Part 8

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(Y/N) pov:
I woke up in my room and I looked around to see my soruondings. I was still in Nightmares castle.
I get out of bed doing my usual morning routine. Like brushing my hair (if you need to) and those stuff. I get out of the bathroom and search for my phone. I think I left it to my pocket.
I go to my jacket and search the pockets. I found my phone and started looking the time, olny to find out that it is dead. And of course I don't have my charger with me, because I just had to forget it at home. I wonder what time is it anyway. I plop on my bed and think of what to do.
'Maybe I can go to killers room to play some more video games. Nah, I'll just problably annoy him like yesterday.'
And here come the depressing thoughts.
'Im nothing more than a bother anyway, just telling people stuff that they wont believe in. Letting myself to be friends with people, when Im very toxic. I shoudln't do that, I will just end up hurtin' them.'
I sat on my bed thinking like that and curling myself into a ball. I felt like I wanted to cry, but... I coudln't.
'I guess I have ran out of tears to cry.'

(Time skip, cuz athour-chan doesn't know what to do here)

*At the star Sanses*
Dream, ink and blueberry were still looking for (Y/N) (L/N), they weren't getting any closer so that saddened them.
"Who knows how scared the human might be." said blueberry in a quiet voice to himself.
"Dont worry blue, we will find her and save her, what matter the cost!" said dream to comfort blue, but he of course was also worried.
"Hey guys, how's the searching going?" asked ink coming out of a portal. He was at the doodlesphere to look in other AU's for (Y/N).
"We haven't found anything Im afraid. Where should we look next?" asked dream.
"Thats actually not a bad idea." ink said and countinued:
"But there are still millions of them out there, so it will take problably some weeks."
"Don't give up hope yet, ink. We will find her." said dream again trying his best for his friends not to give up hope.

Nightmare pov:
'The human hasn't left the room since she got it. Im also pretty sure that she is very starving. I did feel some negative emotions coming from her room, so that problably means a) she is scared b) she has given up hope c) she is feeling sad. I didn't really have time to detect, what emotion it was, because I was busy reading, but I do know that it was one of those three suggestions I had.'
I was at the library, just putting back the book I read. I was kinda bored and I thought I should feed the human, because if she dies then my plan won't work. I walk towards the kitchen and open the door. The first thing that I see, is horror basically eating the whole fridge.
"Horror I need to feed the human, get out of that thing before I will ban food in this castle."
He olny heard my voice and backed away. I went to the fridge and saw some (F/F), I grabbed it and started walking towards the pets room. From the corner of my eye, I could see horror back at the fridge wolfing down the food. I made it to (Y/N) room and opened the door.
She was sleeping. I left the food on the nightstand and looked at her.
'Cute- Wait what!!?'
I was very confused on the thought I just had. But then I looked at... (Y/N) again and she was just curled up to herself. It was fucking adorable. If olny she just had cat ears and a tail, then this would be perfect... wait, I can do that.
I snapped my fingers and saw how cat ears and a tail made themselves comfortable on (Y/N) body.
'Know this is perfect'
She was even cuter than before and I tried my best not to start petting her.
I saw her twitch and starting to open her eyes. I panicked and teleported to my throne not having time to change her back.
'Well, if she wont come out of her room then she will be fine... I think'

(Y/N) pov:
I woke up from the feeling of someone watching me and when I opened my eyes, then I saw something black teleport away. I was confused on, who would want to stare me when I sleep. But then I remembered that all of the Sanses have teleportation powers. And I saw something black teleport away, so it was problably Nightmare, but its also possible that the otheres did that because litterly all of them are wearing black.
I looked around and yes Im still in Nightmares castle. But when doing that, I spotted (F/F) on the nightstand. I haven't eaten for a while and it is easier for not to eat, when I can't see food. But alas there the food was. I went to the food and wolfed it down. Its always tastier when you haven't eaten it for a while. I could feel something moving behind my back when I ate the food. I looked behind me a little bit uncomfortable, because it was kinda moving around near my butt. But instead of seeing a perverts hand, I saw a... cat tail? WAIT A TAIL!!?
I touched my head and felt my ears being in a diffrent place than they should be (they were also a lot fluffier). 'Oh god, Im every weebs dream... a catgirl'.


(A/N): hello my dear readers... Im out of inspiration. But worry not, because I just need a little time to think. And also would you guys like me to draw some fanart for this fanfic. Please comment to let me know. Thank you, see you next time.

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