Part 37

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A lonely dandilion... sitting on your nightstand... But not like it was actually sitting ya'know, with legs and a spine and maybe with like crossed legs, no not that... sorry...that was stupid.

The dandilion was really pretty though, it must have been just picked... but where?
I look outside just incase, to see if it's spring or somthing. But no, still everything was dark and gloomy. The grass might as well be coloured black!

You have to grab watter for the dandilion, to keep it alive!
Today should be eating day, but i have to be quick, i dont want it to die, even if it's considered a weed.

I quickly out on some comfortable clothes, kiss Fiddle on the forhead and run out to Nightmares throne room, to ask.
I remember the one time, when I thought I didn't need to ask him for premission, but he caught me and was very angry. He yelled at me, to only go when he says so, to only eat if he says so.. man his very controlling- I haven't thought about it for a while. And I didn't want to go without premission again, because when I say how scary he was when yelling, then imagine it 5 times worse.
Anyway, there I was, running. I am very out of shape, I haven't had the need to run for a while.
But I made it there, a panting mess. I didn't see Nightmares face, but I did hear a very quiet gasp.
You're still trying to catch your breath, so you raise a finger, signaling to give you a minute.
"Huff, puff, Nightmare! Huff, can I go puff, huff eating today puff?" you tried to speak, when still not having a lot of breath, but you are in a hurry.

"Sure, but why did you run here?"Nightmare asked.
I don't want to say, that I ran here, to keep Killers dandilion alive, that might make Nightmare angry towards him.
Okay think (Y/N), think..

"I.. I was huff, thirsty!" You mentally slapped yourself. You sometimes were good at lieying, but only if you had time to think ahead, just coming uo with stuff on the spot was never your specialaty.

"...ya'know" you heard Nightmare sit up from his throne and walk towards you. You look up and you can't tell the expression he was wearing.
"... I don't really believe what you said.. (Y/N)..." he was walking even more closer, soon you realised, that he had pinned you.
Let me honest with myself for a second, I never wanted to aknowledge the fact of how tall he is... yes he was taller than the other sanses, but he was taller than four Fiddles, Fiddle himself was half as tall as you, but still a little bit shorter than that.
So Nightmare had to phisically bend down and he was still taller.

"So know this.." he came closer to your ear.
"I don't like liars~" you felt shivers going down, not from your spine, but from everywhere. Nightmare pulled away from your ear and seemed to be waiting for the real anwser.

"I... I wanted to keep... my dandilion alive.." You refused to get Killer in trouble, he problably deserves it, but hes been through a lot.
"Where did you get the dandilion from.?" Nightmare asked, not going further from my face. To be fair, it made me blush alot.
"I- I don't know, it- it was there when I woke up" you anwsered, again, you knew who it was from, but you refused to rat him out.



"...alright then.. and so you wont have to run here anymore, why can't I allow you to go eat anytime you want, but you can still come visit me~" he said and backed off, you were blushing, but you slowly started moving away, with a quiet "thank you".
"No problem!" Nightmare yelled back as you were already leaving the room.

Okay, so now he didn't yell at you, thats good, but instead you felt violated-

Oh, so know he let's you go eat whenever you want to. I guess it's better, than not having it.

You start running again towards the kitchen, to only get a glass of water. You saw Horror there again. You said a quick "hello" grabbed your cup, filled it with water and tried to run without spilling the water.
You put your hand over the... drinking place..? I don't know how it's called. And continued running. The idea worked, but your hands were very wet.
After a bit, you made it to your room.
The dandilion was okay! Thank god.
You grab the dandi and put it in the water. The dandilion looks alot more happier.

So you decide to go and tell Killer thank you, it must have taken him alot of time, if he found one in these dark places.
You bumped into someone, whats with you and bumping into skeletons? You look to see who it is and its Error, he was glitching out again. Then why didn't he glitch out yesterday? Dunno, you decide to wait til hes done, so you can apolagise that you walked into him and made him have a windows shut down.

Finnaly when he was done, he looked at you. Apperantly maybe to see who touched him.
"Hey, glad your back... sorry that I walked into you, I didn't mean to"
"Oh, It's oKaY..." He said.

There was an awkward silence.
"OkaUmm..." you both accedentaly said at the same time.
"You go first" he looked a bit nervos.
"Uhh, WhAt dId yOu tHink oF, tHe dandilioN..?"
Wait... did he get me the dandilion..? Oh no, the whole time I thought it was Killer, but it was actually Error!
"Oh, it was lovely-"
"BUt iT's nOt Like I wantEd tO gIve yOu it- I mEan I dId, bUt nOt liKe in thE wAy thaT I likE yOu, I mEan I dO liKe yOu, jUst nOT in ThE 'LiKe likE' wAy. IT wAs suppOseD tO bE, tHaT I wAntEd tO saY sOrrY..." he said shily. Okay that was adorable.
"Haha, thanks" you also gave him a thank you smile, you didn't really mean to, but it came out accedently.
He blushed a bit and went the other direction.
But then he came back?
"WrOng wAy.." is what you heard and you didn't see him anymore.
Well, I guess you can go eat away the food you have been hoarding, it might go bad soon..


(A/N):" Heyyy... miss me..? So I apolagise that I haven't written anything, schools been f'ing me in the ass. But I hope you like the chapter and I hope for myself to not keep on making this long caps between the chapter making. Anyway bye bye!"

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