Early chrastmas fluff

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(A/N):" so umm hello... I haven't really made any new chapters. I'm just quickly going to apologise to that with some fluff, cuz who doesn't like it? Also to the ones still reading this, then just wanted to let you know that this chapter is not part of the main story, this is just some random fluff I guess? Anyway enjoy!"


*(Y/N)'s pov:*

I can't say that I'm a big christmas fan... I know it's fun and everything, but because of not knowing I was a ghost and being ignored on my birthdays, easter and on those stuff. Then I don't really know what family's do during christmas.

'Another wrong move..' I thought to myself. I was knitting, I haven't had my phone since I got here, so I cant really find myself doing anything else.

I had borrowed two knitting needles from Error. And I got some red string from Nightmare. He just grabbed some from another AU.

Finnaly I finished my knitting, there were some few not so good places and holes. But you can become better at it in the future.

You had knitted a tiny santa hat for Fiddle.

Now was just the problem, that you had to try and get it on him...

Fiddle was eating some eggs with vegetables. He seemed peacfull enough on not to notice you, if you would sneak up behind him. And thats what you did.

Long story short, your hands are madly scratched by tiny raccoon hands and the same raccoon is looking adorable with a santa hat.

"(Y/N)!!!" yelled a skeleton. You had to turn around to understand wich one it was, because they all sound almost the same. And you saw Killer, who had thrown their hands up in the air happily. Who also had scared you querter to death, because this happens a lot.

"Merry giftmas!" he joyfully yelled at you.
"Merry chris- wait did you say... giftmas..?" did I just hear him say it wrong or is this somekind of skeleton holiday I don't know about.
"Yeah giftmas... yaknow, presets and stuff..?"
"Yeah, but isn't it called christmas, not giftmas..?"
"Oh yeah, you're from the surface! Us monsters you see also have a similar tradition, were they are pretty much the same holiday, but have slight diffrences. Such as the start of our tradition and some others" Killer said smartly. He seemed proud on his choice of words.
"Oh" was all you could say back to him. You didn't really know what to anwser anyway.
"Well... happy giftmas I guess..?" you said to him.
"And happy christmas to you!" he said back. He looked down on your hands and saw cuts.
"Hey what happened there?" he pointed to your hands.
"Oh, I uhh.. tried to make Fiddle wear a christmas hat, he didn't really like the idea, but I got it on him." you said and looked at Fiddle. It wasn't on him anymore... all of your efforts wasted... what did you do to deserve this..?

*Horror's pov:*

'I wanted to scare (Y/N) with my new scary santa costume, the humans call it krampus or something. But anyway it looked scary.
I jump into (Y/N)'s room with my arms up and making a scary face, but she somehow didn't even notice me, she was sitting on the ground and... she seemed sad... why..?
I noticed Killer next to her...

w h a t d i d h e d o..?

I glare at Killer and went next to (Y/N) and went behind her and hugged her beack. I don't really know what to do when people are sad, so I guess this is the best option right now.
She tensed up. She touched my head.
Don't take it away. Let me stay here holding you for eternety. And I will let noone touch you.
"Horror what are you doing?" she asked. I thought her voice would have been sad, but instead I had heard confusion.
"How did you know it was me?" I asked her jokingly.

"Well your jacket is blue, so your either Killer, Dust or you horror. And then I touched your head and felt your crack so I know this was you." she anwsered happily, I don't know how, but I think she was smiling while saying that.

Her just being happy made my soul do a couple of backflips. I closed my eyes enjoying the moment.

Suddenly (Y/N)'s soft warm body was gone from my embrace. I open my eyes to see Killer holding her.

"Getting a bit touchy horror? Well she isn't your pillow so scram off!" Killer said territorality, he had used his magick to grab (Y/N)'s soul and now is hugging her.

My (Y/N)

This made me angry I guess, I noticed it when I felt my hand going into a fist.
"(Y/N) can you go out for a second?" I said with a fake smile. I can't start fighting when she's around, cuz she doesn't like it when we fight.
"Why?" she asked.
"Oh it's nothing just wanted to have a little friendly chat, with Killer ya'know" I anwsered. She didn't seem to buy it. I don't really like lieing to her, but if I want her to offically be mine then I will have to fight this piece of shit. So I have to make a good excuse.
"Cuz we uhh... are having a giftmas party!" I blurted. (Y/N) and Killer were looking at me confused. I gave Killer the look of:
"Don't say I lied and go with it", he nodded.
"Yeah, were uhh... yeah giftmas party, were doing it. With a giftmas tree and everything" he said. He didn't seem to say it because of being scared, but also so (Y/N) couldn't see us fighting.
I looked at (Y/N) to see if she was buying it this time... and I guess she was because her eyes were lit up with sparkles.
"Geez you must really like gifmas" I said.
"Well I mean yes I guess..? It's just that I haven't celebrated christmas in years and I would love to be appart of it again." she said.
"Okay, but can we have that chat now?" Killer suprisingly asked. (Y/N) nodded and left the room.
"HORROR WERE FUCKED!!!" Killer yelled at me.
"What do you mean..?" I asked. He slapped the back of my head.
"You dummy, we have to have a giftmas party for her TONIGHT!!" He yelled again, I scratched my head where Killer had slapped me. But he has a point. We can't let (Y/N) down like this! She hasn't had such a party in years. But how are we supposed to have one even? 


We gotta ask him.

"I'll go ask the king" I said.
"I'm coming with you" he said.
"Because I can't have you do all the work or (Y/N) will think that your special. And I really would love to have her gaze on me."
"You better be joking or I will turn this chat into an actual battle"

(A/N):" So another reminder that this isn't part of the story. And ughh I'm going to try and finish the second part tomorrow, if I don't then theres going to be a long chapter when christmas arrives... anyway hope you enjoid!

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