Part 23

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*Nightmares pov:*
'I can't believe I'm doing this' I thought to myself as I was ready to teleport. I already had told fell to look after (Y/N) while I'm gone, so there is no need to fear of her escaping. I hope. I finnaly had snapped my fingers and I am in the right AU where I needed to be. I had also found the alternate version of sans.


The only reason why I was doing this was, because I need to know how to make (Y/N) like me. So I walk over to him and put an arm around his shoulder. He started turning around to shoot out a good flirt, but when he saw me, then his face went into deliecios fear.
"I have to talk to you..." I had said and he must have had the wrong idea, because I could feel his fear go away and lust rise. I just grabbed him and teleported somewhere more private. Before he could have any worse thoughts. We were now in the middle of the forest now.
"So... how to make a girl like you back..?" I said, it didn't really sound very intimadating. But it doesn't matter, I only needed an anwser.
"Oooh, so this is what this is about. What a shame, already hoped I could've had some fun."
"Stop talking about your misery and instead start talking anwsers"
"Okay, okay. First it is important to know what kind of gal you are talking about. If she is a very happy and joyfull person then try doing the same. If they are more of a sad person, then try giving comfort. But already hearing about your stories, then I can already picture that, she is in pure fear. Maybe try being a bit more sweeter to her. Such as being soft and friendly and not putting her under pressure." he had said and most of what he did say is something I would never think I would have to do. Maybe I can spark some little fun into trying.
Anyway I had heard all I needed and now I am back at the castle.
'Being sweet huh... giving gifts is being sweet right? Yeah that should do it' I thought and after that teleporting away again.

*(Y/N)'s pov:*
Oh how you had missed your own room, where no one would enter, because they thought you were dead. It is weird that you miss it a bit. But you have to admit it is a lot better, than having skeletons marsh into your room and just standing there. And thats what happened just now, fell had walked in and you felt a bit scared. Your last encounter didn't go very well as you remember, it went something like this:
He had pushed you against a wall and tried to fuck you, but gladly you had used your powers to get him off and hid in your room.
Ah yes, wouldn't anyone just love to be in with him after that in the same room.
"Hey.." he had said, but did you hear it right? He sounded unsure... and anxios. Well you don't see these skeletons like this a lot.
"What do you want" you didn't stutter this time, you were mad at him and didn't like the fact that he is in your room.
"Just uhh.. 'ere to apolagise" okay, did he. Fell. A skeleton who has been a pain in the ass for a long time, come here and apolagise. Now you had seen everything. Whats next? Nightmare giving you presents?
"But uhh yeah, I am... truly sorry. I shouldn't have ignored you for that long" wha- IS THIS LITTERLY THE ONLY REASON HE CAME HERE TO APOLAGISE?! NOTHING MORE, BUT THAT?! I was actually quite happy that he did had keeped his distance. Oh lets get to the best part... you have to be happy towards him. Great.
"Umm that is not the thing I want an apolagy for.." you had said to him, as kind as possible, but he only looked confused.
"What els' did I do to ya, oh wait, I havn't don' anythin' else to ya and ya want me to apolagise mor'? What'ya want woman?" he had said and you still were pissed, but you can't be.
You inhaled and exhaled to be calmer and try to find how to solve this situation positivitly.
But your thought process was cut short by another skeleton entering the room.
"Fell you can go now" said the skeleton who's name is of course Nightmare. Fell seemed to be wanting to say something, but didn't and left the room.
"Here.." said Nightmare and just then you had noticed a very agressive thing in a bag, he was holding said bag and put it on the ground. You didn't really move. You didn't know what to do at all. He fortuanetly had left the room and left the bag.
You hesitate, but get closer to the bag. You untied the strings it had on its hole and out jumped a small grey beast. It had ran underneath your bed. The creature was too fast to indentifie what it was. You slowly get closer to your bed and look to see who is hiding under it. And turns out the grey beast was a raccoon.
'Did Nightmare really just get me a raccoon..? I was joking about the fact that he would be giving me a gift. But I guess he was too lazy to find anything and just grabbed a raccoon. Poor guy.."
You had thought as you try to find some emergency food you had, to befriend this little guy. You had always had some of this secret food if needed and you find it were you had left it. In a ordenary drawer. You grab some food that you think the raccoon would like. You grab some and head back towards your bed. You throw a big bread crum underneath the bed, but not too far and wait to listen. You after a while do hear eating or the raccoons muzzle munching on the bread. You throw another piece, but closer to you. And he again took some time and then ate it. You did that until they were very close to you. You try to give it a gentle pet, but as soon as they feel it, then they had run under the bed once more.
'Atleast its progress!'

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