Chapter Thirty Nine.

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“What? You’re coming back?” I squealed from happiness. Even though Caroline and I haven’t kept in touch lately, it still won’t be awkward. Of course she will be shocked as soon as she sees my small bump, because I haven’t told her anything yet. But what about her and Ashton? Won’t it be weird coming out of the blue back into the house after their break up?

“Yes, I am.” She announced. Why didn’t she sound so happy?

“What’s wrong?” I asked, concerned.

“Nothing hun.” She said, and chuckled. I don’t understand what’s wrong with her.

“Okay. Still I’m not convinced. Anyway, when we should go pick you up?”

“I’ll be here in three days. Come pick me up at 7 p.m.” she stated.

“Alright then. See ya hun, I’m really excited to see you.” I said, and my grin wouldn’t get off of my face.

“I am too.” She chuckled, this time I knew it was a real laugh. I ended the call and placed the phone on the table. They all looked at me expecting me to say something. I stared back in confusion.

“What’s up?” I asked, awkwardly.

“What did Caroline say?” Calum spoke up.

“She will come in a few days.” I grinned.

Then everyone got up and cheered for Caroline’s comeback. I smiled at the sight in front of me; they were dancing for some inexplicable reason and Michael was making weird noises. But soon enough, my smile faded as Ashton got up from the couch and going up to his room, without even muttering a word.

What’s wrong with him lately?


6 months pregnant.
We found out the baby is a boy. I was so happy because I always wanted a boy, but there’s been a lot of arguing about his name, because Michael didn’t agree calling him Robert or Louis. Luke has been bragging about my choices, since there might be a chance of using his middle name; but deep down, he knew it wasn’t the reason. He was just being… Luke. This pregnancy is close to an end now though –only three months left. It’s been quite tough for me not to do anything; I wasn’t able to dance or even move, literally. I felt a constant pain down my tummy, where my child rested. I got scared several times but never actually went to the hospital. I thought it was normally the baby punching me from inside.

Too bad I was wrong.

I was making pancakes in the morning with Caroline and Phoebe. The boys were recording and had some interviews to do, so they would get back home late at night, means we had the house all for us. As I placed the pancakes into a plate, Caroline’s announcement took me by surprise.

“We should call some people and throw a party.” She smirked at me and Phoebe, evilly.

“Uhm let me think about this for a sec… No.” I stated in my sassy –but annoying- tone. Of course we couldn’t throw a party. What was she thinking? I can’t drink or do anything that they can do. Plus, who’s gonna clean the house? And the others would complain about having it without them, and the surely didn’t want to party after a long and tiring day like this.

“Why not?” she asked, sticking her bottom lip out and making the puppy eyes. Not gonna work.

“What the hell Car? She’s pregnant! Are you nuts?” Phoebe said, in a “duh” tone.

“Fine.” She said, crossing her arms like a stubborn child.

I giggled at her reaction and they sat on their chairs to enjoy the pancakes. As I was trying to sit, I felt an unbearable pain down to my tummy, again, but this time it was worse. I let out a gasp, and held on to the chair for fear I was going to fall. The girls rushed to my side shocked and worried. They helped me sit down, as I put my hands on my tummy.

“Alex? Oh my God, are you okay?” Phoebe asked in panic.

“Phoebe call an ambulance. Hurry.” Caroline stated, as she stayed by my side. She nodded and did as Caroline said. She was trying to calm me down and asked me several times how do I feel, but the pain was so intense I could barely speak –or even breathe.

“I don’t want to go to the hospital. Not again, please.” I mumbled with difficulty.

“You have to. Do you wanna die? No, don’t answer that. You will go.” She said. She tried to reassure me but it was too obvious she was panicking.

“Girls the ambulance’s here, the men are coming to carry you outside.” Phoebe stated, frowning as she saw the sight in front of her. I am sure no one would like to see me in such a state.

Suddenly some men got into the kitchen at took me, and led me to the ambulance. I felt more and more weak by the second, and I didn’t know what was happening to me. I don’t even know how many times I’ve been to the hospital lately. I have lost the count, and surely they got to know me really well in there, as if I am loyal customer or something. I am tired of this situation. The baby has given me so many problems, but I am sure in the end, no matter the difficulties, I will be happy carrying it around and taking care of it. I think I would hold it, keep it, and protect it like a precious jewel. This is not only because Michael and I made it, but because it was my baby. I would give birth to a baby, to a new life. But now, all I remembered is closing my eyes, just before arriving to the hospital.

Once again, my body was way too weak to hold on.





-V xx

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