The girl in the back of the class

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Im (Y/N) (L/N) and lets just say that I'm almost invisible. Because of me having depression is making me back off social interaction. Yes I have depression just like a lot of other people, what im trying to say is that im not really special and I've got a boring life. I have a weird thing for blood... and by that I mean I like to lick/suck it alot. But of course I just don't do it for fun, i somehow have magical powers. How ironic right. Well in tv shows, when someone has super powers then they turn into crime fighting heroes, but of course not on they'r own. They usually tell they're friends about it and bla bla bla they become superheroes. Now I tried telling it to my friends when i accedently teleported from my house to the park. They didn't believe me and wanted proof, so when i tried to do it again then it didn't work. My 'friends' then called me delusional and crazy. Lets just say that they weren't my friends anymore after that. And they told everyone in the school of the crazy girl seeing things and noone came close to me. It kinda traumatized me and made me think that what's wrong with me. Later on I learned how to make my powers work and that was... the thing I was talkin' about earlier. Licking/sucking my blood. Sometimes i have been thinking if im a vampire but i hope not, because of the whole bit me and I will become a vampire thing. Ok Im getting off topic. Anyways I am capable of teleportation, I can also do almost anything i desire honestly.
Ok so that's me. Im glad that i could introduse myself to myself.

I wake up from my sleep, looking around if im still in my room and fortunately I am. I pack my bag and am ready to go to school. I climb down the ladder that brings me on the second floor. Yes I live in an attick, but atleast noone will bother me there and it's cozy. I walk down the staires and see my mum making breakfast for my dad, my siblings (if you have any), and herself. I have to make food myself, cause my parents are declining my existance (also your siblings again if you have them). I make toast and eat it and leave the house. I close the front door and start walking to my school. I look around to see humans and monsters walking around. Some small some tall, some larger some skinnier. Monsters were saved from the underground by a human child and now they live happily with us. Its weird to think that it happened two years ago.                         I make it to the school house and proceed to get into class. I sit at my desk what is at the back of the class. Cause I mean, I am the girl who is sitting there


(A/N): So this was my first chapter at this book and I hope you enjoy it. If you didn't then its fine because im not gonna change it and if this isn't your style then you can find other stories what are about x reader stuff. Now Im going to go make the next chapter cause why not.

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