The castle

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(Y/N) pov:
I look around to see a throne room. 'Well fuck, i got kidnapped' was all I could think. I continue to look around the room what is pretty dark and see a weird gooey skeleton with tentacles sitting on a throne. He also wore a jacket and some basketball shorts, what of course were also gooey.
"Human, welcome to my castle. I am Nightmare the king of this place. You are going to be a prisoner here and we can do anything we desire." said this so called king Nightmare.
"W-we?" 'shit I stuttered'. He looked at me and grinned madly. He snapped his fingers and a lot of skeletons teleported to the room.
"Huh, what now Nightma-" the edgy skeleton stopped to look at me and smiled lustfully. All the skeletons seemed to look the same but at the same time totally diffrent.
"Swapfell, bring our prisoner to the dungiens" said Nightmare and I could feel someone grab my wrist harshly. Of course it was a skeleton but he seemed to be a bit shorter than the others. He looked like the edgy skeleton, but he was wearing somekind of black armor and a red scarf. He also had a small crack in his eye.' I wonder what happened'.
Said skeleton then looked at me and said:
"So whats your name pet, my name is swapfell, but you will adress me as master."
'Interesting nickname' I thought to myself sarcastically.
"My n-name is (Y-Y/N)." why did i stutter AGAIN. Am I actually scared of these skeletons.
The skeleton seemed plaesed of me being scared of him. We made it to the dungiens and I could see a lot of corpses and dust. There also were taller skeleton kinda guards, who I guess guarded the place so noone would escape. Well they won't catch me trying to escape, because I would already be gone when they go to check on me. 'Master' and me then made it to a celldoor with a lot of locks on it. He opened it and showed me inside. He locked the door and left.
I waited a few minutes before I will use my magic. When I decided that it was the right time then I teleported to a room, what I hope nobody used.
I opened my eyes to see black stone walls and ... wait im still in the cell. Of course why did I forget the olny way to use my damn magic. I look around to find a sharp rock or something. But apperantly this cell has a knife here. Perfect. Problably the last person used it for something.
(Warning self - harming)
I take the knife and make a little cut near my left wrist, which has a few scares there already. The knife tearing a hole in the skin, as the blood starts oozing out. I put my mouth near the wound and start licking it. Tasting the metallic flavour it has and feeling my body growing powerful. I this time really teleport to another room. I see that noone's here thankfully. It was a pretty small room and with some brooms. It must be a closet.
I start using my powers to see that where the fuck am I. It seems like im in a diffrent world, but this world was build by Nightmare. 'Ok, but I didn't come here for history lessons, I came into this closet so I can find a way back home. Nobody will care, but I will. I want to feel safety for once. I haven't felt that in a long while...
Anyway I can get out of here trough a magical portal, but I need to be in a very magical room to do that. And luckily my magic can find the place.


Its Nightmares throne room.
Well know im just going to spy on him until he decides to leave the room.
I try to open a window but it didn't last long until it broke into pieces. Im running low on blood. I break my recent woond again with my fingers. It broke and I lick it again feeling power inside of me. I try to open a window again and it opened fully. Now nightmare can't see me, but I can see him.

(Time skip brought to you by (Y/N) uneated burgers)

It's been a few hours and I can feel my magic runnin low again for the forth time. I do the usual, break my wound and lick the blood, feel the magic growing inside me. I look back at the window and see Nightmare talking to one of the skeletons. It was the edgy one. I can't hear through the window so that is a shame. But I can lip read a little bit. Well... this is going to be hard, because skeletons don't have lips. 'Ok, ok, something about a prisoner... a human... escaped. Oh' they're talkin' about me. Woops, looks like im busted. They are kinda arguening. And I see them running out of the room. 'This is my chance' i thought to myself. I closed the window and teleported to the throne room.
My heads a little dizzy but im kinda used to it. I look around to see if anybodys in here. But there isn't. Now I just have to break my wound for the fifth time, to gain enogh power to make a portel to my universe.
I lick my broken wound now having enogh power to go 'home'. With the help of this room it becomes easier to make a portal. I concertrate on my hands and see a small tot that is slowly growing bigger. The portal is almost big enogh to go through, olny a little bit more.
I did it. The portal to my room is right infront of me. I was about to go through it until a black tentacle grabbed me again. I looked behind me in horror, fearing the worst and im afraid that it is the worst. It was Nightmare.


(1013 words)
(A/N): yay I did a new record at the words. UwU. Now i hope you liked this long chapter and if there is someone reading this then thank you for reading my garbage. See ya tomorrow.

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