The hungry skeleton

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(Y/N) pov:
"Well look at that, the human has powers. I didn't get the whole blood eating thing, but it doesn't matter." said Nightmare. Im not that scared, but I just wish that he'd put me down. You see, I don't like physical contackt, because... because...

I was summond back to the earth by hearing Nightmare snap he's fingers. He teleported another skeleton into the room who had a giant crack in his head. He had a blue hoodie and some basketball shorts. He also wore a white t-shirt, where I could see had some blood stains on it. He looked like the other skeletons, but one of his eyesockets was completely black while the other had a giant red pupil. He put me down, finnaly.
"Horror, I need you to protect this human from escaping from her sell. We can maybe use her as a hostage, considering her magical abilities. The star-sanses might want to save her." Nightmare said to this 'horror' guy. The skeleton nodded and grabbed my wrist harhsly. 'Ugh, my hand is gonna break if these skeletons keep on grabbing it like that' I thought as we walked trough the familiar route to the dungions.

He pushed me inside the cell and also enterded in it. He locked the door with a key and put it inside his pocket. In the mean time I went to the far side of the cell and hope nothing happenes to me. He was near the cells door and sat down, straight looking at me creepily. It was like that a few minutes, feeling the tension kicking in. It was too akward here and Im not use to it so I decided to talk to him. Still kinda scared.
"H-hello" I said, mad still that I stuttered. He didn't say anything, but after a few seconds he said:
"Hello" very creepily. It sounded like hes very close to killing me. So I tried to continue talking.
"Im (Y-Y/N), what i-is your's?" i asked. He was quiet again for a while until he said:
"My name is Sans, but so is everyone else's in this castle. Execpt for the nightmare Papyruses of course. But to avoid confusion then just call me horror."
An interesting name may I ad. Im still kinda confused, that why is his name like that.
"Why?" I questioned.
"Why is y-your name h-horror?"
He went silent.
"Because, in my world a human fell down the underground. I helped them because I made a promise. In the end they had to fight our king, to escape the underground. The kid won and took the kings soul. Never to return again. Now with our king gone, then the captain of the royal guard took his place. Everything was going swell, some of the monsters even started having hope again. But then, the core, our machine that gives us food, drinks and electriosity. Broke. Us monsters were slowly dying to starvation and lack of nutritions. And then... the quuen." He stopped and pointed his finger to his head with the crack.
"She did this to me.After that, I changed. We made a new rule in our town without the queen not knowing. The rule was, that if you ever get hungry... then just eat a human." He said with his eyesockets already dark. I was getting worried of my safety and I couldn't move. I was stuck in a cell with a cerial killer.
"Now don't worry I never was interested in eating a human. But it had been 7 years when the core broke. Do you know what that means? I was stuck in that hell for 7 years with no food at all. But hey im still here, im alive. Of course I am a skeleton and I don't really need to eat. But there still are some who can't live that long like me. I have asked the others to get food to my world, but apparently it decinegrates. Also with other stuff. The olny things that can go truogh are monsters... and humans. Us monsters now can't eat each other, because we turn into dust when we die. But... I have to get my bro and the other monsters some food to eat, now don't I?" He said the last sentence very creepily and he meant that he wants to feed me to his monster friends! Oh lord please help me.

Nightmares pov

(Some time before he found (Y/N) in his throne room.)
I was feeling some diffrent power coming from this castle. For some reason I felt watched. Some negative feelings were also here, but they didn't seem to be any of the skeletons feelings.
'I wonder how long this human will survive in this place' I thought, before being intorupted by fell. He looked like he came to me in a worry.
"What?!" i asked him.
"Nightmare the girl, SHE ESCAPED!"
"WHAT?!!" i asked again even more angrier than the last time. I ran out of the room with fell and the watching feeling dissappeard. I motioned him to go without me and he left. I peeked truogh the door and saw that girl teleporting in there. How swell to know that she has powers. I teleported in the room and hid behind a pillar, I wanted to see, that what is she doing. She started hurting herself and desperately trying to bleed. It was confusing me, but what was even more confusing me was that she wasn't feeling any negative feelings. Don't humans feal that way when they hurt themselves? Afterwards I see her licking it and she pointed her hand infront of my throne. Then magical (F/C) sparks came and I realized, that she was trying to make a portal to her home. This is a really hard spell for some magic wielders, so I wanted to see if she can open it enogh to fit trough. After a while she did. 'Impressive' I thought before grabbing her with my tentacle. She seemed pissed and wanted to get out of the tentacle(A/N: that sounded wrong im sorry). Before I snapped my fingers I looked at her, because she stopped moving and seemed deep in thought. I finnaly snapped my fingers and sommuned horror. I told him what to do and he grabbed her wrist hard. For some reason I wanted to be the one to do that, but I quickly snap out of my thoughts and sit back on my throne and started thinking. 'How will the star sanses realize that we have a human hostage with a lot of power. Well, if they hear the first word to be hostage, then they're going to try their best to save her anyway. Looks like that settles it.'
I sommun all of the others execpt for horror and tell them my plan and most importantly, they can't hurt the girl.


(A/N): Thank you for reading this chapter and as you can see, then Nightmare is already getting interested in you~. I will be making these evil Sanses, well... evil at the start, but this will maybe take a long time but the fluff will hit in, in the future. :3
See 'ya next time.

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