The skeleton gamer

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I woke up from my problably 5 hour sleep and looked around. I was in a black ro- wait. IT WASN'T A NIGHTMARE!!? I look around again scratching my eyes to make it clearer. Yep still in Nightmares castle. What am I going to do...
I just lay in my bed not having enogh strengh to get up. Ugh im pathetic.
I have just layed on my bed for an hour or two and I start feeling that my eyes are getting heavier. I close them to olny to open them again from shock. Someone had kicked the door open. I turn around to see who it is and suprise suprise, its... wait I haven't seen this one before. I did see him in the throne room when I was captured, but who the heck is he supposed to be. Horror eating humans, Nightmare already be scary enogh for me to be scared of him and now this guy. He was looking like a Sans but his eyes were mad and psychotic. He had a hood over his head and he aslo had dust on his clothes. He was wearing a very weird smile that was kinda fake and chaotic at the same time. He looked at me and said:
"And I thought I was lazy."
He almost had as creepy voice as Nightmare, but he didn't. We kinda had a staring competition for a few seconds and then he left without saying a word.
'Okeeyyy...' I whispered to myself and laid down again. For some reason I was feeling very tired today. I have had these days a lot, but I don't know why am I having this day right now. Usually its when I have had a bad day the other day but... oh. Yesterday was a bad day.
Im just gonna close my eyes and wait until I fall asleep again.

(Da time skip, brought to you by (Y/N) nightmares)

I woke up and looked around to see if im still in Nightmares castle. What I am, yay. I also looked outside to see if its dark or not. And then I realized that it was pointless because its always dark outside.
'How much dumber can I get'
I looked at my clothes to see how sweaty had they come truogh the day and then I realized.
Wich one of those skeletons went into my room and snooped around for my pj's. Those perverts, I have had to deal with those kind of people my entire life. If I get more incidents like these then I might just lose my will to live.
Now a great thing that I decided to sleep the entire day and not sleep at all at night. So for a while I just sat on my bed thinking about stuff. Then I changed to my original clothes and decided to go exploring. I mean, I gotta do something. If the other's find me then I will just tell 'em that I was bored and I can't escape anyway cause apperantly you guys know that I have supernatuaral powers.
I opened the doors and looked around the coridor. The guards were looking like they were , sleeping? I thought that they don't sleep at all. Well everyone needs to sleep.
I see a lot of diffrent doors with diffrent signes and letters. I even saw fell's door that still said 'keep out'. There were others where they had a) blood on them b) claw marks c) umm... game stickers?
That can maybe be a game room..? I went closer to it and looked truogh the keyhole. I saw a Sans of course, but he didn't seem to have scary elements. He had a blue hoodie like the skeleton with dust all over him and also basketball shorts like most of them that I have seen.
He was playing a killing game of some sort. He seemed to really enjoy it.
"If you want to play with me then come on in" I heard him say calmly. I was shocked to know that he heard me or knew that I was there, so I gently opened the door. I looked around his room and saw some knives on the walls.
'Well thats welcoming'
His room really wasn't any diffrent from fell, because there were dirty socks EVERYWHERE and it was really messy. He was sitting on his bed and I saw a controller there waiting for me. I took the controller and sat on the ground. I also got to see his features better. He did look like the dusty one, but he didn't have any irises. His eyesockets were pure black and he had black tears rolling down his cheeks. He had a weird target thing infront of his chest too. He logged me in and told me how to play.
"Wait, what was the attack button again?"
"It was the Y button"
We chatted like that for a while like that (sorry im lazy) and I learned that his name is killer and he told me why. It was pretty scary, but hearing what he has gone truogh is making me feel sorry for him and I understand that why did this happen. We playied there like that until I heard snores behind me. I looked over and saw him sleeping. I was feeling pretty tired myself actually, even though I slep the whole day. I found a way how to close the game and but the controllers on the ground. I left the room and continued to get to my save point (your room).
I got there and closed the door, changed the clothes and went to bed.


(A/N): Hii, sorry that I haven't posted for a while and sorry if this chapter is boring. And im not good at these so im just... gonna go bye see ya next time.

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