Early Chrastmas Fluff part 2

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I think I'm going to read fanfiction when I get home...

I write fanfiction...

I have to write fanfiction....

Welp time to write this for a couple of hours...


*Killer's pov:*
'Of course... of course Horror had to say christmas party. Atleast I think I can hide a misseltoe somewhere~
But only if Nightmare is okay, with us having a party that is.

Me and Horror made it to Nightmare's room and we opened the doors, to see Nightmare having a mistletoe in his hands himself. He was fiddling with it.

"What do you want?" he asked, not moving his glance away from the plant.

"Can we, uhhh... have a christmas party..?" I said to him not really sure on how he would react.

"Sure, but you have to clean up after yourselves, make sure (Y/N) is invited, but of course you don't need to invite her if i can have her for the whole night.." Nightmare smiled at the plant. It is also a big suprise to hear him say that 'wEre hAvinG a PartY'

"Oh we will invite her, yaknow, cuz we want her to be happy, not be in the arms of a slimy octupus" Horror said.
"Why do I hear boss music..?"

=> to be continued.
(He dun goofd)

(Okay yeah thats not what happened, but let's just say, he got bitchslapped by the said 'goopy octupus', I'm too lazy to write in what happened and I'm soo my dear children, but the scene would have been just horrible *dramatic pose*)

*Fell's pov:*

'Maybe this chord now... no. Mayb- no. This one..? Yes got it!' I thought to myself, while trying to make a new song on a guitar. It was going to be about "how my life is hell and how nobody would want me".

Someone came through the door, I looked to see who it was and to my suprise it was (Y/N).

'Let me actually change that song name to "I am in heaven when you are near"'

I felt my anxiety kick in(yeah he has it).

'But of course, what if she doesn't like me back? I have only been a dick to her since she got here and she is an angel while I'm just a nobody. I bet she already hates me and came here to tell me that' is what I thought and usually are my thoughts when she's near.

"Hey Fell, were having a christmas- oh sorry giftmas party, but you problably knew that, but I wanted to ask that am I invited?" she asked.

'Ah she's so fucking adorable when she's happy, but what am I going to say. That I don't know anything about this party and see how she's going to fall appart infront of me, I haven't had such a good riddance with her yet in a while, I wish I could be less weak right now and actually say something smart that won't bring her down'

I looked around to see maybe an anwser is infront of me, but of course it isn't- oh never mind, I can see Killer and Horror behind my door. They're like signaling that this giftmas party is happening. So I guess I got my anwser.

"Of cours' ya ar' sweetheart, who wouldn't want ya to be there" I told her. Her eyes light up and she seemed like the happiest human on earth. Hell this is the happiest that I have seen her be.
Fucking hell, can you not be this cute all the time.

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