To sum this 'story' up. I guess it's just a rough copy of what I get up to and my endless battle to get close to my crush. So thank you for reading if you do read this and I hope you enjoy it :3 thank you!! The thing with this story ... who am I kidding it's practically a novel now :p is that... its just as I continually say a rough cover over of my day. It is poorly written... well for my standard it is... but I never wrote it to be amazing or perfect in spelling and grammar. The thing that I hope/not hope depending on the chapter... is that people can relate to me :) that when you read this you go.. I can relate to this .... or even, wow at least my life is better than hers... I just hope you all have better luck then me xoxox all the best kayleigh :) *oh! almost forgot the chapters have randomly got a bit jumbled so just look out for the chapter number otherwise things may get confusing XD lol*