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Making my way, to Nightmare's room, to feed my little Fiddle, dudududu du du du dududu.
You haven't seen fell since he danced with you the other day. For some reason, just thinking about it makes my chest hurt... but in a good way?
Anyway I'm here. I open the doors and bla bla bla:
"Nightmare can I go eat?" you ask as always, it's actually weird that you just can't go on your own without asking him.
"No" he anwsered, also fuck.
"Why...? It's the third day"
"Yeah I know"
"You can go, if you do me a favour"
"W-what favour..."
"Come closer.." and so you do. You walk closer to him and feeling scared. This might be a bad idea... but you want your food.
But what if he does kill you and you can't feed Fiddle, would he die of starvation?! Okay you can't die yet. But it's too late your there were Nightmare wanted you to be at.
"I just wanted to tell you something. That little something is that, I quite like you. Romatically. So is everyone else at this castle, some more some less, but they are all attrackted to you. Heh, even me. Sadly I can't feel you feeling the same way about me..." you process what he just said. Everyone is this castle like likes me?! Even Nightmare himself?! Wha- what, how, when, how?!
"But I have ways to make you love me, to adore me..." he had stood up and slowly started walking towards you. You started walking backwards yourself, you don't want to know what he might do. You quickly just in case bite the inside of your cheek to drink the blood.
"Nope" he snapped his fingers and you felt your magick leave your body and come out in a gooey substanence. Nightmare absorbded it and shivered.
"Wow, this is some strong stuff, wouldn't be too bad if I did it again" there is no way of fighting back. You felt more scared than anything. You can't even use your stupid magick against him.
What was he planning to do? Was he going to do something more evil than kill me? ... was he going to r a p e me..?

Suddenly you were up against a wall. There was no more room to back up to. And Nightmare was just getting closer and closer. Seeming to enjoy me being terrified. He eventually of course pinned you on the wall. You would problably be thinking usually on how many times that has been done to you, but you were too scared. Nightmare was a bit bigger than the others and he had tentacles that could choke you or stab you to death right then and there.
He grabbed your shoulder and your world went dizzy. Suddenly you were now falling. Nightmare was next to, but gladly not holding your shoulder anymore. You screamed of fear and searched for something to grab onto. The only thing what you could was Nightmare. He is also the only one who could save you. You grab onto his shoulder and hold onto dear life. He didn't do anything and just enjoyd me being scared. The floor was keep on getting closer and you close your eyes and bury your face in Nightmares hand.
So this is how you die. Holding onto that person that would kill you any second and is evil anyway. You had only one thing to say to the world before you fell to your doom.
"I'm sorry.."
and you were swirling again and suddenly touch ground. You open your eyes and see that you're back in the throne room. You quickly let go of Nightmares hand and feel your feet get weak. You couldn't stand so you fell to your knees and started crying. You never liked anyone seeing you balling your eyes out. But you just couldn't stop the tears from flowing. You almost might have died. But here you are. Still alive and having to still live through this hell.
You heard Nightmare giving out a little chuckle.
"Is this like a game to you?! Do you really enjoy feeding off my negative feelings this much?!" you had screamed at him. He just cornered you again.
"I can't help it... you're negative emotions are just so sweet. I had grown tired of you not so fake positive emotions. I really do enjoy all of this anger that's radiating from you. The sandness and the pure hatred you know have against me. It makes me a bit dissapoitned, but it doesn't matter, I wouldn't care if you don't love me back." you have never felt this scared. He can do whatever he wants towards you and if you try to do anything against it, then he would just enjoy doing it more. Nightmare was right. You do hate him. There is no more time to be sad and pathetic. You would rather die, than love him.
"If you really don't care, then why should I care about you killing me..?" you said that and quickly got out of the corner. You started running out of the room. All you needed to do was that, just to activate your powers without Nightmare doing anything.
Nightmare of course grabbed you with his tentacle. You bit it. It tasted like rotten apples. But Nightmare did loosen his grip only a little. You started kicking and punching him. But he only drew you closer to him.
"How weird, just a little while ago, you were hanging on to me for dear life... and now your being ungratful for me saving your life."
"You didn't save me, rather I wish I wouldn't have grabbed you at all." you said still kicking and punching and biting. You're going to have a bad taste in your mouth later... if you're gonna.
"Stop" said Nightmare and you were bashed into the wall.
"I actually didn't really want to hurt you like this (Y/N)... but I might start liking it if you don't behave" Nightmare said threatengly. You didn't like how he said your name.
"I don't care about you hurting me-"
"You might if I consider hurting that little beast I gave you..." how, why can he just win like this?! Using the things I love against me?! Is that the reason why he gave me Fiddle?
You didn't say anything.
"Good... you will sleep in the dungeon again for tonight" Nightmare said and let you go. You flopped onto the ground with a 'thud' sound.
"And don't think about escaping, you know that Fiddle isn't the only one I'm willing to hurt" you nodded your head and tried to hide your tears while leaving the room. It was usless anyway, because he can just sense that you're sad.
He's also problably going to let someone check the room where you slept, just to make sure you're not there.
So you slowly walk towards the dungeon. This reminds you of when blackberry wanted you to call him master. Memories I guess.
You made it to the cell's and went in one. The papyruses who were there locked the door behind you.

*swapfells pov:*
'I felt Nightmare call for me, always when he does this then you just hear your named whispered. That means that he wants to see you' so that what I did. I walked to Nightmares throne room. I mean why wouldn't he want to see the great and terrible sans. The best royal guard to ever exist.
I opened the doors gracefully as always and saw Nightmare waiting.
"Swapfell, I had told (Y/N) that we all love her and she is now in her cell. Why wont you go make sure that she is not in her room..?" Nightmare said and I felt my chest sink. I-I loved her..? I guess so yeah, she was quite a pretty human. I'm sure she must be feeling the same way towards me. But why did Nightmare tell the human that we all like her..? Wait a second. THE OTHERS LIKE HER TOO, EVEN NIGHTMARE?! I am not going to let her be taken away from my magnificent self.  I am going to check her room, then go into the dungeons and I will let her tell me how much she loves me.
"Don't worry Nightmare, you have asked the right and greatest skeleton to do this task." I said to him and left.
I checked the humans room and when I opened the door then I saw movement. Turns out that it was a stupid animal. (Y/N) doesn't deserve such ugly pets. I tried to grab it and throw it away, but it bit me and I didn't touch it again. Because dust had walked by and told me that (Y/N) really cares about this 'Fiddle'.
But now finnaly I can go to the dungeon's to see my beloved pet.
When I finnaly made it there, then I saw the human staring at a wall.
"Human! I am here to listen to your wonderful confession, mine would problably be better, but yours can be second place." she had jumped for a second, but didn't anwser. Why? Ah I know, she's too shy! I have to get my stuff.
I had gone to my room, searched around a bit. And found my torture weapons, such as whips and chains. Oh the human would look so hot and cute in these. I grinned to myself.
"Good to see that you didn't get rid of Fiddle... what are you doing with those?" I heard someone say behind me. I turned around and saw dust.
"Oh, I'm just going to push out the humans confession for me." I said.
"What do you mean by that"
"Nightmare had told her, that we all are inlove with her and I know she wouldn't reject me. I am only the greatest"
"Nightmare said what to her!"
"You heard me"
"Wha- why do you think that she won't reject you?"
"I already said that, I am only the greatest, she wouldn't even think about rejecting me" I said to dust, why can't he just appreciate the fact that I'm telling the truth. Or is he jellous.
Anyway I grabbed my stuff and left my room. Dust slid through the door and yelled:"NIGHTMARE TOLD (Y/N) THAT WE LOVE HER AND SWAPFELL IS ON HIS WAY TO RAPE HER!!"
I wasn't going to rape her. I was just going to get her to want to do that with me and my things will help me. The funny thing is, that I have never seen doors open in the speed of light and having a weaker alternetave version rum at you in full speed. The even funnier thing was, that it wasn't only one weak alternate me. Soon I was in the middle of a skeleton circle.


(A/N): sorry that this is kinda of a darker chapter and that it ended in a cliff hanger.
But I also wanted to say sucha big thank you for all of the votes and positive comments. Thank you for even reading this chapter it means a lot.

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