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"What's wrong with him?" Taeyong closed his eyes, too much of pressure on his eyes, he wore a sleeping mask.

"Uhh too shocked to function. Damn that was one damn hot kiss." Sungchan got slapped on the head for fantasizing on his brothers kiss.

"Shut up. You are too young to kiss." Taeyong warned the younger, who kissed his brother on the cheek and went to Donghyuck.

They had always shared a room, sadly his sweet brother had been a little out of his mind after that deep kiss four days ago at the hospital. Donghyuck would just stare at nothing for hours, especially when he heard Mark said they would be marrying soon.

"Hyung you haven't still answered him." Sungchan pouted as he snuggled next to the warm Teddy Bear.

"Will you be my wife Teddy?" Mark whispered after the younger had collapsed into his arms.

"S-Sir? I uhhh........Y-Yes." Donghyuck just blurted out, his eyes big with confusion, a magical spiral replaying the kiss, over and over again. The feeling of Marks lips lingering at the tip of his lips.

"I'll see you next month." Mark whispered, pecking his lips.

Mark flew to Norway the next day on a business trip, Donghyuck was left to ponder on his own thoughts, why did he say yes. But neither would his heart be alive if he had turned down the proposal. He just couldn't figure out how and where they'd had fallen in love. They were just best friend's and now he'll be married to Mark in less than a month.

"How does Marriage even function?" Donghyuck sat up in the middle of the night.

"Two people get married, have sex and create babies." Sungchan shrugged, Taeyong literally waddled to their room and wacked the younger boys butt red for saying the work so explicitly.

"Ouchhh!!! Hyung!!!" Sungchan pouted with a sniffle.

"You are grounded for a week." Taeyong felt the boys head and patted the fluffy hair.

"Hyung can you see the ring on my finger? I'm engaged to my best friend? Why did I say yes?" Donghyuck made Taeyong see the ring for millionth time already. The older still saw a blurry image of the jewellery but oh well his little brother was going crazy.

"Because you love him stupid." Taeyong sat down with a sigh.

"Hyung Hyuckie is loosing his mind." Sungchan shuddered, he still had his collar on.

"Omg! Omg! OMG! OH MY FUCKING GOSH IM GETTING MARRIED TO MY BOSS?! To my best friend?" Donghyuck screamed again, he stood up, waddled right into the closet and locked himself inside.

"Call your future brother in law up. His wifey is loosing his mind." Taeyong groaned, taking the brunette's place on the bed.

"How did this even happen? He kissed me, kissed my lips. Then disappeared to Norway? Seriously?! What do I look like for him?" Donghyuck screamed inside the closet.

"Sexy? Hot? Short? Small like a tiny teeny Pudu. Or a fat little teddy bear." Sungchan yawned. "Let's sleep hyung please." The baby brother opened his arms and the older waddled in with a pout.

Mark on the other side never felt so energetic and happy, he felt like he were born again. Mrs Lee was over the moon when she heard the news that Donghyuck had said yes. Jungwoo left to wherever he lived, wishing the older everything. Happiness and joy. Finally Jaemin was no longer the center of attention, his image faded in Marks heart, replacing it with a fluffy golden teddy bear with clothes two sizes bigger.

"Sir? You have a call." A co worker gave Mark his phone.

"Hello?" Answered the older, as he lent on the balcony that overlooked the city.

"He's loosing his mind. He keeps talking to himself or just stared at the ring for hours. You sure you want to marry this idiot?" Jaehyun chuckled on the other line. He had come over to check on Taeyongs new pair of eyes.

"I'm probably dreaming. Someone pinch me!!" Donghyucks voice resonated through the phone call making Mark chuckle softly.

"Hold the phone close to his ear." Said he as his cousin did what he was told. The brunette looked confused, he tried to listen carefully. That's when his eyes started going down that magical spiral once again.

"Hey baby Hae. I miss you so much and..........I love you." Mark huskily whispered, goosebumps sprang up on the younger boys skin, he shuddered, he waddled off, stumbling without balance to his room.

"What did you tell him? He's back to being the crooked dork." Jaehyun started laughing.

"Just that I love him." Shrugged Mark, spacing the balcony with his free arm buried in his left Jean pocket.

"Haha. Well when are you coming?" The doctor sipped the coffee Sungchan gave him.

"A day before the wedding. I'm not really into getting married though but Mom's like you marry him or don't see him ever again. So I choose the marry him thingy. I'm doing right, am I Jaehyun?" Mark whispered with a hint of worry. Jaehyun saw Donghyuck scream and roll on the bed, with red soft cheeks and shy giggles.

"Yes you are. He's rolling in bed giggling and squealing to himself into the pillow. I think he's the your perfect match lil cuz. Not Jaemin." Said Jaehyun with a nod of confirmation.

"Mark hurry up or Hyuck would go crazy." Taeyong grabbed the phone and giggled into it as he nodded. The line went dead, the younger boy really looked like he lost his mind or as if he just walked into a pole.

"Whipped!" Sungchan clicked his tongue.

"They are cute. Btw Sungchan help your brother walk alone with the walking stick okay? Then I'll see you guys later. Take care of this Pudu or he'll loose it." Jaehyun started laughing as he kissed Taeyongs cheek and left the house. Both the brothers rolled their eyes at their favourite brother giggling to himself.

"I love you!!!" Donghyuck screamed into the pillow making his brothers laugh.

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