Part 26

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Who cares that the skeleton that kidnapped you into his castle and randomly gave you a raccoon doesn't think that you can keep being positive. Like you said to yourself earlier. You now have Fiddle and hes all you need for comfort.
You were walking to the kitchen alone this time, as Nightmare gave you premission to walk there alone. With no skeletons talking to theirselves or thinking of ways to kill you. Speaking of skeletons who talk to themselves, then there was one that was in the same corridor as you. It was cross.
You remember your last meeting and just how swell it went. You also thought, that why is he here? Isn't he supposed to be in his room 24/7?
Welp, positive vibes betta be coming his way now, if you want to prove Nightmare wrong.
"Hey cross!" you yelled to him. He had turned around, but not just casually, but as I was a threat. He had taken out his huge knife and threw it at my direction. You quickly reacted and jumped aside. Dodging the knife.
You really have made some mad dodging skills in this castle.
"Oh, it's you.." he had said.
"Yeah... umm how has your day been?" you asked him while getting up. You remember what your teacher had said in class. And it was, that even a little "how was your day" question, can make the day a bit better.
"Normal" he anwsered. He seemed to want to get away. He was also seeming to be listening to this 'chara' person again.
I saw his purple hue and as much as you know, then you don't want to get to the skeletons bad side.
"Okay then, have a great day cross" you said while waving at him and you started walking towards the kitchen again.
"Where are you going.?" He asked and not like with the happyish kind of tone. But it sounded kind of serios.
"Oh I umm, am going t-to the kitchen to get some f-food" you anwsered in the most pathetic way possible. You had stuttered. And you thought you didn't do that anymore.
"I guess I'm going to come with you then" he said and started walking towards you. When he got next to you then he said a easy 'so are we going' and you started walking with him to the kitchen.

*Killer's pov:*
I haven't seen (Y/N) in a while. She hasn't come to play with me anymore after that one night. Well she had to learn her lesson somehow. I am the one in controll. And I'm not going to be beaten by a cute human.
Oh, but when I had pushed her at the wall, then let's say you can only see such cute faces on one girl. The fear was adorable. All of her delacete features scrunched up into diffrent stripes. And the whole face turned into fear.
I have to leave those pleasant memories for later, for now I need to find my little noobie.
I had teleported into her room, but she wasn't there. Instead I saw a weird animal run under the bed. But anyway. Where could she be..?

Humans and monsters eat food. So I guess she could be eating food..? Gotta check it out to see if that's the case.

Now I had teleported to the kitchen. She wasn't there either. I was about to teleport away again, until I heard footsteps. Soon noobie had walked in.

But she was with cross. I know that we are supposed to be crewmates, but if he thinks about getting (Y/N) before me... then boy oh boy... I'm not called Killer for nothing. And I would love to kill the mood...

*back to (Y/N)'s pov:*

I had now finnaly made it to the kitchen. The whole walk with cross was silent. He walked and I walked. Sometimes he had the purple hue, but it gladly always didn't stay for so long.
When you did finnaly get to the kitchen, then the first thing you saw wasn't the fridge, but instead it wad Killer. He looked angry, but he didn't have a random coloured hue..? Maybe there are two sides of anger when it comes to skeletons?
"Oh, hello cross..." Killer said.
"Hello Killer..." cross replaid. And thats when you knew you had to get out of there. It was one of your rules not to be with two skeletons at once. But you don't know how to get out of this one right now. You have ran out of food to feed Fiddle and he must he starving by now. So you had to get your food today. But why can't you just come back here later? That seems like a good idea.
You slowly start moving your feet to take a step and-
"Hey were do you think your going cuudy~?" Killer had said and you have never felt more uncomfortable by just one sentance.
"Tch, cuudy?"
"Cute noobie, cuudy"
"That just sounds ridicolous, I'm sure my angel would like to be called my way!"
"Oh.. but maybe she doesn't and likes to be called cuudy. Atleast I had made up a word for her."
"Atleast mine actually fits her!"

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