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"Ufgh!" I was thrown against the wall. Couldn't excpext this not happening after giving a little peck for (Y/N). It is still really funny that I let myself be thrown around the room like this. I mean, I am the great and terrible sans and I let myself get hurt for some puny little (beautiful) human. But it is worth it I guess.
"Why *smash* the *smash* fuck *big smash* did you kiss
(Y/N)!!??" asked Nightmare clearly very angered. I was on the ground now and coudln't tell what was happening anymore.
"H-how *cough* did you e-even know..?" I asked weakly, ugh how pathetic of me to start talking like this. All of this castles residents should bow to me not this octopus.
"Dust saw and came and told me" Nightmare said a bit more calmy, but I could still hear anger in his voice. Dust was just jelous that I got to kiss my pets soft lips, Nightmare is no diffrent, he's just a bit more agressive.
"Your lucky that I need you... otherwise I would have dusted you right here right now" he said, I couldn't hear any more anger in his voice. He just told me that without emotion.
"Now it's my turn..~" Nightmare grinning at me and teleporting away.
'No! I can't have his slimy mouth touch my pets perfect lips! Only I'm allowed to do that!' I tried to get up, but in reality I actually fainted.

*(Y/N)'s pov*
What am I supposed to think to that..?
My first kiss was stolen by a skeleton who only cared for himself...
I don't know how I should feel about this. Should I be disgusted or flattered.
I mean I somehow got the skeletons to love me I guess. But Nightmare could have also just lied...
But why did swapfell kiss me then..?
Was he really telling the truth..? Does everyone actually love me..? But why..? I'm just a worthless huma-
ghost... but still. Why?Why?Why?Why?Why?Why?Why?Why?Why?Why?Why?Why?Why?Why?Why?Why?Why?WhyWhy?Why?Why?Why?Why?Why?Why?Why?Why?Why?Why?Why?Why?Why?Why?Why?Why?WhyWhy?Why?Why?Why?Why?Why?Why?Why?Why?Why?Why?Why?Why?Why?Why?Why?Why?WhyWhy?Why?Why?Why?Why?Why?Why?Why?Why?Why?Why?Why?Why?Why?Why?Why?Why?WhyWhy?Why?Why?Why?Why?Why?Why?Why?Why?Why?Why?Why?Why?Why?Why?Why?Why?Why? Why?Why?

Am I going insane..?

'Maybe if I pretended to love Nightmar- no it wouldn't work, he said it himself... he could sense it if I would actually love him. Maybe I can pretend, that I love some other skeleton and then he could bring me to the throne room- but again Nightmare would problably tell him, that I'm faking it and he doesn't leave the fucking chair anyway...'
I heard someone come in, I looked up to see the skeleton himself, Nightmare.

He came closer, so close infact that I was cornered by him.
'If I would have a dollar for everytime I was cornered in this castle then I will soon become a millionare' the thought quickly crossed my mind.
Nightmares face however, was inching closer to mine. Now I didnt know what to do.
1. I could just turn my face away to not touch this monsters disgusting mouth.
2. But I chose number two... I don't even know why. Was it because I could still convince him that I love him? Or did I want to do it.

He just about to kiss me until I did it before him... I pushed my face into his.
'Ah yes, my now second kiss' I thought sarcastically. I felt Nightmare jump at the smooch. He was defenetly suprised. Now all I have to do is wait til he goes away, then I will problably cry again bla bla bla.

But something was weird... I didn't want the kiss to end. Did I actually enjoy it..? I mean I felt the same when swapfell did it, but it was just a quick peck. This however was longer and seemed more passionete. Soon you were starting to run out of breath. Nightmare gladly pulled away. I inhaled and felt my breath slowly catching up.
I looked up at Nightmare and he was... blue..? Is this his way of blushing..? Actually did the colours on the skeletons faces mean that they were blushing?! That makes a lot more sense actually-
But the main thing is that Nightmare was blushing... the Nightmare. A skeleton monster who feeds off of negative emotions and feelings, who is very capable of killing someone if he so desired and willing to make a persons life a living hell just to get what he wants.... yeah that dude, just consider him blushing. How do skeletons even blush..?

I had soon realised I was also blushing and I saw Nightmare stare at me, looking confused.
"W-why did you do that..?" and now the king of Nightmares starts stuttering, what next? He's going to be soft towards you, yeah no way is this dude going to do that (yes he did gift me a raccoon, but just so he can manipulate me).
"I-I don't know, m-maybe I thought I c-could trick you, b-b-but I don't think that wa-was what I wanted to do" great, now your also stuttering. Lovely.

I looked up and didn't see Nightmare anymore, he must have teleported away.

Welp back to questioning my lifes choices.

*Nightmare pov:*

"What. Just. Happened.
Okay, I went into (Y/N)'s cell to kiss her, because-"
"You were jelous" said swapfell, interrupting me. He was behind me while I was awkwardly staring at my throne.
" O U T " I told him, before I could kill him. I still need him alive.
I felt his presance leave.
"...because I was... jelous... but when I went to lean in, then she out of nowhere kissed me first. How? She was so scared when I came into her view. She looked so cute, I want to see her like that more. Just seeing my presance could just make her coward away like a rabbit.
Shit I'm getting off track. I will leave my phantasies for another time.
Why did I then enjoy it, when she kissed me first. Like, I enjoid it more than seeing her scared. Why?" I kept on saying out loud. I was so deep in thought, that I didn't hear or feel Killer come in.
"I see your not the only one who has finnaly found it out-"
"What are you doing here!" I yelled at Killer, I wasn't embarresed or anything, I just don't like people listening to me monologing.

"Well I was came here, to ask where (Y/N) is, but I guess I have more important stuff to do" he said and started to take his leave, I grabbed him with my tentical and drew him closer so it would be easier to talk to him.
"What are you planning to do and don't lie, I will know if you do"
"... to go also kiss (Y/N)..." he said annoyed.
"Thats what I thought, look swapfell already got to do it and I'm not lettin-"
"Yes, now as I was saying I can't le-"
"Of course not, I took care of him already-"
"First of all, I need him alive so I can actually grow stronger. Also he must have healed himself or something to get out of the room like that, now... COULD YOU STOP YELLING!!!!!"
"But you jus-"
"Okay okay, jeez. Give a guys earsockets a break."
"You are going on a mission with dust, n o w"
"But I couldn't even get to know where (Y/N-"
I dropped him on the floor and he walked away. I felt him feeling anger and jelousy.

'Good... because I am going to be the only one who gets to touch (Y/N)~'


(A/N):"Hello readers, who have decided to read this book. At the end of this chapter I had realised how much attention I give to Nightmare and some others. I'm trying to give Fell also a bit more attention, cuz well... I want people to like him. If you gorgeus peeps want any more action with some other snas then comment, you don't have to, but I just wont be able to know then... ok bye, hope there were no spelling mistakes"

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