Who doesn't like floof

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(Y/N) pov:
You woke up from your nightmare. You have been getting those ever since you came to this castle, sometimes they're just so scary that you can't sleep after words. But sometimes they aren't as scary and wake up like you did right now. But alas, waking up like this is rare, because usually you see yourself falling somewhere and just wake up jumping.
You stood up and felt your mouth having the morning taste. Did you really forget to brush your teeth yesterday..? You don't even remember going to your room and the last thing you remember, is being in the kitchen with dust and then it went blank.
WAIT!!? Then how did you end up in your bed?! Did he drag you here or something? I'm going to ask him later.
For now I am hungry again, yet I did eat yesterday and I can just see it in Nightmares eye, that he loves to see me suffer.
'Well who doesn't'
Now I will be forced to wait in my room and hope to die of boredom. I have no idea how many times I have said it, but I know that I have thought that a lot.
You heard someone open the door and look to see who it is, but they disappeared. You did see a blue hoodie, but it doesn't really help, because three other sanses are also wearing those.
You have been getting these skeletons coming to your room, just to check on you. But like a lot than you think is needed.

Dust's pov:
"Calm brother, she didn't see us and we will deny it when she asked us about it. " papyrus said
"Yeah... yes." I muttered.
"I'm not goint to lie though, I saw you smiling a bit when she turned~"
"WHA- so what. You would too if those pretty (E/C) eyes just turned to look at you, with her soft hair swhoosing through the air..." I said that walking to my room. I could see it in the corner of my eye that papyrus was smirking and nodding as he was agreeing. But cross was just walking past me and heard me saying those things about
"What is wrong with all of you guys?! The olny thing I see you guys doing around here is now stalking the prisoner. Im going to go check and see why are you even interested in her." he said and left to (Y/N)'s room.
'Oh he better not hurt (Y/N)...'

Crosses pov:
I walked to the prisoners room.
'Why did they even get a room?! Its so unusual of Nightmare. Has he gone soft after all these years?'
I made it there, the girl turned her head, startled. Maybe because I had hit the door open. Anyway, she just looked at me and I walked to the chair, what was pretty close to the door and sat down. She looked scared and confused.
'Tch... pathetic'
There was silence and nothing more. Now the olny reason I came here was to see why the others are so interested in her and this is what I get. I can't really tell why they are acting like that.
"Umm... h-hi" the prisoner spoke. I looked it dead in the eye for a response and she didn't talk after that.

(Y/N)'s pov:
This skeleton is pretty scary, well all of them are scary... I guess he came here to keep an eye in me, for not escaping.
Maybe if I just don't talk he will not hurt me.
Actually, why am I even scared. I have some f*cking powers, where I can just do whatever I want to do with him. But it would take time to make a bruise to eat my blood. I guess I have to take a few hits. But I can't really take a few, if one of the hits would kill me in a second.
Eh just screw it, I will ask his name.
"Uhh, what is your n-name..?"
"... . . .... .. . .cross"
"H-hi cross, my n-name is (Y/N)"
"..I don't care"
Pretty rude. But progress.

Crosses pov... again:
The human kept on trying to start a conversation. Most of the time I had ignored it. But also chara has stayied quite quiet.
"Something wrong?" I asked chara. The human almost anwsered until it realised I wasn't talking to it.
"I don't know... I don't think we should kill her, when we are allomwed.."
"But if we don't then everyone else will do it for us!"
"I know, but... I mean look at her, she looks so defensless. I know that Nightmare said that she had powers, but she doesn't look like it."
He has a point. I turn my head towards the human to see if it actually seems so defensless. But to my suprise it wasn't there. Actually it was right beside me. I felt that it had put its hands on my jackets hood, touching the fur I had there.
"Eep.. sorry I s-saw that you w-were spaced out a-and your hoods f-fluff seemed very soft s-so I couldn't help m-myself" she said, but still touching the fur and not seeming to want to let go.
"Well if you are touching the fur a few seconds longer.. THEN I WILL CHOP YOUR ARMS OFF SO YOU WON'T BE ABLE TO TOUCH ANYTHING ANYMORE!!" I yelled threataning. She frose for a second.
"B-But Nightmare h-hasn't said that y-you are allowed to k-kill me..." she said kinda confident and at the same time not.
'Crap she is smarter than average dumb humans'
"Tch.. if I can't do that, then I will see how you would like it!" I said and put my both hands on her head and started stroking her hair. Harsh at first, because I wanted her to feel pain. But I slowly started petting it, olny cuz it was so soft and felt like silk.
I did that for a while, the human seemed to be confused why, but it didn't last long because her door opened.

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