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Jungkook wasn't your average adult. He had just entered the life of adolescence. The 18 year old, lived on his own in a small apartment in the middle of Seoul. He had lost touch with his parents, yet they still payed the bills for his cheap apartment, forced by Jungkook's grandparents. Jungkook was still looking for a job, it was difficult to find a well suited job and this is why...

Jungkook is a little...
Little space: Little space is where you get into the head space of a child, entering a child like care free space away from the adult world. Its a way of coping from some sort of stress they may be experiencing.

Jungkook longed for a caregiver, but not just any caregiver. Someone who is willing to love him, and treat him like a fragile piece of glass, making sure not to break him. He wants someone who he can feel safe with. He and his little self needs to trust the person. He's had a caregiver before, and it made him lose all his trust in everyone. He learnt that trust is the most important aspect of having a new caregiver, he learnt that the hard way.

Jungkook was roaming around the busy streets of Seoul. He was looking for a job. He looked at every notice board he would come across, hoping that he'll find a job which was good enough.

He came across a piece of paper laying on the floor, unaware that this small piece of paper would change his life.
He picked it up and read what it said...

Looking for someone to work at Kim's Company...
You need to be diligent, hard-working, and a respectful person.
We need you to have a qualification in photography and editing, as this will be your job.

We are looking for someone to be the photographer and editor for our company.

If this is a job that you're looking for please ring as soon as possible...

Mr T Kim


Jungkook squealed on the inside, finally finding something that he finds interesting, and something that he's good that. He loves photography and editing; ever since he was a kid. It started off being a hobby but it became something bigger when he specialized in photography at college. Now he might even be able to peruse it as a job.

Jungkook whipped his phone out his pocket; it wasn't the best ,nor the most flashiest phone ever but it did the job.
He immediately rang the number at the bottom of the sheet. His fingers trembled as he pressed the numbers on the keypad. He brought the phone up to his ear and let it ring. There was a slight pause and a voice was heard through the other end of the phone.
"Hello, this is Miss Yun speaking from Kim's Company. How may I help you?"
The voice rang through Jungkook's mind, his heart beat quickened.
"H-hello, I w-was calling about the j-job opportunity for being the company's p-photographer"
"Oh that's brilliant, you're in luck. We haven't had any calls yet, so we can get you an interview as soon as possible! How does tomorrow morning sound?"
"R-really! That's perfect, thank you so much"
"Great. Go to Kim's company at 9am sharp tomorrow morning. Tell the front office that you're here and they will tell you what to do. If I can just get your name and then they'll know who you are"
"Of course, my name is Jeon Jungkook"
"Great Mr Jeon, I hope to see you tomorrow"

With that being said, the phone call ended. Jungkook breathed out heavily, calming himself down. He put the sheet in the bin and walked home. Once he got to the apartment complex he walked in and ran up the stairs as the elevators were broken. Loud thuds came from apartments surrounding him. Screams, and wails came from others. The smell of cigarettes lingered around the area.
It wasn't a safe nor pleasant area, but it was doable and it gave Jungkook shelter and warmth he needed.

He got to floor 5 and walked down a long corridor, walking to the very end, till he got to the last apartment door in the corridor. Jungkook hurriedly pushed his keys in the lock and unlocked his door, not wanting to see any of his terrifying neighbours.

He scrambled inside and locked the door behind him. He quickly sighed and took his shoes off. He walked a few steps and was already in the kitchen. He threw his keys on the kitchen island and walked to his room. He plugged his phone into his charger and quickly set an alarm before he could forget.

He sat on his bed and saw his plushie which laid on his bed comfortably. Jungkook's bambi eyes glistened as he reached out to the stuffed animal. He took it in his hands and brought it close to his chest, hugging it softly; making sure he didn't strangle it.
"Koo missed you cookie" Jungkook tiredly spoke to the plushie in the quiet room.
The little carefully stood up from his bed and slowly walked to his wardrobe. He sat on the floor, unable to keep himself steady and pulled out his pyjamas which were neatly folded at the bottom. He grabbed them and attempted to put them on. He managed to take his clothes off and put his pyjamas bottoms on but once he got to the t-shirt he accidentally put it on the wrong way round, making the label tickle his chin. Tears gathered in the corner of his eyes as it became distressing for the boy. He turned his shirt around and laid on the floor in tiredness.

It was hard for Jungkook. He is a very dependable little, yet he has no one to care for him and so he's forced to be independent, which usually doesn't work very well. Due to this, it becomes very difficult for the younger and becomes distressing when he's supposed to do simple, everyday tasks, and his little self is unable to do them.

Jungkook huffed a breath out and decided to go straight to bed. He pulled the duvet over his body and snuggled close to his plushie. He shut his delicate eyes and drifted off to sleep.

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