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Your raccoon buddy seems to be friends with you now. You named him Fiddle. How did I know it was a boy? Let's just say he had kneeled over to grab some of the bread crums...
Anyway, Fiddle starts to seem okay, with him being your new roommate. He doesn't hide underneath your bed anymore and is kinda okay, with you petting him. You do really want to know how to take care of raccoons, because Fiddle already is a handful. With him running all around the place and playing with you a lot more than dogs or other animals. I wish I could use my phone to just google it up. But your phone was left in your bag. What was taken away from you when you first got here sadly. You have to ask Nightmare about this...
Okay calm down (Y/N), no negative feelings in your room, only positive.
God I feel like a hippie. I had nothing against them, I just found it weird on how they are so positive all the time?
Okay, back to thinking on how to know how to take care of a raccoon. Maybe I can ask that smart skeleton..? But I still have to get Nightmares premission.
Oh god the guy is everywhere.
"Nightmare can I do this, can I do that, can I eat, can I sleep?" Why is he holding me here like this, can't he just kill me, so he won't have to do more work for a weakling like me who can't even take care of theirselves without being negative all the time. A weakling who is just a waste of space. A weakling who was too weak to fucking live...

You felt someone grab onto your leg. It was Fiddle. You didn't notice that you had slowly fallen onto your knees.
Was... was he hugging you..?
You haven't had a hug in so long. The last time when you did have it was with your mom who was trying to comfort you. You remember crying a lot that night. You must have failed her...
But it is nice to have someone hug you once again. You grabbed Fiddle and placed him on you lap and hugged him. Suprisinlgy he didn't flinch. He was confused, but you somehow knew he was helping. You felt tiers on your face. You wonder when was the last time you had actually cried silently.
You whisper a thank you to Fiddle.
"Now wait here I'm going to go ask Nightmare for food and on how to take care of you" you had said and left the room. You wiped your tears and start walking towards Nightmares room. You like to call it that, because he doesn't leave it until special occasions. (Or the writer just got tired of writing throne room in every chapter)

You had bumped into a skeleton. You should really start learning how to look infront of you when walking. Wich skeleton did I bump into today. Drumroll please...*drums*
It was swapfell!
He flinched and did a 'tch' kind if noise.

"Human, you remind me of my human back at my AU, you both are weak and stupid." Said swapfell and also what really is a AU and... did he really just say he has another human with them..? Oh that poor soul of them, I hope they're okay. But anyway, your back to being positive.
"Oh I'm sorry that I had bumped into you, I was lost in thought, rasberry" you tried your best to feel positive over the nickname.
It is funny, yeah funny things are positive. And you can't fake being negative anymore today or a long while. For just being sad for a little while. You stupi- NO. Deep breath's. It is okay to be sad, just right now you need to be happy. You are doing great.

Despite not really believing in what you just thought, but it is positive thinking.
"Now umm, if you excuse me then I'll just-"
"I have to say that you are quite beautiful for a human. Maybe I will just bring you to my place and I will make you my toy~" had said swapfell, who also had cut you up. Ah yes, lets turn this into a positive comeback.
"I am quite sorry, but I cannot come. I am quite already uncomfortable here" you are already uncomfortable with talking to skeletons.
"I wasn't asking you anyway." he said, rude much. You try again to walk past him. But he didn't seem to allow it, because your poor wrist has been grabbed mercilessly again.
"But you are quite adorable aswell, I can't stop looking at your cute face." he had grabbed your hand and spun you around. You were a bit dizzy after that. But your wrist was feeling free now. You looked down to indeed see that it is free. And rasberry was nowhere to be seen.

'This is getting weird now... with Nightmare giving me raccoons and rasberry saying sweet thin- wait no. Not sweet, but... okay I admit. They are sweet, but I can't just accept them like that! He has been the most normal one here though. Okay enough" you felt yourself blush a bit at that stupid stupid thought.

You continue walking into Nightmare's room and soon you do get there. You always have took the same way to get there. You aren't even as scared to go there anymore.

You opened the door and oh glory oh gracios, Nightmare is still sitting on his chair looking bored.
"H-hello Nightmare"
"If you want, then I can let you go eat everyday." he said and you were shocked. First he gives you a random ass raccoon and now he is nice to you. What has this world come to. You are very thankful, that he does let you eat more now, but this is just weird.
"I also had noticed your next plan... so. You are trying to be positive til I get pissed at you, huh" you just want to go eat burgers, you didn't ask for this.
"But I have to say, that you are pretty strong to have lasted this long. Yes you had your downs, but you are a lot more positive now. .. ...
Of course this is getting on my nerves, but I'm not getting rid of you anyway. You see, I quite like you around here. All those negative emotions. You are strong... but not for long.

You can go eating on your own today." he said and you just walk off. How fantastic. He thinks you are going to lose. But hey, you don't need cheerleaders for everything. You have yourself and Fiddle. That is enough for you.

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