The star Sanses

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Inks pov:
"What are we going to do, every week a new human goes missing, but we will know that after the human is gone."
I said. Us star Sanses were having a meeting disscussing the undertale pacafist timeline problem.
"What if Nightmare has something to do with this?" asked blueberry.
"Yes, it is possible that my brother has done something like that, but we don't know if he has already kidnapped another human." said dream.
"Let's check it then." I said and opened a window to undertale. The others also looked trough it and we started looking.
We have seen patterns, of Nightmare kidnapping people, who aren't noticed that much than the other's. So it will make it kind of hard to find that person.
We have been looking for a while and found a school girl missing, but nobody cared. 'I wonder why' I thought and looked for the her name. It was (Y/N) (L/N).
"Hey guy's, I found her!" I yelled to the others. They had opened they'r own portals to look faster (dream opened one for blueberry of course). They ran to me and I told them what I found.
"But where would my brother hide her and all of the other's?" asked dream.
"I don't know, but we will find her and we will save her." I said and started thinking of places where Nightmares gang could hide.

Horror's pov:
When I finished guarding the human, then I left to see Nightmare. He was sitting on his throne and when I arrived then he seemed less bored.
"Ah, horror I see you finnaly made it." said Nightmare. I just waved and waited for him to start talking again.
"As you know, then we have a new pet. Now I asked you to guard the human so she woudln't escape, I told you earlier that, so we can use her as a hostage. I have also been spying on the star Sanses and they have noticed the girl's dissappearance."
'Her name was (Y/N)' I thought angrily, the girl has a name damn it.
He started telling me the plan and I agreed to it.
"Who is going to protect (Y/N) now?"
I asked him before leaving the room. He seemed to be in thought and then said:
"I think it is olny fair that we give her a room. I mean we don't want her to escape yet."
I was pleased with his anwser and left.

Fell's pov:
'So, we have a new pet. But apperantly they have powers, Nightmare told me about it and the plan. So I guess I can't have some fun, what a shame' I was intoropted from my thoughts when I heard a knock on my door. I got up and opened it.

(Y/N) pov:
So here I am. Still in the cell. Horror left a few minutes ago, but Im still not going to use my power's. For safety of course. But it's kinda pointless, because they already know that. I found some rocks and found a way how to doodle with them on the wall. Im bored and I have to do something to be 'unbored'. Heh what a great word I just made up. Nevermind, its stupid anyway and I will problably never use it again, so its pointless.
I heard someone open the cell door and I looked to see who is it. It was Nightmare.
"Glad to see that youre still in here" he said. He grabbed me with one of his tentacles, but this time he didn't hold me as hard as last time. He brought me to a door with a sign that said 'keep out'. He knocked on the door. We waited for a while and a familiar skeleton opened the door. It was the edgy one. Now he was closer and I could make out his appearance better. He was wearing a black jacket, kinda simualer to horrors. And he had sharp teeth with one of them being yellow. He had red bags under his eyes and and red pinpricks, he looked like he was kinda pissed.
"What do you wan-" he stopped when he saw me and looked at Nightmare with a questioning face.
"The fuck is she doin' here?" he asked.
"Im going to leave her with you until the papyruses get (Y/N) room finished" he said calmly. Fell seemed to be even more pissed, but he didn't say anything. He just opened the door wider motiuning that I should go in. And thats what I do, his room is awfully messy. He closed the door and sat on his bed, not even paying attention to what I am doing. I felt kind of sad about it, because I really need someone to talk to.
'Your supposed to be used to this', I sat down and and stared at the ground. 'The olny living things I have been talking with have been Nightmare and horror, and they both are kinda scary. Ok not kinda but not that scary to keep me up at night.'
I looked around the room to see a lot of dirty socks and clothes. There also was an electrik guitar in the corner with some big speakers. I looked at the edgy skeleton and he seemed to be... sleeping? Well thats defenetly the best guard I have ever seen. My looking turned into staring with out me even noticing, because I was deep in thought.
"Ya like what you see?" he asked getting my attention to his face and I didn't know what to say, so I turned my head.
"Can you talk?" he asked.
"Yes" I anwsered.
"So youre name is (Y/N), right?"
"Yes, whats yours"
"The names Sans, but to avoid confusion then call me fell"
After that we stayed quiet. Then the tall skeleton guards came in and brought me to another room.
The walls were very dark and so was everything else. Great. The skeletons left me in the room and I was pretty tired from the day and decided to go to sleep. I changed my clothes ( what magically showed up in here) at the bathroom that also was here and headed to the bed. I went under the covers and turned off the lights. Now, remember when I told myself that I woudln't be scared of those skeletons. Well, with me not being able to see anything and remembering what horror has done and I can't even think what Nightmare has been doing. Then its more likely for me to be scared.


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