My first laugh at the castle

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(Y/N)'s pov:

The day passed after I had to do some chores. And I have explored my room enough to know where's where.

So I'm kinda thinking of getting out of my room and exploring the castle a bit. I of course I can't really escape, because I failed horribly last time. And Nightmare now knows about my powers. And yet I haven't used them to do anything. Why? Why am I even asking myself, I don't know and Im going to anwser anyway. Because I just want to be normal. Not this weird vampire person! Can I just ever take back things that I said in the past that would not bug me so much in the present. And no I can't, because time travel isn't invented yet and I'm not even powerful enough to do that.

Huh, weird. First I thought about exploring the castle and it led me to want to time travel. Anyway, I think I have to have someone with me, so the skeletons won't think I'm trying to escape. I guess I will go to ask Nightmare.

I walk out of my room to Nightmares throne room. At least I have been there enough to remember how to get there. I didn't meet any of the skeletons on the way, so I guess they are just doing their own things. I made it to the large doors and opened them a little bit. I peeked inside to see if Nightmares busy or not. But apperantly he wasn't even there. I entered the room and looked at the walls. They where somehow very pretty with their black and kinda goldish look. And of course in the center of the room was the all and mighty throne. You didn't really have time to look the room properly and see the beauty in it. Ah yes, because you tried to escape and you didn't really have time, when you first got here then you were kinda traumatised and when you came to ask Nightmare that, if he could get rid of your cat ears and tail.

You still looked the room in awe, looking at the little details and everything. But your peace was broken by a big tentacle grabbing you. You realise it's Nightmare and get kinda scared.
"Trying to escape again huh?" he said in his usual dark tone.
"N-no I was just s-searching for you, t-that maybe someone c-could show me around t-the castle."
"So what, why should I let you have fun when it doesn't make me any stronger?" he said. You felt sad that you can't really do anything in this castle right now.
"O-of course, k-king Nightmare." you said king, because of course he is one. You left the room to get to your own room and left Nightmare there.

Nightmares pov:
'WHY DID SHE CALL ME A KING??!!' I felt my face get kind of hot. It was a weird feeling. Ah never mind. I have to make another meeting now. I summoned the others to the throne room.
"As you all know by now that in two days we will start doing the plan, I think everyone remembers  it right?" I started and asked. Everyone nodded execpt Killer.
"Umm, hey cross, what was the plan again..?" I heard him whisper.
"Killer... did you already forgot the plan..?" I asked now getting kind of angry that there's a skeleton with a mind of a goldfish.
"... maybe"
"Oh for the love of asgore, HOW?!!"
"I don't know okay!"
"I saw him sleeping when Nightmare was explaining it"
"WELL IT WASN'T MY FAOLT, I felt sleepy"
"Because I was up for a pretty long time playing video games with the human" he said and that just tikked me. Did the human really have fun with this douche?!
"Ugh just, someone tell him and the meatings over, leave!" I said and they teleported away. Oh god I have to process this.

(Y/N)'s pov:
So there I was, walking to my room bored. My feet were interesting the whole way there, so I had fun looking at them the whole time. I opened the door and went in, still looking at my feet, because they were atleast not boredom pills. You heard something from the bathroom and you look up to see, that your not in your room. You can't seem to recognise who's it is, but you got curios to see what's that sound coming from the bathroom. So of course you look in and...

(Animation isn't done by me)
"DoN't yA wIsH yOuR gIrLfRiEnD wAs hOt LiKe Me-
DoN't Ya WiSh YoUr GiRlFrIeNd WaS a FrEaK lIkE mE-
DoN't Ya~
dOn'T yA~"
You couldn't believe your eyes and you also couldn't keep your laughter.
Error heard that and looked at you with embarrasment.
"UmM... tHiS iSn'T w'HaT iT lOoKs LiKe!"
You gave him a smug face and forgot the sad things.
"Don't ya wish your girlfriend was hot like me-"
"WhAt ArE yOu-"
"Don't ya wish your girlfriend was a freak like me-"
"Don't ya~
Don't ya~"
Error started glitching out a lot, more than he already was glitching. And had a yellow hue all over his face. You were happy, but it ended soon.
'What if he hates me now, was I too mean?"
Before you could think more negative thoughts then error wrapped you in somekinds of blue strings. You looked at him and the string was coming out of his EYES?!!
"YoU'rE lUcKy ThAt I cAn'T kIlL yOu RiGhT nOw..." he said with the yellow hue still on his cheeks.
"...BuT i Am WiLlInG tO dO a DeAl. If YoU dOn'T tElL aNyOnE aBoUt ThIs, ThEn I aM nOt GoInG tO kIlL yOu, AfTeR iT's AlLoWeD." he said, well you really weren't deprest enough to be suicidal so you said:
"OkAy... NOW GET OUT OF MY ROOM!!!" he yelled and you quickly got out.
You headed towards your room and went in. You sat on your bed and thought how funny error's singing was. You started laughing to it again, because it was just hilierios.

(A/N): welp... I hope you people liked this ending and go sub to Ichika on youtube for making this amazing animation. And yeh bye...

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