Forced escape

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*Ink's pov*

"Another AU down... UGH!! What am I going to do??!? It's been almost a whole YEAR, since the stupid ghost went missing. Aaaaaauuuuuhhhh, what am I going to do, what if Nightmare uses it as a way to destroy more AU's like Error?!? I can't have that, I can't dissapoint the creators. No, I can't." I kept on talking to myself.
It helps me calm down with yelling out my frustration.
Sometimes it makes Blue concerned, but eh. I'm sure this is normal enough to get used to.
Blue and Dream have been also working they're ass off, for trying to find the ghost. But so far it seems as if its only keeped in one AU...
What makes it harder for us, because well finding wise.
Its almost as if it's a game of hide and seek. And were supposed to be the seekers apperantly. Man I havent played that game in a loooong while. Or any games in fact. I should problably go take a little brake from whatever I was doing and I'll be right back...

"INK!" a familiar loud voice yells at me.
"We were supposed to search for the huma- for the ghost!!!"
Hah, he still hasn't gotten the idea of that its a 'ghost' in his head. Wow, must still think its a person. How sad.

All that we need to do, is get the ghost to Reaper and not start giving a thing about it. I just want this stupid job to be done already... I want to go back to the Doodle Sphere.

"GUYS!!! I asked around and turns out that Killer and Cross go to get chocolate from the same store every now and then!! We should follow them when we seem 'em!!" Dream yelled.
YES, finnaly. Somthing that leads me closer to my freedom...

*(Y/N)'s pov*

Ah, it's so nice to go to the citchen on my own, finnaly I can get as much food as I want, without Nightmares ho- very intimidating voice that I don't like.

I see Error in the kitchen, well isn't that a rare sight. Didn't know he even needed to eat. Isn't he like a god or something..?

"Oh! HeY... HoW.. HoW's iT gOinG..?" Error asked shily, must still be a bit embarrased. Maybe he's not use to this stuff.
Heh, it's funny how I literly just called him a god and now hes here like a cute girl trying to ask out a crush.

"I'm doing fine, thank you for asking" I said and gave a smile with it.
Why did I smile? Nightmare made it very clear, that the smiling and fake positivity wont work on my escape.
I haven't thought of it for a long while. Am I really starting to see this place as home..? Stockholm syndrome much?

"WeLl... thAT's gOoD, I'm DoiNg gOod tOo..."
"WoUlD yOu lIke tO wAtcH sOmE UnderNovela... wItH mE..? The god of destruction asked.

'Maybe I don't need to escape...'

"Yeah sure, I'd love to" I anwsered him. Hes so sweet.
He just gave a shy thumbs up and teleported away.

Anyway I wanted muffins.
I go to the freezer, I hope Horror didn't eat the whole thing empty again. He should go out and buy himself snacks like Killer and Cross do. They don't raud the kitchen until theres nothing left.


Was that me opening the freezer so loud..?
Man, I never get the food I want.


Aah! Okay that defenetly wasn't my imagination.


Whats going on???

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