Chapter Eighty Seven.

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Since I announced to my friends that I have to go on tour again sometime soon, they were all sad and moody. I don't like to cause such feelings to them, because I don't want to be the reason of their unhappiness. I admit I am sad too, because leaving almost immediately after I came back home wasn't in my plans. I wanted to stay with them and make up for the time that we lost while I was in the clinic. One thing that comforts them though is that the tour will be a month shorter than how it was originally planned. I know it's not much but it's still something, and thankfully I will have my best friend with me. But there is one small problem; Caroline started acting weird. I don't know the reason but I know that since when I asked Phoebe to come with me she looked... disappointed? I really don't know why but I want her to understand the reasons I asked Phoebe instead of her.
We had just arrived from the shopping centre; we wanted to spend some time with me before I will have to leave. Only Luke, Phoebe, Michael, Ashton and I were in the mood to go out. Calum said he had to go somewhere, but I didn't understand where exactly, while Caroline stayed at home sleeping. I guess she couldn't be bothered to get up, lazy as she is. We were surely exhausted though -so partly I understand why she refused to come- because we woke up quite early to avoid big crowds -aka fans- but there were still people who noticed us and we couldn't do anything to avoid them, except for running.
Luke unlocked the door and we all got in, leaving our bags on the floor and sat on the couch. I groaned as I lied down; I really needed a rest. Soon after Caroline walked down the stairs and just mumbled a cold "Hello" to us. What the hell is wrong with her? I turn my head around to see Phoebe struggling with a great amount of bags and Ashton insisting on helping her -God she's stubborn. I laughed at the view in front of me. "Jesus Phoebe, how many things did you buy?" I asked grinning.

"Ashton insisted on buying me things and I told him I don't want him to spend money on me." She glared at Ashton and he chuckled.

"But I want to spend money on you; I want to spoil you." He said smiling.

"I don't want to feel like I'm taking advantage of you." She sighed. He held out his arms to hug her.

"Maybe you do though." Caroline spat, having her arms crossed and looking away.

"What- Caroline, what are you talking about?" I said, shocked.

"Oh come on guys don't act like you don't know." She stated, rolling her eyes. We all looked at her baffled. "Phoebe supposedly loves Ashton, but it's clear it's only for his money." She said, and Phoebe gave her a death stare. She left her bags on the floor and approached her, but I was quick enough to stop her from hurting Caroline. What is happening?

"I will fucking end you!" Phoebe yelled angrily. I held her hands on the back but she slipped out of my grip and tried to approach her once again, but Michael chimed in and stopped her.

"Caroline are you out of your mind?" I shouted.

"I am simply saying the truth everyone should have known!" she shouted back.

"What on earth are you talking about?" Ashton asks but tries not to shout. He clenched his fists.

"Oh, and you Ashton... The best decision I have ever made is to leave you." She stated, rolling her eyes.

"You never left me; I was the one to break up with you. And you know what? This is exactly the reason I did so. You are jealous." He gritted through his teeth. I bet he was furious.

"I am not jealous of some bitch who stole my boyfriend; but you, my dear, weren't even in love with me from the start. You are a goddamn liar!" she yelled.

"Thank goodness you are girl, because if you weren't, I would have already beaten the shit out of you." Ashton stated and his veins on his neck showed from anger. I turned to see Phoebe who was crying and trying to slip away from Michael, but she was too weak. Ashton looked over her and his eyes softened, so he approached her to hug her tight.

"I am not going to discuss this with you Ashton. I don't talk with liars." She said, crossing her arms. Ashton decided to ignore her so he left along with Phoebe.

"Caroline, that's enough!" I yelled. "Stop fucking acting like that! If you're jealous I don't care but you have no reason to treat my best friends like shit, okay?"

"Don't interfere, Alex! Or I will start a fight with you too!" she yelled back.

"Ooh, I am so scared!" I said, crossing my arms and rolling my eyes.

"You better be!"

"I don't care if you hurt me as long as you don't hurt my friends. Don't you even dare touch them, Caroline." I gritted through my teeth, approaching her. She pushed me away.

"Oh really?" she laughed. "So even if I touch your beloved friend, Michael? Or should I say ex boyfriend, who broke up with you on the phone whilst on tour?" she said, stepping closer to Michael dangerously, but he pushed her away.

"E-Even Michael." I admitted. "He has been there for me more than you ever did, and has hurt me less than you ever had." I said, and Michael's eyes lit up and a smile was formed on his lips.

"Oh come on Alex, don't cry over the past now. What I did should be forgotten, don't you think?" She huffed. "Plus, I am not the one to leave you over a phone call..." She stated. I felt tears forming in my eyes and I bit my lip. She knows Michael is my weakness, and she keeps stabbing me on the wound he had left. I rushed to her and slapped her hard across the face. She turned around and I saw I had left a mark. She touched her cheek, having her mouth wide open from shock. "I will kill you!" she yelled, and she was going to attack me but Luke blocked her way in time and he held me close to him.

"Don't you dare touch her! You heard me?" he yelled.

"Get out of my way Luke!" she said trying to approach me but Michael held her back.

"You fucking deserved a slap Caroline, and one slap is not even enough for your attitude! Shut up!" Luke hissed.

"Michael, leave me alone!" Caroline shouted, trying to escape from his grip.

"Don't touch her or you're dead!" Michael threatened.

"You never loved her, why do you care now, Michael? If you loved her you would never leave her!" Caroline stated and my eyes widen. The wound becomes deeper and deeper the more she talks.

"You know my reasons! I was forced to!" he admitted. I stared at Michael intensely. Forced? Who could ever force him to break up with me? He had promised he would never leave me and nothing would have come between us. But I don't know maybe there was a reason, maybe there was something that he couldn't stop; maybe there was something threatening him. Or maybe, he just lied.

"W-What do you mean you were forced to?" I stuttered.

"Shit." He mumbled, putting his face in his hands. Caroline escaped from his grip and smirked evilly.

"He received a call by his manager telling him if he doesn't break up with you he will be fired, and he was forced to be with Grace. You know, she is a relative of his manager." She smiled. Michael glared at her.

"What?" I said, completely shocked from what I heard.

"She didn't have to know Caroline! Will you ever keep your mouth shut?" Luke yelled.

"Why guys? She would have found out anyway." She smirked again.

"Michael?" I said and he turned to face me. "Is this the truth?" I asked, and he nodded, biting his lip.

"But if our manager finds out you know, he will fire us." Luke stated. As soon as I heard that, I was done. Caroline has passed the limit.

"Caroline." I said, and she turned around. "Get. The. Fuck. Out. Of. My. House." I demanded.

"What? Alex you can't kick-"she started to say but I cut her off.

"Get the fuck out! NOW!" I yelled, pointing at the door. I will not let anyone stand in my way again. I will not let anyone ruin me again; and in order to do this, she had to leave. I don't know what got in her, and I don't know what happened but she surely had no reason to act this way. She hurt me, Ashton, Phoebe and even Michael. I didn't let her hurt anyone else or else I think I would have killed her. Her attitude is unacceptable.

"Fine." She mumbled and rushed upstairs, probably to grab her stuff and finally leave the house. I felt like I couldn't resist anymore, so I let the tears escape. Michael approached me and held me in his hug as I cried, grabbing his shirt. He held me closer and whispered "Everything's going to be alright sunshine."

Sunshine. That's how he used to call me.


Since I Saw You Last - Michael CliffordWhere stories live. Discover now