Freed from the curse

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"Well thanks, I guess I will see you around" you said and were ready to open the door and run to the throne room. You slowly were starting to turn the knob, carefully so horror wouldn't hear you.
"Why 'r ya so slow" said the skeleton behind your back with the name of fell.
"Umm... why are you following me?" you asked, a little unnerved.
"Well I can't let ya roam aroun' th' castl' yerself" he anwsered. Okay good, maybe he can distract horror and then you can escape. Problably a bad idea, because why would anyone listen to you.
You open the door, with fell beside you now and walk towards the throne room, to pay a visit to Nightmare. As you were walking then you felt kinda watched.
'Maybe horror's planning on, how to chop you into peaces after you are alone.'
But as you were planning your funeral, then you see something jump right infront of your face. It was no other than the skeleton himself, horror. He had a devilish grin on his face and bloodthirsty eyes.
"Here you are kitten" he said, also did he just call you as a pet name?! Well you are with cat ears and a tail, but that doesn't excuse him for calling you that.
"Goddamnit horror, we can't kill 'er yet" fell said, kinda angry.
"Oh don't worry I ain't killing her... yet. But anywho, I can't really have some fun anymore, so I will just be on my way" he said and left as fast as he came.
You and fell continued your jorney to the throne room.
You push open the large doors and enter. You see a very goopy skeleton sitting on his throne and having a not so good time. Nightmare looks over at the guests and blushes at one of them, but nobody can see it.
"'Ey boss, th' human woke up wit' 'ese and wants to get rid of 'em" fell told Nightmare and he just sighs and snaps his fingers. You hear a little 'poof' and you emmidietly touch your head, to see if the cat ears are gone. They are!
"T-thank you... umm" you start talking seeing that you not olny forgot speech again, but you also didn't quite knew what to call him.
"'My king' is good enough, now scram!" he said and you thank him again to just be sure. And leave the room. Fell starting to walk away, but Nightmare calls him back.
So its just you trying to get yourself back in your room... in a castle where there are murduress skeletons. And one who just really wants to you to be dead. Or there is more than one. Who know's, because everyone execpt you in this castle wants you dead.
You thankfully made it to your room, without horror in your way again and are ready to flop yourself on the bed. Until the door opens behind you. You turn your head just to see who it is. And its swapfell, or as he wants you to call him 'master'. Atleast you aren't that afraid anymore, knowing that they can't hurt you until Nightmare says so.
"My god, this room is in an apsulute mess, dust was right you are lazy!" he yelled. And also you already knew that you were lazy, so nothing new to that. Second of all, your room wasn't that messy. Execpt for the bed and the rug being on the bed and the food you were supposed to eat was completily dewaowered, and the plate just sat there being all messy. Ok, so your room wasn't as clean as you remembered it to be, but... okay there weren't any buts(heh butt).
"I must make you do chores to, so you wouldn't be that lazy. And also we can't just let you live here for a while, rent free!" he yelled angrily, but quiet enough that your ears didn't explode. He grabbed your wrist and started dragging you somewhere. You followed and you made it to a washing room. There were some bloody and dusty and dirty clothes. There were those taller guard skeletons again, who seemed to be doing chores.
"Nightmare papyruses, I have found you another helper" he said to these so called nightmare papyruses.
"But m' lord, you just had filled the last spot, if there is anymore people then-"
"I DONT CARE, now who has been here the longest!"
"M-me m' lord"
"Gongrats you are getting a break and the human will take his place" he finished and left the room. You just stood there with now more skeletons, to give you anxiety.


(A/N): hello, im very sorry that I haven't updaited a while, but heres the next chapter what is still pretty short. I hope you guys liked it and hope im not lazy for the next few days.

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