Another escape plan

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So-, here you are plan ready. You have learned that Nightmare doesn't really leave the throne room, only on special eccasions... So your plan is to go behind Nightmare's throne and quetly try to make a portal. Now that you have made them a bit more, then it's kinda easier.

I know this is a stupid plan, but you are trying to get out no matter what. You don't really believe that this will work. But it won't leave your head until you have actually tried it. Also you could learn more about him, when you fail more... okay that sounds creepy, but whatever.

Right now you have to escape more than anything because dust is getting scarier each night...

*flashback to yesterday's night, but in dust's pov*

'She was just so peacful... and calm. If only she would turn around. I would like to see her face more... I remember that she was awake one time and turned to look at me. Her face went into fear and it was just so adorable.
I wanted to hug her. Or hold her. Close to me. She needs to be with me. With nobody else. Only me!'
"Calm brother, you are going to wake her up and she won't be that peacful anymore. She will be your's, you just need time" said papyrus.
"Of course..." I anwsered back and continued looking at (Y/N).
'Oh how she did look adorable. With her hair just being on the pillow with it going to all sorts of places.' I thought wanting to touch it, because it looked just like silk. I had once, but it wasn't enough. I gently touched it and I was right, it is silk. It was also fluffy. I slowly started carresing it and feeling it's tecture. Suddenly she turned around and I saw that she was sleeping. Oh how pretty she was. I had continued watching, I mean who wouldn't at such beauty. Wait... I can be the only one to see it. And noone else can think that she can be their's.
She still looked peacful and adorable as every night. But this time on one of the rare occasions I saw her face again. The only problem was that there was a strand of hair in the way. I started to move it out of the way a bit and then her hand came up and gently touched my own. Her skin was so soft and smooth. She grabbed onto my pinkie finger and that must have been the best night, she held my hand. I gently started trying to hold it back. My soul was beating more than other nights and I loved the feeling. The feeling hurt my chest, but oh it was just so enjoiable. I could be like this the whole night. But it was cut short, because she had woken up. She looked terrified and quickly turned around to the other direction. I left for that night, I was satisfied with seeing her face and feeling her touch.

*end of flashback, but (Y/N) remembers only the hand holding, back to (Y/N) pov*

You didn't want to find out what would he do some other nights. You already know what fell wanted to do, so you hope the others don't do it.
You just start with the plan. Always the usual blood eating thing and your powered up. You teleport to Nightmares throne room, but of course behind the throne and quietly try to open a portal. This still went faster than other times.
It was very draining, but even though being sad and sarcasting all the time, then you actually felt happy that this might work and be your ticket out of here. You knew Nightmare might come to the same place where he found you, but you have to hope that you can find the good skeletons and that they can help you.
The portal is now almost complete. Just a bit more. And yes it is done! You start to jump in there and try to think where to go, but your dreams were crushed again by a familiar tenticle.
"This is now getting quite annoying, are my partneres not treating you well~" said Nightmare, of course him. Who else would have such a deep voice. And he also had said that sentance with joking or sarcasam. And you thought you were the sarcastic one, it was actually quite odd that he was actually joking and not being scary.
"No, they aren't..." you had said with a straight face and not stuttering. You weren't really that scared of him anymore.
"Aww how saddening, but you do know that I feed from negative emotions, and I can also feel any other one on however far it is" he had said and... is that really the reason how he always knew where you were without even looking? Is this why he is keeping me here? Just to grow more powerful from my fear, sadness and disgust?! But on the other hand, this is kind if good news. Maybe if you try escaping next time, trying to feel absoloutly nothing, then maybe you have a chance.
"Now don't get any funny ideas, this is quite tireing to see you happy and feeling the joy every time you are close to escaping. So if you try to escape one more time... then remember I can teleport to your house in a second and kill all the residents. So don't try to escape. Again." he said leaving you feeling in dispair. And now he is problably feeding off of that too, but you didn't really care right now. Now you have to be stuck here forever.
You felt warm tiers coming from your face. Another rare occasion. Maybe if you would be happy then it would disgust him and he would problably throw you out somewhere. But how are you supposed to be happy right now?
You just ran out the room.

*Nightmare's pov:
After telling (Y/N) that, then I felt I had lied somewhere. Oh yeah. I like to see her be positive, though I know I'm not supposed to. But just seeing her smile when she is so close to escaping, is almost making me not want to interfire. Oh but if I want to see more of that smile then I have to do something. I can't just let her escape and go be with the dead.

*back to (Y/N)'s pov:
I had ran out the room and tried to stop crying. I had already runned into my own and had cried myself to sleep.

The night itself wasn't that full of nightmares as usual, so it was a bit comforting. But you still had woken up and wanted to leave the room you now had to call your own for eternity. So you left, this time not going to killer's room to play video games, but to error's. I mean what could be the worse that could happen.

"I dOn'T caRe" he had plaintly said. S-
"bUut, iF yOu wAnT tO wAtcH sOme UnDernovella wIth Me Then You ArE wElcOme to" he had continued, this was quite unexpected. You thought that he was just some wierd guy who likes to sing at a mirror and destroy stuff. But now he wants to watch some kind of series with you. He must really enjoy it if he is willing to watch that instead of killing you.
"Umm, sure" you anwsered.
"gReat" he said casually and walked over to a bean bag. He sat on it and opened a portal.
A portal... you could easily escape through it, but what Nightmare would do, then you don't want that to happen.
You sat on the ground next to the bean bag.
The show began with intense spanish music playing in the background. Onto the screen or... portal screen? Came undernovela writen in the middle of the screen. There was a narrator who started talking in spanish, but somehow there were subtitles translated to english. Your just going to question it and continue watching it.
"Last time on undernovela. Toriel and Sin were about to get married when Sin suddenly yelled out, that he is inlove with another person. Toriel had started crying over the heart break. Asgoro felt sad a bit and happy, knowing he can maybe win toriel back. Papyro had started yelling at his brother for being so cruel and demanding to know who was it.
"I know that this person is in this room right now, I just want to say sorry and hope we can be together again" had said Sin"
So this show is tehnically a drama series, with subtitles on and you had read them the whole time or else you wouldn't had understood anything. And Sin looked like all of the other skeletons you have seen. You glanced at error to see that he was on the edge of the bean bag really wanting to know who was Sin's secret lover. You continued watching the show.
"Suddenly a human had stood up from the crowd..."
wait a second..? Is that-
""Will you forgive me (Y/N)" said Sin. "
Holy fuck it is you, what are you doing there. Sin even prounounced your name in a spanish way. Error even looked confused and looked at you in confusion.
""I will" said (Y/N) and ran across the tiles to Sin's arms and they kissed."
Well this is awkward. Knowing that there is a me who is spanish person(if you are spanish then make it double) and who is inlove with the skeleton who looks just like all of the other residents in this castle, not counting yourself.
You glanced at error and he seemed to be glitching out, you just slowly left the room and went to your own.
You got there tried not to think of Nightmare killing your family and tried to sleep.


(A/N): so a rare a bit longer chapter. Hope you have liked this and not seeing Nightmare or dust as creeps now. I want to write fluff soon, but I am slowly making my way there. So you may suffer and wait for me to write stuff. Also thank you for you people for still being here even tho my caps are quite long...

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