Chapter Fourty Seven.

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A whole month passed since the start of the tour. Time passes by so quickly I didn’t even realize it. It is an amazing experience. I got to perform in front of an audience with my own songs and tell me, what’s better than touring with your four best friends?
Fortunately Michael wasn’t around in my room anymore since we changed so many hotels so far. Everything was okay between us… I think. I mean, of course there were times of complete awkwardness between us and embarrassing silences but still, there were times where we laughed and joked just like before we got together.
But it wasn’t the same. The tension grew as time went by, and the more we tried, the more we failed. I don’t really know how much longer we will be able to handle this. Plus, I also started having nightmares. Every single night. And no one was there to help me. There was Michael once, but now I can’t just go knock on the door and ask him, or any of them to help me.

We had just arrived from the concert and all our energy was drained. Still, we had promised we would Skype with the girls, so we couldn’t sleep. I missed them so much, and we hardly had any time to talk to them –we only communicated by text mostly, and a few calls.
As soon as we walked into the boys’ room, I jumped on the bed grabbing the laptop and turning it on.

“Quite impatient I see.” Luke commented chuckling, and sitting next to me.

“You would be too, so hush.” I scoffed jokingly.

“I actually am.” He replied smiling.

“Of course he is.” Ashton said, rolling his eyes and laughing.

“Where’s Michael?” I asked not seeing him anywhere around.

“I don’t know.” Calum said, looking around. Then we heard a knock on the door. Ashton went to open and an angry Michael popped up.

“Dude where were you?” he asked, furrowing his eyebrows.

“You forgot me.” Michael frowned.

“No we didn’t… Oh fuck. Okay yes we did.” Ashton said, trying to contain his laugh.

“Sorry dude, we didn’t mean to forget you back in there.” Luke said, trying to pull a serious face but failed.

“Are you kidding me? I had to take a taxi, for fuck’s sake! Fans were following me everywhere!” he shouted.

“Hey hey, chill. It’s alright mate we’re sorry, okay? It’s not like we meant to do that.” Calum said, sitting next to Luke.

“Whatever.” He said and headed to the bathroom.

I opened the Skype program and logged in and saw I had a few messages from Caroline.

“Hey, where are you? We’re waiting for ya lil sluts Xx”


“It’s almost 2:00 am come on

I laughed as I read them, and so did the boys. Then I suddenly received a call, and it was them, so I accepted. A sleepy face popped up into the screen, while the other one was grinning as if she had drunk 10 cups of espresso; Caroline, and Phoebe of course.

“HIYA!” Phoebe yelled.

“Stop yelling Phoebe what the hell?!” Caroline grumbled, trying to hit her arm but failed. I giggled at the sight in front of me.

“Hello!” Calum, Luke, Ashton and I said in unison.

“How are you guys?” Caroline said, in a low and sleepy voice.

“We’re quite good. You should get a rest though.” Calum said chuckling.

“Nah, I’m good.” She replied rubbing her eyes. Sure, you’re good.

“You haven’t slept properly for days, Car.” Phoebe said turning her gaze to her.

“You haven’t either!” she said, smirking.

“Well you’re not a night owl.” She smiled, proudly.

“Whatever.” Caroline said rolling her eyes. I giggled.

“We missed you so much I don’t think I can wait two more months.” Phoebe whined, frowning.

“I can’t wait either really but we have to.” Luke said, sticking his bottom lip out.

“Hey where’s Michael?” Caroline asked looking at the screen carefully, to find him. Gee, she really needs a rest.

“MICHAEL GET YOUR ASS OVER HERE!” Ashton yelled and Luke laughed.

“Why?” he yelled back.

“WE ARE HAVING A SKYPE CALL DON’T BE SUCH A LONER AND COME HERE.” Then a shirtless Michael entered the room and my eyes widen. Ashton hit my arm playfully and laughed as I stared at him.

“You like what you see huh?” Ashton whispered quietly enough in my ear and I glared at him, grabbing a pillow and hitting him on the head.

“You’re an idiot Ash.” I scoffed, hitting him one more time.

“Stop, stop hitting me!” he begged.

“Gee guys, if you were siblings I wouldn’t be amazed.” Michael commented, sitting right next to Ashton.

“Maybe they are. They act like it.” Phoebe said smirking at me. She always insisted Ashton and I were like brother and sister.

“I really want to go to sleep guys, I can’t handle it anymore. I think I am going to sleep right here.” Caroline said, resting her head on the back of the chair.

“Don’t gooooo.” Calum said, sticking his bottom lip out and making puppy eyes.

“I’m sorry Cal, I just can’t.” she said, frowning.

“Alright then. We’ll hear you soon, yeah?” I asked.

“Sure.” Phoebe said, smiling.

We exchanged our goodbyes and I ended the call. I got up, after turning the laptop off and heading to my room, greeting the guys first.


I was running, stepping on broken glass but I had to escape. Someone was chasing me, and it scared me. I ran as fast as I could, and as far as my feet could lead me. I ended up in the heart of the woods. It was dark, and the only sound you could hear were some insects making a weird noise. Suddenly I heard some steps from behind me. It was him again, and I knew it. My heart started beating so fast I could hear the sound it made while it was pounding inside my chest. I didn’t even have the time to turn around, because he had already grabbed me from behind and his large hand had covered my mouth. “I am going to die”, I thought.

But then I woke up. I hoped I would sleep more peacefully tonight, after seeing the girls, but no. I put my palm on my forehead and noticed I was sweating. I stood up and slowly headed to the bathroom. I washed my face and I felt relief as the cold water hit my face.
I was afraid to go back to sleep. I couldn’t handle these nightmares anymore. I needed someone beside me. This is why, I put my jacket on and headed to the room next to me; the boys’ room. I didn’t care who would wake up first, I needed someone near me. There was no way I could go back to sleep alone.
I knocked on the door a few times. No one was answering. I tried again, but still nothing. I decided it wasn’t right to wake anyone up so I was heading back to my room, but the door opened. I turned around and I saw a sleepy Michael, rubbing his eyes.


“Uhm, hi.” I said, awkwardly.

“What’s wrong?” he asked, staring at me.

“Uhm, I-I… Nothing, never mind.” I said walking away, but he grabbed my wrist which caused me to stop.

“No one would come at this time knocking at our door for no reason. What’s wrong?” he asked, and I noticed a bit of worry in his tone.

“I-I am having nightmares again, Michael.” I admitted, frowning.

“Oh.” He muttered, letting go of my hand.

“Sorry I just needed someone near me and I know I am bothering y-“he cut me off.

“Do you want me to come?” he asked. His question caught me off guard and my heart started beating fast, as I thought about Michael lying awake next to me and holding me until I fell asleep.

“I don’t want to bother you.” I mumbled, looking down.

“Alex, you never bother me.” He said, letting a small chuckle escape from his lips and ran his hand through his hair. I bit my lip, admiring every single move he made.

“Well… then, will you come?” I asked, unsure.

“Yeah. Just wait a second.” He said, as he walked back in and came back with his phone in his hands and a T-Shirt.

He closed the door gently, making sure he wouldn’t wake anyone up, and held my hand as we headed back to my room. He opened the door, still not letting me go from his grip. We walked into the bedroom. He put his phone and shirt somewhere on the drawer, as I climbed the bed, lying down and covering myself with the white duvet. He approached me and lied next to me. He motioned me to come closer to him and I did so, but a bit hesitantly.

“I don’t bite, love. Don’t worry.” He chuckled slightly.

My head was now resting on his chest and his arms were wrapped around my body protectively. I couldn’t even feel my heart anymore, and I could hardly breathe. I felt safe in his arms. I felt safe whenever he was near me. And that moment, I realized no matter how hard I try, I can’t forget him.
I love him too much.



-V xx

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