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This time, you somehow gained enough sleep to function propely. The sleep wasnt even filled with nightmares this time. It was more filled with just normal darkness. But it is a lot better than the nightmares you get.
You had now woken up and kind of in a good mood. Today was food day. The day where you can ask Nightmare for food. You smiled and as quickly as it came, then as quickly it left. You had remembered yesterday and the things that might happen when you try to escape again. As much as you have been here, then you have learned enough to know, that yes, Nightmare is and will do it if wanted. So you now have to stay here for eternety.
You still want to try looking at the positive side, because thinking negativily isn't going to get you anywhere. Thinking positivily won't either, but it will let you keep your sanity longer.
You started to leave the room, until a idea came to mind. Maybe being positive will actually bring you somewhere...
'Maybe if I am positive, then he won't feed off of my negative feelings. Maybe he will get tired of me being like this and he will kick me out or something' was what you thought. This might even work. You knew it was one of your made up ruled not to be positive around him or he will try to ruin it, but he didn't say that I have to always be negative. So it is settled. You are now trying to be as positive as possible and hope your idea works.
Now you officialy leave the room and head over to Nightmares place.
'Does he even sleep? Or does he just sit on his throne the whole day? Oh yeah he snoozes, but you don't know if he does sleep.

You now had made it to the throne room. Opened the gates. And you were determined, to be positive enough so Nightmare would leave you alone.

"H-hey Nightmare." okay that was a bad first attempt, but you have been positive the whole day for now. And a bit longer is needed.
"Is it feeding day already..." he said kind of annoyed.
"I swear you just ate yesterday... oh yeah you didn't, you had failed another escape plan and now you won't have any anymore"
He must have sensed that you were positive, but if he is going to try and make you feel bad. Then you are going to try and be positive.
"Y-yeah... but I am sure I c-can find some happines here somehow" you said and gave a gentle smile. The smile itself was kind of fake. But it had to be real to prove to Nightmare.
His face went a bit purple. Kinda like error that time you caught him. Maybe this mean that they are getting mad? The tint had left now and he tried again.
"Well if you are in such a nice mood today, then I hope you won't be bothered to let horror be the one to guide you to the kitchen"
Usually dust only braught you there once. And all of the other times, swapfell has braught you there. He is usually there to check incase, that you won't eat too much. And he has started calling you 'pet' or 'toy'. You yourself hated being called like that by him. But you would rather be called like that, than have some qualaty time with horror.
"Great, let me call him in right now" said Nightmare cutting you off. And soon was horror in this room.
"Horror, wouldn't you mind if you would escort our dear (Y/N) into the kitchen" Nightmare seemed to be wanting you to be mad at him or any negative feeling. But you had to stay positive.
You thought, that maybe if you go with horror, then you can perhaps eat more than how much swapfell let's you.
'Okay, back being to positive (Y/N)' you thought bravely, Nightmare was problably being pissed now. But you couldn't care.
"Okay" lazily said horror and started walking off. You started following him. Before you left the room then you gave Nightmare another smile. It can't be a smile of 'hah I beat you!', but it was a smile of gratitude, for being allowed to go eat today. And so you left the room and happily followed horror.

*Nightmares pov:*
She was only positive, there were a few places where she was close to feeling sad, angry or anything like that. But when she was close to being like that, then she quickly turned positive again. Nightmare had to say, that he does not like positive emotions, but when (Y/N) smiled at him twice. Then it made his soul thump harder than it had, when she once called him king. He had also felt most of the other skeletons feel like that too. He didn't enjoy, that they were having positive emotions. But he hated the fact that they were feeling the same way. Thats why he sent horror with (Y/N). He knew that she was scared of horror. So she won't be having the same feelings towards him. She hasn't had any of those feelings to anyone in this castle yet. There again have been days ir scenarios where she yes was feeling something simulaur. But they were only for a split second.  It didn't matter right now. He is going to make her his in the future.

*now to horror's pov:*

Me and (Y/N) where walking to the kitchen. She seemed positive the whole time. That I didn't really like. That meant, that I couldn't see her cute horrofaid face of fear. Oh how I wished she would look at me like that again, begging for mercy. Then I might give it to her. But still have a few bites. I had never tasted a human before. And she sure does look tasty.

My dreams were cut short, for we had made it to the beautiful room, everyone calls the kitchen. We both went in and I let her grab food for herself first. She took some of (f/f) and went over to the table.
'I have to scare her soon if I want to see that cute face of her's' I thought and thought more on what to do... Bingo. I snapped my fingers mentally. Oh I knew exactly what to do...

*back to (Y/N)'s pov:*

You had sat on your favorite place where to sit and remembering on how swapfell was doing food in the background and trying to make spaghetty. You tried it once and almost had thrown it up, the taste was undescribable. So you had declined, when he wanted you to have some.

But now you are here with horror and who know's what's he going to do.

He had grabbed a lot of diffrent food and just ate it straight out of his hands. Then grabbed more and did the same thing.
'How much food can this skeleton take?  Where does the food even go?!'
He had stopped after a while and turned to you.
"I am still hungry... but I have already tried all that has been in this fridge... maybe I can just. Eat. YOU!" he said and quickly a lot of bones trapped you into a circle. You tried your best not to be scared. Maybe you can just talk to him?
"Horror... I-I know you a-are not going to d-d-do that, because y-you had p-promised yourself not t-to. I remember, b-because I listened" you said confidenlty. You actually don't remember if he prosmised, you just knew he didn't eat any.
"I didn't promise myself anything... but you are right, I am not going to eat you. I just wanted to see your cute face when you are scared" he said casually, with a smile on his face. Such a creepy sentance to be said like that. Also if he loves to see you being scared, then you are not going to give him his pleasure. So you again smiled.
"T-thank you" gosh, you have never smiled this much in one day. Horror went mad, because his face started having a red hue. Yeah this must mean, that they are getting angry. He didn't say anything after that. You left to your room with horror following you a bit and then left, when you actually had made it to your destanation.


(A/N): welp, looks like you people didn't need to wait a year for this chapter. Instead a new one came out not so soon after :D.

Soo... I actually kind of want to do a cross scene here too, but I don't know how he should act around you, so can you people say how please? It will be easier for me then. Of course I would still write one if noone did say how he would act, but I just don't really want him to act out of charekter. Anyway thank you for reading and thank you people soooOoO much for your support. Boii.

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