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Okay yay new chapter is out and a bit darker. Okay not a bit, but now to the warning part.

I have decided to now make the bad sanses possesive. And I don't mean by like:
"YoUr mInE anD oNLY MInE" okay maybe that too a bit, but mostly things like manipulation, forcing things to do that isn't problably comfortable to the reader and stuff like that.

Now if you are not comfortable with things like that then I suggest finding another fanfic to read. But I'm not really good at writing yet so they might not be that bad.

Now I also want to say why I chose to make them like this. I have read a lot of bad sanses x reader fanfics. And don't get me wrong I really enjoy them. But I want to make mine unieqe. Also the bad sanses is a name for the undertale fandom villains(of course there are more with more diffrent names and problably some I dont know). But they don't get that nickname for nothing.

Also not to worry I will still have some fluff in mind what to use. But it would problably take quite a long time. So in the meantime I thank you people who are being patient with me and wanting to read this crap. Lots of love to you and lets see how long will I take to write the next chapter.

Bad sanses x depressed reader (discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now