1. Don't you ever

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"Xavier." I heard my my yell. She always wakes me up for school so I actually go. It's not like I won't go. Ok, so some days I can't be bothered so I would go to one of my mates house to drink and smoke weed a lot. I didn't go to school yesterday so I have to go today.

Both my parents scolded me yesterday while I got laughed at by my younger siblings. They're all the perfect children, decent grades in class when they get reports sent home. Whereas me, I didn't do too well in school.

At fourteen I got a group of mates where we started drinking alcohol, anything and everything and smoking weed or whatever is at a party. And when I'm alone I still do it, just not drink, only smoke. My bedroom constantly smells of weed which makes my siblings annoyed but I don't care.

"Xavier Lucas Matthews get the fuck up. I need to go to work." My mum came into my bedroom.

One of my eyes opened and I looked up at my mum for a second then laid back down. She sighed then walked in and opened my curtains and windows.

"Wake up now or I'll take your phone and electronics." She stated.

"I'm eighteen years old, fuck off." I spat out.

"You may be eighteen but you still live under my roof. Get the fuck up. And don't you fucking dare swear at me. Am I understood?"

"Fuck off." I growled. My mum sighed deeply then walked out of my room slamming the door behind her.

Minutes later my door slammed open again. My covers were pulled off me and I was dragged to my bathroom. My dad turned the shower on and put me under the water where it was freezing fucking cold.

"Sober the fuck up, Xavier. And don't you ever, I mean ever swear at your mum. She didn't carry you for nine months and raise you for eighteen years. Don't you fucking treat her like shit, am I understood?" My dad glared at me.

"Shhh, I got a headache." I mumbled and held my head. Only for my dad to smack my hands away and hold my chin so I was looking at him.

"Am. I. Understood?" He spat out.

"Yes, fuck whatever." I rolled my eyes.

"Get ready for school, miss it today and I'll be driving you like a toddler to nursery." He mumbled and left my room, slamming my bedroom door behind him. I rolled my eyes and stood up taking my boxers off. I changed the water to a hot temperature and showered trying to sober myself up. Fuck it, I'll only get high and drunk later at college.

Once I got to college, I did my morning lessons. Of course being late and not actually doing any work. At lunch I met up with my mates, Dylan, Tyler and Harley.

I sat down and went on my phone. Ignoring my friends while they talked about girls. I scrolled through my DM's of girls nudes that they sent me and saving them on my phone.

"Want a hit, Xavier?" Tyler asked me while holding out a blunt to me. I took it from his fingers and took a drag while going through my phone. That was until I got a call from my little sister.

"What?" I spat down the phone.

"Where are you?" Liana sighed.

"Somewhere." I rolled my eyes and took another drag of the blunt.

"Somewhere? Fucking good one Xavier." She said sarcastically. "I got my period and need to go home to change. Can you drive me?"

"No." I stated and hung up.

"Who was that?" Harley asked.

"No one." I replied and took another drag. I handed it back to the boys then started going through my phone again. Only for Liana to call me again. "What?" I raised my voice.

"Please Xavier. I got cramps like a bitch and I have no one else that will take me. And I'd ask a teacher but they're all weird." She begged.

"No Liana." I growled.

"You're an arsehole you know that. No wonder why mum and dad fucking hate you." My little sister spat out at me and hung up. I rolled my eyes and took the blunt from Dylan. Fuck them then, if my parents hate me then fuck them.

All they do is tell me off. So if they hate me so much, then I'll move out or something. I'm sure they wouldn't care.

My mum started calling me so I left it to go to voicemail. I know for a fact she's calling to yell at me for leaving Liana so why bother answering. When the phone stopped, I got a voicemail so I listened to it to see what my mother had to say.

"Hey bebito, I'm stuck at work until six. Can you please pick up the twins and Finn from school? Can you make them dinner as well? I'll give you a tenner or something for it. I love you bebito." My mum sighed then it stopped.

I closed my eyes and rubbed my hands over my face. Why am I cursed with this family?

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