X and knife

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*(Y/N)'s pov:*
I was sleeping. And then I wasn't. I noticed that, when I had woken up. I noticed that I woke up, because I wasn't being chased down by a weird clown jester thing. But something was off this very fine morning.
The bed was soft.
The blankets are warm.
I'm feeling very sleepy as always.
Fiddle has already woken up and chilling on the floor.

Now the thing that was off, was something I have never thought of getting to expierence.
A weight, behind me and me and this mystery creature are spooning.

'I swear to god if this is dust or any of the fucking skeletons, then I'm going to commit arson' was what I thought before turning my head to see this creature who has assaulted my back with it's presence.
It was... drumroll please...

Bet you never saw that coming ladies and gentlemen and everything in between.

But it really was quite a shock. Who knew Cross was sutch a cuddler. I almost seemed like I was his teddybear.

'Welp as I said, I'm going to commit arson and burn this place down. I don't care what Nightmare will do to me, these skeletons are getting a bit too touchy'

I tried to get up, but I was pulled back. Jeez this dude had an iron grip around my me!

Also have I already stated to myself, that I don't really like to be touched? It's not as bad as Errors, it's just that, I don't know... these skeletons kidnapped me and have caused me a lot of emotional trauma. I understand if you don't understand, because now thinking about it. This seems like a five year olds dream.

'Should I slap him?' my lovely brain thought, because who woudln't do it their kidnapper has just casually valtsed in and starts cuddling you.

'This... hug is kinda nice though... ...
(Y/N)!' I was shocked with myself. Have these skeletons really kept me here for so long, that my brain decided to laugh at me and activate 'stockholm syndrom...?'

Is that why I kissed Nightmare? Is that why I'm feeling nice and fuzzy over the fact that Cross is cuddling me? Whats next? Me having fun with Killer again. Hah, don't make me laugh-
"(Y/N), I know its been a while, but do you want to come play video games with me again?" speak. of. the. fucking. devil. It was Killer himself. Casually walking in asking this. While I'm being cuddled. This cannot be good....

*Killers pov:*
"(Y/N), I know its been a while, but do you want to come play video games with me again?" I asked a lovely girl, who I haven't talked in a while.

But the view I saw...

A cute shocked (Y/N)... and Cross... cuddling her..? T H I S C A N N O T B E
First I see them walking together and now this.

I grabbed a knife from my pockets(I wonder how the pockets don't break?) and walked closer to (Y/N). She looked terrafied and was ready to activate her powers.

'So helpless... and yet still tries to defend themselves... how adorable' I could only think. I put my index finger on her lips and whisper 'shh'.
I grabbed Cross and teleported to another room.

I let go of said skeleton, but I saw that he was still holding (Y/N). So he fell to the ground, not letting go. It made me angry.
(Y/N) got hurt.
And I am not the one in Crosses shoes.

'Lucky' I think. But I will get my chance too. Soon enough.

'I'm actually suprised, that Cross still hasn't waken up. I heard he was like a royal guard or something. So shoudln't he be very jumpy and ready to fight?' I thought. I can't have myself questioning the whole day though. First I have to get (Y/N) out of his crasps.

I look over to the huggers and saw
(Y/N) being all blushy. I can't have my little noobie being so flushed up for this piece of crap. I was supposed to be the one who can make her feel like that.

Without even realising it, I had walked beside (Y/N) and tried to get her out of this cage.

Soon she'll be in another cage. My
rib-cage. And it will be a lot more comfortable.

Now there may have been an eentsy weentsy problem. Cross is defenetly phisically stronger than me, because of his training. And all I have done, is playing video games. Atleast I do something that (Y/N) will enjoy doing with me.

Anyway, getting noobie out of his hands will be tricky, but I have to do it.

I grabbed Crosses fingers and tried to unravel them. They were all over
(Y/N)'s cute belly, how disgusting.

But doing that triggered him to hold her closer. As if protecting her.



I didn't care if I hurt (Y/N) right now, I had to get her out no matter what. Or I would go more crazy than I already am. Sometimes helping people, means also hurting them a bit.

I pulled my noobie with all my might. Cross still trying to hold onto her. (Y/N) did make some sounds, meaning that she was in pain, but if I ignored them, then I wont feel as guilty. I also tried to unravel his fingers again. This time they unraveled. And I got (Y/N) out.

She fell on my stomach.

She's back to her blushy mess again. Fucking adorable.
I teleported her to my room and placed her on my bed. I get to hold her now. I get to hug her now. I get to hold her close to my broken soul.
Nothing is going to change my mind.

I held her tight, she was panting. Maybe I was holding her a bit too tight. But I didn't want to let loose. What if someone comes to get her again? What if someone else is going to hold her?

But I have to be careful. Yes she has magical powers, but she is still fragile. So unbroken. What really is a suprise. Most humans have gone mad by now. Maybe it's because she's a ghost? Who knows.

I gently let her a bit loose. I hear her taking in a deep breath, as if she hasn't breathed for hours.

She starts to steady her breathing again. And I feel her moving. As if trying to leave my protective crasp. And thats what she apperantly wanted to do.

She softly got up and started to walk away.

I teleported infront of my door, before she could open it.
She lets out a little 'yelp'.

Is this girl even trying not to be cute?

"Killer, can I go to my room please..?" Noobie asks very shyly and unsure.

"No" was my anwser. What if I just keep her here forever? Bring her food. Let her play video games with me. And the others will soon forget her. She could be my own little pet.

I have decided, that thats what I'm going to do.

"You have to play video games with me first" I said, first I have to convince her not to leave the room.


(A/N):"Well look, everyones being a yandere. I actually accedently made them like this. But anyway hope you all enjoid the chapter, also thank you all for the love you give, or just reading this at all, thank you. Have a wonderful rest of the day humans."

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