Rules of the castle

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(Y/N)'s pov:
'Okay today's the day...' I thought for I think the third time this month. Another escape plan, but this one will not fail. Again what I have said already, but I believe in myself and there is no time to be griefing.

It's been a month now, that I have lived with these skeletons. This is what I have learned:

Rule 1. Don't leave your room if only necessery.
'learned this by exploring around a bit and it seems the skeletons like to interact with me when I do, but knowing I'm their prisoner, then I don't really like the idea of talking to them. Also most of the time they are getting really close. Like not in the hugging or smt like that way. But just staring deeply into me and lets just say it isn't the greatest. Also if you are outside of your room and two skeletons start to intereact, then try to get away as fast as possible. Both of them won't like the fact that they aren't the ones talking to you. It still hasn't been clear to you why.'

Rule 2. You may ask Nightmare once every three days for food.
'You yes had told him, that a normal human can't survive having food only a week. Yet you are not a 'normal' human, but instead a ghost. But you can get hungry and ink did say that you can die again.
The reason why every three days instead of having having three meals a day, is because it has been getting quite clear, that Nightmare just loves to hear your cries.'

Rule 3. With every skeleton comes their own rule, such as don't be alone with fell in his room.


You didn't really leave the room after knowing what you are. Yet you still found yourself getting out of bed, so your stomack would shut up of its daily needs. You needed food after all that crieing and depressive episodes.
On your way to Nightmare, who of course still sits in the room with the name of 'the throne room', then you found yourself accedently walking into a skeleton. The edgy skeleton to be exact. The one with the name of fell.
You looked up and saw him smiling, but oh how it wasn't a normal smile. It was a smile of lust.
"Hey 'ere sweetheart~" he cooed, noone had ever talked to you like that, cuz you died before to experience this great thing.
You just said hi back to him and tried to get past him. He didn't budge and tried to start a conversation. Time passed and you somehow walked with him to his bedroom. He had pinned you in a corner and you understood on what was happening. You quickly tried to push him off of you, but somehow he was stronger than you what is very weird because he is a skeleton. You saw it in his eyes that he loved to see you fail at trying to get him off. He must have enjoid being the stronger one.
You quickly bit your cheeck til it blead and used your powers to kick him off. After that you ran into your room and hid. Thankfully he didn't come to search you.

*end of flashback*

Oh of course there is more if you are asking. Such as never win killer at a game or be at a higher rank.
You learned this when playing some video games with killer. You honestly thaught that he was maybe a normal indevigiual. But no and heres why.

*more flashback's*

It was another night were you couldn't sleep and you head into killers room. It had become a thing, that when you couldn't sleep then you are welcome in killer's room to play video games with him. It was all fun and games first, but every on of those night's, when you lost. Then he started get mad that you were improving very slowly. He had threatened you for starting to actually learn how to play video games. But aren't they made just for fun? Do people who have gaming friends threaten eachother? But you were still too scared to lose so you start putting actual effort into trying to win the races or atleast not becoming last. Your training was going well and killer turned into his own self. Oneday you actually beated him at that game. You were so happy and when you turned your head to see killer, maybe being proud or glad that you had finnaly won? But he was already staring at you first. He didn't have any irises like the other's, but you swore you saw dissapointment in there. Your face went from happy to fear real fast. Killer hasn't done anything like this...
He had thrown a knife past you head, almost hitting your ear. He had also stood up and started walking towards you. You started backing away of course. And at one point you were pinned to the wall... again. Killer was also holding a knife and said:
"Win again and I won't miss next time..." he left and sat on his bed again.
"You going to join or what?" He said acting casual again, like what he just did didn't matter. You excused yourself and decided not to play with him anymore.

*flashback end*

Of course these are only two skeletons. And there are a lot more of these dick's. But when Nightmare had taken your safety off of your head, then from these can come worse things.
I will just speed this up for the other's...
Don't act tough near swapfell, you are calling him that again for reasons.
Don't finish the fridge before horror.
Don't show your emotions to cross.
Don't have positive emotions near Nightmare.
And when sleeping then have your head always, always on the wall side and don't look behind you to look at dust.

Those are the three most important news and soon it is time for the third escape plan.

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