Chapter Sixty Six.

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We stood right in front of them until they motioned us to sit, and waited for them to talk. Fear; that’s what I felt. I was afraid of the consequences, I was afraid of losing the people I love again and being all lonely, and helpless, and lost and… Depressed. All of the feelings I felt while I was depressed –not that I’m not right now, but still I’m way better. I am afraid I will fall into the trap again and the voices will come back and I will self harm and feel like a worthless piece of shit. Because that’s what I always thought of myself, until he came into my life, along with the other three lads. I never felt so loved in my life and I honestly owe it all to them, because I admit, they saved me. They saved me from my fears, my worries, my anxiety and everything. I could never thank them enough, especially Michael who has been then from the start, and losing him would be like dying. Without him, I am lost.

“We called you guys for a specific reason.” My manager said, glaring at me first and then at the boys.

“We know Ashton had this party, and we know some things happened.” Their manager continued. I felt my hands shaking, and Michael took it and squeezed it. It’s incredible how his touch makes me calm down immediately.

“And?” Ashton said, asking them to continue.

“And we have some pictures so you cannot deny any of this.” My manager stated, handing us a folder just like the one I was given when I had the meeting with him. Flashbacks of back then came into my mind, but I decided to push the thoughts back as it wasn’t the right time to think of this.
Luke took the folder and opened it, taking the pictures out. They showed me and Michael dancing, kissing, me trying to be all seductive and sexy but sadly failing, and him gripping my hips and thighs. Okay I must say, this time we overdid it and they had all the rights to be mad. I saw a smirk on Michael’s face and I lightly punched his arm, and soon his smile faded as he understood this is serious and we might be in big trouble. We put the pictures back in the folder and placed it on the desk.

“So what do you have to say about this?” their manager asked, looking very serious.

“What do you mean?” Michael asked, avoiding looking at them.

“Well firstly I, as your manager, had asked you many months ago no PDA even when you weren’t together, and then I come across these pictures all over the internet.” He replied, angrily. I look at Michael, shocked, as he hadn’t told me anything.


A few months ago…

“What do you mean I can’t be with her?” I asked, frustrated.

“You just can’t, because you’re losing your fans. Do something to talk about you; your fame isn’t rising because of her.” My manager said. Anger was building up inside me.

“I don’t care about fame; she is our best friend and I am trying to find a way to be back with her again!” I shouted.

“Unfortunately things don’t work like that.” He said, still in that serious tone that made me sick. I am tired of him controlling us all the time, especially me.

“And what do you expect me to do?” I asked, crossing my arms. I swear I am going to punch him.

“Not anything too scandalous. Why don’t you go out with some ex of yours? That would make the front page in magazines. People will talk about you. Or maybe we could set you up with some of the most popular celebrities. That would be better. ” He said, putting his arm around my shoulder as he was suggesting these sick ideas. No way.

“There is no way I am going to do that.” I stated firmly. He can’t control my relationship.

“Fine. Then you know what?” he said, going back to his seat.


“I am afraid you will have to stop keeping in touch with her after the tour.” He announced. My eyes widen at his statement.

“No I am not! She lives with us anyway, where should she go? We can’t kick her out even if we wanted to!” I shouted, angrily.

“I am sorry Michael but he is destroying you.” He said.

“She isn’t! What are you talking about?” I yelled, clenching my fists.

“You haven’t been concentrating in your work at all, and I am pretty sure she is the reason.” He stated.

“No, she isn’t the reason.” I lied.

“Then what is it Michael?” he asked, frowning.

“It’s something else. Personal.” I said, trying to persuade him. I had to lie.

“Are you telling me the truth?” he asked.

“Of course I am. Why would I lie about such a thing?” I said. I couldn’t just let her slip out of my grip again so easily. Not because of my manager.

“Okay then, I trust you. I give you one more chance. Please don’t disappoint me Michael, or any of the boys.” He said, smiling.

“I won’t.” I said, smiling back and leaving his office.


“Michael?” I said, looking at him. He just stayed silent, staring at me frowning.

“You hadn’t told her anything, had you?” Calum said, frowning. Michael shook his head lightly, looking down.

“This relationship cannot work.” My manager stated. My eyes widen, and I feel a pain in my chest, which doesn’t allow me to breathe properly.

“W-what?” I somehow managed to say.

“You can’t do this to them!” Ashton yelled.

“Yes we can. You know how things work when you’re a successful celebrity.” Their manager stated.

“You never said anything when I had a girlfriend!” Luke shouted. ‘When I had a girlfriend’. He seemed hurt, saying these words.

“We would, but we changed our minds as you broke up and she is now with another band member, Ashton right?” my manager asked. Luke nodded, and looked down. Ouch.

“And what about that?” Calum asked, confused as I am.

“This is good actually. Do you know how many magazines have mentioned this thing? I know quite a long time has passed since then but you guys are in every single magazine since then.” Their manager replied, smiling. I really want to punch his face right now.

“It’s all about money guys.” My manager said.

“Can we stop talking about this thing now?” Ashton asked, looking over his mate who was frowning.

“Of course, since now it’s about Alex and Michael.” He replied.

“We can’t split.” I stated, trying to keep my voice even.

“You can.” Their manager said. “It’s just that you can’t understand.”

“We can’t understand? Are you kidding me?” Michael said, standing up. “The one who doesn’t understand here is you! You are destroying us! You are the cause of everything! She is making me happy and you don’t even see it while it’s so obvious! When was I so happy? Never! Only when we got together was I feeling like this. You can’t take her away from me.” He yelled.

Silence filled the room. They looked at each other, probably thinking about it.
What would they decide?



-V xx

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