behaving like this

"It's Mark. Not sir or young master. If you call me any of that I'll consider you to not love me." Mark deadpanned at the gorgeous golden sun kissed beauty.

"M-Mark!!!" The brunette blurted out, he blushed biting his lips shyly.

"That's my Teddy. Now let me send this mail and.......what?" The older questioned the frowning Pudu.

"Me lonely!!! Y-You no......B-Be with T-Teddy. Donghyuck pouted harder, making the older coo and kiss those oh so soft lips.

The brunette didn't want to admit but he loved Marks kisses, it was so good, like honey on his lips. That was one advantage of the marriage, he gets super deep decent kisses. Kissing back he giggled, he would love to have this all his life. As the older pulled away he  blushed, avoiding those gorgeous brown eyes.

"Maybe I shouldn't have married you.......What if I can't you babies?" Mark let his fingers trail down that exposed fluffy baby fat tummy. He was successfully slapped on the face.

"Shut up! Such a dick." Donghyuck hissed as he tried to leave from the couch.

"Hey come here........." The older pulled his wife down, yanking him onto his lap. "I'm sorry baby Teddy." Mark back hugged the brunette, as he kissed the younger softly on the neck.

"Bad lion." Donghyuck pouted, he bit his lips, he could feel his husband's abs through the t-shirt he was wearing.

"I know I know." Giggled the older, Hyuck closed his eyes, he felt Marks finger tips trace his flanks. It was indeed foreign to let your best friend feel you in places they probably shouldn't but he loved Mark and he was his husband.

It had been three days, neither did Mark touch him harshly nor did he force him into any sort of thing. Not even sex, it were just gentle touches here and there, soft kisses every now and then. Even now the way the older felt his tummy up just comforted the brunette.

"M-Mark? W-Were you l-like this to J-Jaemin too?" Donghyuck turned around, kneeling on the olders lap.

"I..........Umm. Like umm we were quite rushy in things. I guess, perhaps that's why we didn't last long, with you my heart says take it slow, Teddy Bear you mean so much to me. So I won't rush on anything with you." Mark promised, he kissed the chubby cheeks as the younger blushed giggling.

"M-Me trust M-Mark." The younger kissed Marks cheek shyly.

"I love you, My best friend and wife." The older lifted the younger by wrapping his arms under boys peaches.

Donghyucks giggles erupted, resonating the house with happiness, they swirled around as they fell on the bed with smiles. The younger smiled up at the man he adored, oh how he wished he wasn't so goddamn shy with Mark.

"M-Me s-shy." The younger rolled off the bed, the older was quick to catch him, and turn him around. He lifted him up, making the brunette straddle his waist.

"Don't leave me too." Mark pressed his lips on the boys plump lips. He wouldn't be able to survive if Donghyuck left him. "I'm crazy about you." He pulled away.

The younger blushed, shyly, he caressed Marks cheeks, smiling as he felt those thin lips on his again. He kissed back immediately, soft as the kiss continued to be he pulled away shyly. Breathless and bashfull.

"I love you Mark." Donghyuck whispered, making Mark smile, they connected their foreheads, closing their eyes in content. "And I-I wouldn't d-do the s-same m-mistake Jaemin did." He promised. Jaemin was a fool to let go of this gem of a man called Mark Lee.

"I love you too Teddy Bear." Smiled Mark, swirling them around, making Hyuckie giggle like tiny melodious music notes.

"M-Mark stop it!!" He screamed in glee, the couple playing around, the so called important email long forgotten. Mark was too busy playing with his cutie wife and best friend.

"Let me punish you." Mark tickled the the younger, his heart full again. Donghyuck indeed held onto his heart strings so tightly he knew he would never let him go ever not now not in a hundred years.

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